Stas Karimov - biography, personal life, photo, news, "house-2", after the project, Oscar Karimov 2021



On December 18, 2020 it happened impossible - TNT TV channel announced the cessation of a scandalous reality show, "where lonely hearts are looking for each other." The infinite "Dom-2", who fell into the Guinness Book of Records, in 16 years a lot of bright participants presented, among whom Karimov's brothers from the Republic of Bashkortostan also remembered. In the middle of zero, Stas conquered the heart of Olga Buzova itself to Roman Tretyakov, and Oscar - Ksenia Borodina.

Childhood and youth

On December 14, 1980, in the small Bashkir city of Belebechi, the twins of Stas and Oscar were born in Karimov's spouses, who already had an elder brother. Children from an early age did everything together - they were in creativity and were fond of dancing, sports, music.

As a child, the boy fanator from the legendary Bruce Lee, sincerely admiring the abilities of the actor and the masters of martial arts, inspired to seek the desired result.

At the end of the local school number 17, the teenager entered the machine-building technical school, where he adored the type of drawing. The latter was useful in the future for development in the printing design and creating logos and outdoor advertising.

About the family biography of the former participant of the popular telestroy information provided a bit. It is known that Grandfather Abdrakhim Khamitovich Karimov, who appeared on January 15, 1923 and who left this world on February 3, 1998, passed the whole of the Great Patriotic War.

Grandmother Agafia Timofeevna Petunin, who worked in the Ufa Pharmacy, in March 1943, sent to sanitary echelon. Sergeant duties included with dressing material and medicines. But in a military setting, everyone made a maximum effort to save the life of the Red Army soldiers.

From the autumn of 1944, medical unit was located on the main Berlin direction. It was especially difficult to winter when the liberation of Poland and the battle under Poznań - nothing remained, except to take into the hands of weapons and defend.

The German capital, where the front sister met the long-awaited victory, was remembered by a large number of wounded. Returning home with the Order of the Red Star and Medals "For the Liberation of Warsaw", "For the capture of Berlin" and "For the victory over Germany," she began her work again, and after retirement, it was settled in the factory profilatory.

"House 2"

Brothers Karimov turned out to be among the first "15 cool people on the project" Dom-2 ". The company then amounted to Olga Nikolaev, Stepan Menchikov, Alexander Nelidov, Anastasia Kapranov, Evgeny Abuzyarov, Elena Berkova, Sergey Kovalev, Zinaida Holk, Konstantin Shadravka, Olga Kravchenko, Natalya Veretennikova, Zhinduk Zalina and Marina Mousekova.

The latter attracted a simple manager Stas, and the couple hurried to move into a separate room. Before that, none of the participants could not boast of participants. But a joint accommodation did not help in love to get close to and find a common language - the quarrels who led to parting.

After that, the young man could not build any prolonged relationships (although girls came to him from all over the country), for which he received the nickname eternal bachelor. Everything has changed when Belebetsy has twisted a short affair with Olga Buzova, subsequently flirting Tretyakov's novel.

Stas Karimov and Olga Buzova

Anastasia Dasko became the next passion, with which Stanislav was not immediately, but still drove into the VIP-house. However, no serious ended and it was - Nastya began to meet with Sam Seleznev. Having been not long alone, in June 2005, Karimov left a reality show.

"To the show now I'm not very good. Everything here seems to be insincere, talked. Nowadays there was no such time, everything was somehow easier, without a script. Scandals, provocations and so on, what is there today - for us it was abnormal, we respected each other. Now participants have only mercenary goals, "he admitted in an interview in 2018.

After the project

Immediately after the project, Karimov began to try the forces in DJing - popularity came to him after the speeches in the open-hearth club "Good!". The young performer was noticed and began to invite with a house-sets to various cities of Russia, and soon touring spread to the near abroad. In parallel with this, he learned the intricacies of the profession of the widget.

In 2009, Dvj Karimov participated in the Liquid Beach Festival festival in Crimea and on Maevka "Kazantipa" in Sevastopol, organizing Open-Air "Golden Beach" in Yalta. During the "Crimean Vacation", Stas recorded special copyrights for the far road, and in the fall went to Europe.

In 2010, the Ex-Star "House-2" turned out to be the first DJ, speaking in the Artek camp, and in 2011, in the center of Moscow, his night bar "Matryoshka" appeared. The artist developed not only in solo work, but also felt comfortably and as part of the Karimov Brothers Duet, writing and original mixes, and remixes on popular songs.

Karimov owned his own promotional group Good Promo and taught in Music Academy, and now sells in Brain Production, offering customers a broad spectrum video production services (creating commercials, animations, infographograph, branded screensavers, etc.). As your hobby, the musician pointed out the printing and web design.

Personal life

The personal life of Stas does not hide, willingly by sharing photos of loved ones in instagram account:

"Everything is fine and stable here. Since 2006, nothing has changed: I'm still married to my beloved Elena. We live happily. Together we bring up the daughter of the mind and together we are engaged in social projects - we hold festivals, organize sporting events, arrange holidays. "

Spouse Elena Meshcherina Artist met in Moscow thanks to work. She promoted the brothers Karimov, and soon the official relationship was smoothly flowed into the romantic. Together with the family of DJ, the Vidge and the videographer lives in Cheboksary, where once a couple with his wife opened his own store and the club "Good!", Often visiting Moscow on debt.

The second half makes projects for the tourist information center of the city and draws up the embankment. Daughter pleases parents with excellent studies and successes in painting and sports. At the age of 13, the girl already owns a black belt on Taekwondo.

Stas Karimov now

Karimov continues to develop and improve musical terms.

It regularly pools fans with new products, both separately (DJ Karimov) and in Tandem with a brother (Karimov Brothers) and is the official remixer of the Black Star label, Archer Music and Umig Music. At the same time, Stas did not throw it a video office, nor the design.

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