Andrei Illarionov - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Live Journal", Former Advisor Putin 2021



Politician, economist and community Andrei Illarionov made a dizzying career in Russia and abroad. He headed the "Institute of Economic Analysis", held senior positions in the working centers of the government, was the adviser to President Vladimir Putin and his trustee in an international club, known as the "G8", and was also a senior researcher at the Caton Institute in the United States.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Nikolayevich Illarionov was born in the fall of 1961. The early biography was connected with the Leningrad region and a small picturesque city called Sestroretsk.

Father Nikolai Andreyevich Plenkin was a philologist defending his dissertation on pedagogy, as well as by the author of articles and methodological manuals for Russian teachers. Yulia Georgievna's mother worked with university students and writing books. Despite the tight schedule, the woman was engaged in the upbringing of the son and looked after the head of the family.

In an average general educational institution, the boy studied perfectly. Satisfactory assessments on behavior, worried parents and teachers, deprived the "pyaterocarbage" of the gold medal. Despite this, a teenager, in high school, interested in politics and economy, easily passed the entrance examinations and became the first planner of the corresponding Faculty of LDA.

In school years, experiencing the need for funds for pocket expenses, Andrei worked as a postman and a methodologist of the Sestroretsky City Park. It helped to fulfill the dream of childhood: to purchase a moped LMZ and go on a journey through Karelia. The guy with the permission of parents alone crossed the experiencing, which joined the Lake Lake and the Finnish bay, and received a lot of impressions.

At the University of Illarionov explored the activities of the German national societists. As a result, he released from the university as a specialist in the field of political economy and the economy and became an assistant at the Department of International Economic Relations. After the defense of the thesis, the young man entered the teaching staff of LSU.

In his youth, developing as theoretics, Andrei collaborated with Anatoly Chubais and Sergey Vasilyev. After receiving membership in the Leningrad Club "Synthesis", he met such enlightened people as Mikhail Dmitriev, Alexey Miller, Dmitry Travin and Andrei Lankov.

In the early 1990s, the native of Sestroretsk was invited to work in a scientific laboratory at SPbGEU. The main objective of the university's division, which consisted of progressively thinking representatives of informal Russian associations was an analysis of modern processes and preparation of reform projects.

As a reward for achievements on the economic field of Illarionov, a grant from the British Council for additional education in one of the most prestigious universities of Great Britain was received. For several months, he was located in Birmingham.

Career and politics

In 1992, Illarionov interrupted training in England in order to take the place of the first service of the director in the working center of economic reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation, headed by Sergey Vasilyev. He put his hand to analytical research and development of a number of programs.

Later, he criticized the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation Viktor Chernomyrdin, regarding the state regulation of prices for the main products, and also allowed himself a sharp statement against the head of the Central Bank of Viktor Gerashchenko on the issue of monetary reforms.

In an interview with Andrei Nikolaevich, he said that he quit at his own request, after the PRRR party defeated the elections to the State Duma.

In the mid-1990s, due to the place of Vice President of the Leontief Center, there was a conflict with American scientist Jeffrey Sax. The Russian managed to maintain the position of the head and multiply its own authority.

When the Center for Socio-Economic Research lost a major foreign grand, Illarionov began to work for the government again. However, due to the negative attitude towards obtaining loans from the International Monetary Fund, Sergei Kiriyenko did not attract it to the development of projects of new reforms.

Being a Yarym Supporter of Democracy, Andrei Nikolaevich with a number of public figures of different nationalities participated in the creation of the Association "Northern Capital". After the murder of Colleagues, Galina, the Staroyarovaya Economist entered a new confrontation with the leadership of the Central Bank. This time, the subject of disputes became default and the controlled devaluation of the ruble.

In 1998, with the mediation of Minister of Finance, Mikhail Zadornov, and his Zama Alexei Kudrin Illarionov met Vladimir Putin, appointed to the position of head of the FSB. The politician who became the President of Russia, recalled the experienced economist in the early 2000s, and after a series of conversations Andrei Nikolaevich as an adviser on economic issues settled in the Kremlin.

A wrestler for the prosperous development of the state wrote scientific articles and performed at the Summit "G8". Among other things, he achieved that Russia paid the "Paris Club" debts of the USSR.

In 2005, due to discrepancies in views with leading politicians, Illarionov resigned. Having left for the opposition, the economist became with a double force to criticize government decisions. As a result, a former adviser Putin wrote the book "Word and Case", took the place of a senior researcher in one of the laboratories of the Washington Caton Institute and received a chance to watch the events in his homeland, constantly working in the United States.

Personal life

About the personal life and the family of Illarionov a bit known a little. In the mid-1990s, a US citizen worked in the Moscow branch of one of the major investment banks became his wife.

When Andrei Nikolayevich received a position in the Government of the Russian Federation, the foreigner wrote a letter of dismissal. Now she is a housewife, raising three children.

Andrei Illarionov Now

In January 2021, Materials on the assault of the Capitol presented in the Living Journal of Illarion. The article raised the issue of the right of the population to protests and legitimacy of the election of the President of the United States.

The leadership of the American Institute of Caton responded to the statements by Russian by immediate dismissal. In Washington, it began to investigate unreasonable statements containing a hint on the theory of political conspiracy of 2020 and the protection of supporters of Donald Trump.

In the comments on this occasion, Andrei Nikolayevich said that at the beginning of cooperation was interested in attitudes towards a public expression of his own opinion. In the current situation, employers did not fulfill a part of the employment contract regarding the rights and freedoms.

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