Pavel Krashinnikov - biography, personal life, photos, news, deputy of the State Duma, amendments to the Constitution 2021



Pavl Krasheninnikov, Pavel, made a crucial contribution to the formation and development of the country's legal system. His biography is the story of a phenomenal take-off from a provincial lawyer to the Minister of Justice and the State Duma deputy.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Vladimirovich Krasheninnikov was born on June 21, 1964 in the city of Polevsky Sverdlovsk Region, his parents - construction builders. Mother's father was a revolutionary, participated in the storming of the Winter Palace, but the grandfather's grandfather did not attend the Soviet government, because of which the family was exiled. The Krashennikov family worked in Cherepovets, in Leningrad (Senior Brother Paul - Sergey was born there), and a year after the birth of the second son, he received an apartment in Magnitogorsk.

Pavel Krasheninnikov in youth

He studied Paul in Magnitogorsk High School No. 62. The young man liked humanitarian items, but Mathematics, physics and chemistry disliked. At least once a week, the future lawyer had to defend their rights in street fights as a child. In 1983 he graduated from a construction and mounted technical school.

The service in the army passed in the aviation part located in Voronezh. Enrolled in the Sverdlovsk Law Institution named after R. A. Rudenko in the specialty "Laws". By the way, lectures on the right at the institute read the future Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov, later became the victim of the compromising.

To feed the family, Krashinnikov began to provide legal assistance, leaseing the room in the supermarket: he was engaged in divorces, he performed in court, and at night worked as a guard in the product. Having received a higher education, entered the graduate school, and then received a proposal to work as a teacher.

The young specialist published comments on the draft laws proposed for public discusses and in 1990 became an expert of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. In 1991, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of law, and in 1996 he received a doctoral degree.

Career and politics

In 1993, he received an offer to work from the Committee on Construction and Investments and moved to Moscow, becoming the deputy head of the Gosstroy Management Department. From 1993 to 1996 he worked as a head of office in the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Despite his youth, politician was brilliantly erudite and educated, knew legal practice. In the summer of 1997, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Justice, and after the replacement of the government became Minister. He was part of the Security Council of Russia, represented the Government of the Russian Federation at the Federal Assembly.

After coming to the post of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Krasheninnikova was resigned, and he left the state service - began to lead the Russian school of private law, where he worked until 2010. He headed the board of "Association of Lawyers of Russia".

5 times was elected to the deputy of the Lower Chamber of Parliament of the Russian Federation. In 1999, he became a deputy from the Union of Right Forces block and took the position of chairman of the Committee on Legislation. In 2003, having noticed at a single-member district of Magnitogorsk, since the ATP did not pass to the parliament, entered the Fraction "United Russia", since 2005 he became a member of this party.

In 2007 and 2011, he was elected a deputy from the Republic of Bashkortostan, and in 2016 - from the Sverdlovsk region. Preserved the status of the Chairman of the Committee on State Construction. Participated in the development of all the codes of Russian legislation, the author of aest comments to them.

He participated in judicial reform, the organization of Rosreestra, the emergence of hereditary contracts and funds. The author of the "garage" and "dacha amnesty", the law "Day for a half" for persons held in the SIZO, the initiator of the protection of regional brands - such as "Adygei Cheese" or "Bashkir Honey".

Personal life

Pavel Krasheninnikov Priviless Life to see the public is trying not to endure, but calls himself a "deep family man." With his wife Catherine met still lying next to neighboring strollers. Their fathers lived next door and were friends. Paul and Katya studied in different schools, but they were engaged together and prepared for exams. The girl graduated from the Institute for Accounting, while studying the couple got married. Now Catherine is engaged in family, it works at home by an economist, helps Pavel Vladimirovich to submit books written by him.

Krashennikov has two children: in 1989, the son of Mikhail appeared to the world, and in 1991 the daughter of Maria was born. Both children graduated from a municipal school with an in-depth study of the English language and the law institute named after O. E. Kutafina. The Son went in the footsteps of the Father, defended his candidate, now he has been working as a lawyer. Maria also graduated from the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography, fond of visual creativity and descended a series of books of the Father's books on the history of law.

Pavel Krashinnikov Now

At the beginning of 2020, he was appointed together with Senator Andrei Klishas co-chairman of the Working Group on the preparation of proposals for amending the Constitution of Russia, was engaged in popularizing the changes proposed by Vladimir. Speaking against the introduction of phrases about the "Russian People" in the preamble, emphasizing that grew up in the Urals, where representatives of different nationalities surrounded him.

He became the author of the laws aimed at bringing the legal system of Russia in accordance with the amendments, including the inviolability of the president and the "reset" of the presidential deadlines (prepared together with the deputy of Olga Savastian). He also initiated a ban on civil servants and military to have foreign citizenship or residence permit.

Published a family law textbook, written together with the Secretary of the Public Chamber Lydia Mikheeva. Presented his new historical book "Soviet law. Results: Essays about the state and the right 1962-1984. " In 2021, the continuation of the series dedicated to the period 1985-2000 should have been going out.

Not for the first time he headed the rating "The utility coefficient of deputies of the State Duma", taking first place on the activity index (the ratio of speeches and bills to the total number).

According to the project "Project", Krasheninnikov owns a plot of land with an area of ​​3.3 thousand m² in the elite settlement of the Moscow region. According to the revenue declaration, in 2019, the deputy earned 6.3 million rubles, the income of his wife amounted to 1.5 million spouses own 2 houses, 2 apartments and the LEXUS RX-350 car.


  • 1994 - Medal Anatolia Koni
  • 1999 - Magnitogorsk Honorary Citizen
  • 2003 - Friendship Order
  • 2007 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2007 - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
  • 2008 - Honor of the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2011 - Honor Government of the Russian Federation
  • 2014 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree
  • 2014 - Honorary Citizen of the Chelyabinsk Region
  • 2019 - Award "Lawyer of the Year" in the "Legal Enlightenment" nomination

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