Victor Suvorov (Vladimir Rezun) - biography, personal life, photos, news, books, writer, scout 2021



Vladimir Rezun, or Viktor Suvorov was a resident of the state recovery of the Soviet Union, after the flight abroad he became famous as the author of historical books. Fantasies on the topic of wartime caused stormy disputes in society, the works were awarded premiums and translation from English into Russian.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Vladimir Bogdanovic Tubun began in one of the villages of Primorsky Krai. He was born in April 1947 in a prosperous Soviet family.

Father, Ukrainian by nationality, received a rank officer in the army. Bogdan Vasilyevich considered the hero of the Great Patriotic War. A man who returned alive from the front, by the time the child had managed to get used to a peaceful life in the company of his wife and the new Mother of the Faith of Spiridonna Nezorevoy. In the village of Barabash Khasansky district, Spouses built a cozy house.

The education process organized by the parents suggested education. Volodya studied in a remote school and an educational institution located in the village. At the 11th age, the boy was sent to Voronezh for admission to the Suvorov School. Then he was transferred to the city of Kalinin, in the institution of CLS.

The knowledge gained at the initial stage, eventually helped to get a job in Kiev Higher Communist Party Command School named after the revolutionary Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze. There for success in studies and the diligent behavior of the native of the Primorsky Territory took into the ranks of the CPSU members.


The connotation argued that the professional career began with participation in the Danube operation in Czechoslovakia. He saw the end of the period called by historians of Prague Spring.

In the late 1960s, a young officer was appointed commander of a tank platoon belonging to a motorized rifle shelf, housed in Budapest, and then transferred to the Carpathian Military District, which united the armed forces of the Socialist Republics - RSFSR and the USSR.

Vladimir served under the leadership of Lieutenant General Gennady Ivanovich Obaturov, then hit the ranks of the political elite. In Kuibyshev, the nomenclatter worked in intelligence on junior senior positions.

In order to move on, Suvorovsky and the general official team school was not enough. An ambitious officer had to study in the Military Diplomatic Academy, created on the basis of the highest (special) intelligence school of the USSR.

In the mid-1970s, the son of the Hero of the Great Patriotic War became an employee of the secret intelligence agency of the Soviet Union. He lived for 4 years in Geneva as a resident of GRU and a secret spy. At that time, an official organization was performed at that time - permanent representation in the UN's European Branch.

In the Avtobiography "Aquarium", Rezun wrote that the military rank of major was easily received. This information was confirmed by colleagues in private conversations and interviews. The curator and the immediate supervisor assured that the slave was captain. Valery Kalina's statements have never refuted and did not confirm, so the title was the first mystery in the life of the Soviet intelligence officer who worked in Switzerland.

To the joy of historians, the second mystery associated with the disappearance of the apartment located in one of the areas of Geneva, with time revealed. The concentrant admitted that he contacted employees of foreign special services and concluded an agreement with British intelligence. The reason for such a act, some believed mistakes that led to the failure of the GRU residency in Europe. There were also assumptions that the recruitment took place against his will, with the participation of Ronald Furlong from Mi-6.

In the Soviet Union, the act of agent under cover was regarded as a conscious betrayal. The threat of the death penalty was hung over a man, in the late 1970s, justified in the UK with his family.

In the 1980s, when the feeling of fear for his own life retreated, Vladimir Bogdanovich, under the pseudonym, Viktor Suvorov began writing books about World War II. In addition, he became a tactic teacher and history in a specialized educational institution of Bristol. A strained work schedule helped a rational to forget about the country that felt and adapt to the new setting.

Historical and journalistic works about the struggle of the USSR with fascist Germany, where Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were the main actors, became world bestsellers. The "Aquarium", "icebreaker", "liberator stories", the Dilogy "Shadow of Victory" and the Trilogy "The Last Republic" were popular in the post-Soviet space.

Thanks to the demand, the Bibliography of the Rubna-Suvorov was replenished with individual artistic novels and books of various genres created in co-authorship with Mark Solonin, Michael Lady, Vladimir Bukovsky and Irina Ratushinsky. The works of "Snake", "Control", "Choice" and "Golden Echelon" were translated into Russian.

In 2010, after participating in the program "Visiting Dmitry Gordon", the "Confession of the Defense", the "Basics of Spying" and "Special Forces" was published. Despite the negative reviews, the filmms of these and other controversial works were seriously thought of filmmakers from Russia and a number of foreign countries, but most ideas still did not find incarnation on the screen.

This did not prevent the author who had a lot of life experience, to become an honorary member of the International Society of Writers and Journalists. He received the Gold Medal of Franz Kafka and a number of other honorary awards.

Personal life

During the years of study, the conversion was engaged in arranging his own personal life. In 1971, the girl who was in maturity called Tatiana Stepanovna Korzh in maturity.

After the wedding, a son, Alexander and daughter Oksana, were born in a couple of cities and countries. Some time, the scout and his wife lived in the comfortable area of ​​Moscow.

In the late 1970s, the family members followed the breadwinner in Geneva. Since then, none of the relatives returned to the USSR and Russia. The fees from the works of Vladimir Bogdanovich was acquired by real estate abroad. In the autobiography, he admitted that it was not worse than others.

Viktor Suvorov now

Now about the fate of the Tuba - Suvorov a few knows a little. It was the opinion that 2021 he will spend in the UK, where the family has a house built on money reversed from publishing books.

The native of the Primorsky Territory, who considers himself and close to representatives of Ukrainian nationality, periodically makes materials for an independent information agency, which included in the media holding Igor Kolomoisky. Sometimes his interviews with photos flashed in international political news.


Cycle "Icebreaker":

  • 1985 - "Icebreaker"
  • 1993 - "Day" M ": When did the Second World War start?"
  • 1995 - "Last Republic"
  • 1998 - "Cleansing"
  • 2000 - "Suicide"

Hot-bird cycle:

  • 1994 - "Control"
  • 1997 - "Choice"
  • 2011 - "Smereed"

Cycle "Shadow of Victory":

  • 2002 - "Shadow of Victory"
  • 2005 - "I take my words back"

Cycle "Last Republic":

  • 1995 - "Last Republic"
  • 2008 - "Holy Case"
  • 2010 - "Roll"

Cycle "Chronicle of the Great Decade":

  • 2011 - "Kuzkina Mother: Chronicle of the Great Decade"
  • 2013 - "against all"
  • 2014 - "Bakery"

Books outside the cycles:

  • 1981 - "Liberators"
  • 1982 - "Soviet Army: View from the inside"
  • 1985 - "Aquarium"
  • 1987 - "Special Forces"
  • 2008 - "The main culprit: the general plan of Stalin on the unleashing of World War II"
  • 2016 - "Soviet military intelligence: how the most powerful and most closed intelligence organization of the XX century worked"

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