Faith Rabkina - biography, personal life, photo, news, "What? Where? When ", husband," Instagram "2021



Vera Rabkina still in his youth hit the structure of the intellectual game "What? Where? When? ", And today it became one of the most famous connoisseurs of the club. It is always critical of himself and clearly understands what matters you could "push" and give the right answer. However, natural optimism always helps her tune in to a successful course of the game.

Childhood and youth

On July 7, 1989, in Vitebsk, a doubly event had a doubly event in Vitebsk - twins faith and Lena appeared on the world. From the 1996th girl, at an early age, he dreamed of becoming a television operator, visited Music School No. 1 and Gymnasium No. 1, where from the 5th grade with head went to the CHGK.

"Then on television was the" risk version ", which Leonid Klimovich led. Our 11-graders came out there in the final. But they graduated from school, but to continue the traditions to someone had. Then they scored children to prepare them for intellectual games. We were trained by one of the best coaches of Belarus - Sergey Krivenko, "the connoisseur in an interview.

In the debut game, the team took the penultimate place, but this did not mind her at all and did not stop. The guys did not quit the started and soon acquired a lot of deserved awards, becoming both vice-champions of Belarus, and the winners of the World Warm World Cup. "What? Where? When?".

In 2007, the girl moved to Minsk, where he entered the Linguistic University at the Faculty of English, continuing to participate in intellectual fights. She was conquered by student battles of the minds (and the same FCC, and "Brain Ring") and the Republican, and European scale.

In the family of celebrities, no one was fond of such. But after, after sister, he plunged into the world of questions and answers and Elena - a former player and coach "What? Where? When? ", Marketer, game designer and screenwriter, also obtained higher education in MGLU.

"What? Where? When?"

Faith, still being the first-grandmother MGLU, learned that the selection is being selected in the Belarusian television "What? Where? When? ", Went to the casting and successfully passed it. In 2009, as part of the team of Andrei Supranovich village at the table in the 1st season of the game."We played my first game very well. Won, but it was clear that we were waiting for a lot of work. But then I realized that the Belarusian club was home. Here I sincerely hurt for the team, which sits at the table. There are no envy and competition here, unlike Moscow. And it is meaningless to deny it, "Beloruska recalled.

In 2018, the expert performed already in the 10th season "ChGK Belarus". By this time, 36 battles remained behind her shoulders - in 11 of them they were recognized as the best player.

In 2017, Ales Mukhin gathered a new team where Vitebsk's talented natives were found, together with Stanislav Mereminsky, Nikolai Nastz, Darya Shevtsova (nightingale) and Mikhail Malkin's debuting in the summer series. On May 28, luck was on the side of the TV viewers, but after a year their rivals took revenge. Then, with a score of 5: 5, it was the version of Rabkin on the last seconds to save her and colleagues from the defeat, for which the author of the answer and received its first "crystal atom."

On September 30, the guys who were in a step from losing or triumph, pulled out victory from Mstislav Zakharov from Yekaterinburg, and on December 2, with the same Slade, Sextet walked around Ukrainian Vitaly Vakhovsky. In June 2019, experts took congratulations, but in December, with a minimum breakdown, he lost opponents.

On October 25, 2020, an expert with colleagues bypassed opponents with a minimum gap. And already on December 13, the team of Ales Mukhin, without Alesya "opened" viewers with a score of 6: 1 (meeting, in addition to the victory, was remembered by many and deep neckline of faith) and won in the final of the year a few days before the onset of the new 2021.

Personal life

At the end of the summer of 2015, the beauty married a colleague and leader of the Leibonik group Sergey Bolshekiewicz, acquaintance with which happened on the Games of the CHGK. The bride fell into a white lace dress to the knees, abandoning Fata, and the groom stopped on a classic suit with a butterfly tie.

Before you play a wedding, the lovers consisted in a romantic relationship for 7 years. During this time, the couple revealed the main secret of a happy personal life - respect mutual freedom and not compete, but complement each other. The husband is engaged in music when he wants, and his wife, if the chosen is loaded by the work, can go on a passage alone.

Spouses do not imagine themselves without traveling, as evidenced by numerous photos in "Instagram". In 2020, until the closure, they managed to visit Finland and Malaysia and get acquainted with their sights - Vera, for example, imprinted in a swimsuit in the waters of Telaga Tujuh on Langkavi Island.

Be sure to trips a couple looking into museums and galleries, because Rabkin is a big fan of fine art. Connoisseurs together go on sports workouts in the fresh air, traditionally participate in Minskhalfmarathon and raise Kotov Khmaru and Imbrik (Bengal Breed).

Vera Rabkina now

Faith took part in the summer series of games of 2021. Her team led by the captain was able to bypass TV viewers. However, for the most slave, the meeting was marked by annoying losses. She answered the question of the invention of Hara Masahiro, which was based on the game, externally resembling all the famous checkers.

The connoisseur found that it is about magnetic boards installed in offices and schools. In fact, Masahiro invented the QR code.

In an interview after the game, Rabkina shared his impressions. Despite the victory, she considered that experts could play better, and expressed hope for good luck in the final. Regarding the very question of the QR code, the connoisseur separately, calling it the best on his creative path.

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