Andrei Boltnyev - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, daughter Maria Boltneva



Star Andrei Boltneva shone in the domestic cinema in the first half of the 80s of the XX century. From the provincial lyciser Andrei Nikolayevich, overnight turned into an artist, whom the media called the genius.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on January 5, 1946 in the capital of the Bashkir ASSR city of Ufa. At the birth of Andrei Nikolayevich Boltneva called Andrei Vyacheslavovich Tusov. When the boy was 5 years old, his father who served in the police was died if the gang was delayed.

Soon, Andrei's mother and his senior single brother Dmitry married Captain of Far Nikolai Zakharovich Boltneva and gave birth to a third son Volodya. The school years of actor took place in the port cities - Sevastopol and Tuapse. The attitude of the future star of cinema with stepfather was so good that, when receiving a passport, the young man replaced the middle name and surname.

Although the mother of the Nina Konstantinovna family worked as a teacher of Labor, the acting was at Andrei in the blood: the biographies of his grandfather and grandmother guy on the motherboard were connected with the theater. At school, Boltnyev participated in amateur, but the playful interests of the young men were not limited. Andrei, who studied unevenly, was also interested in astronomy, and fishing, and technique.

After receiving the certificate, the boltnye, at the insistence, went to enter the Krasnodar Medical Institute, but at the first exam "grabbed" the top three. Soon the guy of high growth called to the Soviet army. Andrei's urgent service was held in the GDR.

After the demobilization, the acting heir to the acting dynasty worked for a long time on the Tuapse Nefteubase and entered the Yaroslavl Theater School. However, in the city on the Volga Boltnyev, he studied only 2 years and left to serve in the Ussuri Drama Theater. Higher education Andrei Nikolaevich completed only in 1985, already playing the most vivid roles in his filmography.


In two of the three debut masterpieces, Andrei Nikolayevich played his fathers - the sailor in Torpedon-Russian Seeds of Aranovich and the Militiaman, who hung over a gang in Stalin's times, in the picture of Alexei German "My friend Ivan Lapshin." In the third tape, the 5-serial television film of the same Aranovich "confrontation", Boltnyev created the image of the monster - the military criminal of Nikolai Krotov, 40 years after the war from the mercenary motives who returned to the murder.

The series combined an exciting intrigue, civil promise and a magnificent game of dozens of actors - from Oleg Basilashvili to Sergey Bekhtereva. However, the moles that enjoy the murders and the "disseminated" was remembered by the audience most.

Andrei Boltnyev - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, daughter Maria Boltneva 3219_1

It is curious that in all three main tapes of Boltneva, Yuri Kuznetsov starred - Future Mother Origin (Yuri Aleksandrovich Petrenko) from the Militia Saga "Street of Broken Lanterns", staged by the works of Andrei Kivinov. Alexey Germany's film was lying on the shelf for several years. When Gorbachevskaya Perestroika removed the censorship restrictions, "Ivan Lapshin" caused delight of critics and bewildered from most viewers who did not understand the innovative language of the director.

In the further artistic biography of Boltneva there were other ribbons. In the pictures "Joker" or "Mafia of Immortal", Andrei Nikolayevich played the conscience and tried to revive the role of artistic finds.

Personal life

With the future wife of Natalie Mazets Boltnyev met in the Dramatic Theater Maikop. Young people not only went on stage together, but also lived in one hostel. Although Natasha was 7 years old by Andrei, but managed to get married, divorce, survive another big love.

In Maykop's theater, Masa for the time the appearance of Boltneva has served for 2 years. Andrei at the North Caucasus was transferred from Ussuriysk to mothers protected. One of the leaders of the theater every summer shot a room in the 4-room Tuapse Apartment of Nina Konstantinovna and Nikolai Zakharovich.

The young colleagues were very interesting together, over time, the friendly relations of Andrei and Natasha turned into love. Behind the marriage of lovers blessed both pairs of parents. Natasha Father fascinated the skill of the future son-in-law on the conscience to perform any home repairs.

Masha's daughter was born at Boltneva and Mazets 6 years after the wedding. By this time, the spouses lived in a 2-bedroom apartment in the center of Novosibirsk. At first, to the parents of Natalia, those who moved to the capital of Natalia actors were given a service room, and after the death of a neighbor, the second room was departed to the boltnye and the smear. The artist turned out to be a caring and gentle father.

Andrei Nikolayevich's daughter, matured, went on parental footsteps. The Russian audience Maria Boltneva is most famous as a performer of the role of Nastya Klimenko in the TV series "Ceremc".

After the sensational success of the film "My friend Ivan Lapshin", Andrei Nikolayevich was invited to serve in the Moscow theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky. Andrei Goncharov, Chief Director promised to give a talented recruitment to the apartment in the capital of the USSR. The idea of ​​moving her husband to Moscow was supported by Natalia.

However, the expectation of the promised apartment was stretched for years. Boltnyev lived in the tiny room of the acting hostel, sising cockroaches. Spouses flew to each other. Once, Natalia even lived in her husband 2 seasons, endlessly extended office leave.

But "Happiness in the Chaolash" interrupted the telegram from Novosibirsk: Mother Mazeta, with which the actress left Masha, had a heart attack. Boltneva's wife immediately flew to Siberia. Gradually, Andrei and Natalia meets more rare, and the personal life of the actors who continued to love each other was smashed.


Accommodation in the hostel away from the family in combination with the All-Russian Glory led to the fact that in the last years of life Andrei Nikolayevich abused alcohol. The actor died in a dream on May 12, 1995. The cause of the death of Boltneva was stroke.

According to the neighbor, Andrei Nikolayevich - Sergey Yushkevich - on the eve of the tragedy, the creator of the image of Krotov complained about the headache. In the morning, Yushkevich woke up from the sound of alarm clock, non-stop ringing in the room Boltneva. When the reasoned commandant opened the door with a spare key, it became clear that Andrei Nikolayevich was dead.

Under the law, the deceased could be buried in the Russian capital only if there was a Moscow registration during his lifetime. Thanks to the promotion of Natalia Gundarere, Boltneva was registered in Moscow "rear." The grave of Andrei Nikolayevich is located on the Vostrikovsky cemetery.


  • 1983 - Torpedo'sians
  • 1984 - "My friend Ivan Lapshin"
  • 1985 - "Confrontation"
  • 1985 - "Trips on the old car"
  • 1986 - "And no one in the world ..."
  • 1986 - "I did everything that could"
  • 1987 - "Tailing, which was not"
  • 1987 - "Honor I have"
  • 1988 - "Thirteenth Apostle"
  • 1990 - "In a surf strip"
  • 1990 - "under the northern shine"
  • 1990 - "Day of Love"
  • 1990 - "Oragi"
  • 1992 - "White Clothing"
  • 1993 - "Code of Disgrace"
  • 1993 - "Mafia is immortal"

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