Vadim Skvirsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, wife Tatyana Kolgana 2021



On January 30, 2020, a "dance with sabers" was released, telling the story of the creation of the Music masterpiece written by Aram Khachaturian for the last action of the Gayane ballet. The main role in the film was killed by Kabanyan, and Dmitry Shostakovich was reincarnated by Vadim Skvirsky. In his life, the composers became friends in 1934 - drove in the next coupe and liked each other immediately. Aram Ilyich later called the comrade and like-minded "Consideration of Soviet music".

Childhood and youth

2 days before the onset of the new 1971 in Baku in the Skvirsk family, replenishment was happening - on December 29, Valentina Vasilyevna gave birth to her husband Vladimir Son Vadim. On June 10, 1968, the eldest daughter Galina appeared on the world, at the end of the summer of 1997 he gave a brother Nikita Nikita, who was held in several films, and now we have found himself in programming, breaking and teaching street dances.

When the youngest child turned 4 years old, adults with children moved to Leningrad. From an early age, the boy has taken art, in parallel with the lyceum number 384 attending both art school. Having received secondary education, the graduate filed documents to the local cultural institution.

Later, the young man wrote down on the courses of the director of the game and documentary cinema, being under the wing of the professor of the Seeds of Aranovich, and entered Square. In the university, he got into Interstordio, where Mikhail Husida, Gennady Trostyanets, Yuri Vasilyeva and the main mentor of Lion Ehrenburg, and the main mentor.

On September 1, 1999, a small dramatic theater was created on the basis of the workshop, whose troupe, with a rare exception, was the disciples of Lion Borisovich.

Theater and films

In his native NDT, Skvirsky showed himself not only as an actor ("Wizard of Oz", "Ivanov", "Yu", "at the bottom", "three sisters", "in Madrid! In Madrid!"), But also as a director. In 2012, he introduced the audience with the "crime and punishment", and in 2014 with Valentin Day. In 2016, thanks to the efforts of the Lion of Ehrenburg and Skvirsky himself, the premiere of the "Brothers Karamazov" was held, and in a year - the "Cherry Garden".

Vadim Skvirsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, wife Tatyana Kolgana 2021 3177_1

However, the artist began to exercise in the art of performances in the artist back in 1994, Javils the World of Needleworks based on the works of Julio Kortasar, Nikolai Gogol and William Shakespeare in Interstordio. In the 90s, together with his wife, a man was left for the Czech Republic for almost 4 years, where he put Duty Uplnik, first starred and wrote a script for a "happy end." The picture won the Czech, Slovak and Russian film festivals awards.

Upon return, Vadim Vladimirovich became increasingly fascinated by the television screens, putting his hand to the 3rd part of the "slaughter force", "National Security Agent - 3", "Congue PQ-17". Later, the filmography was replenished with the series "Streets of broken lamps", "Secrets of the investigation", "Mental Wars", and in the "Front", "Uppercote for Hitler" and "implementation" entrusted to him the main roles.

Often on the debt of the service, SPbgati graduate had to play historical personalities. In Favorite, he transformed into Paul I, in "Romanov" - in Alexander II, in the Musketeers of Catherine "- in Hetman Mikhail Casimir Oginsky, in" Rasputin "- in the Guards Lieutenant Sergey Sukhotin, in Trootskoy - in the Mikhail commander Tukhachevsky.

In 2020, with the participation of the spouse of Tatyana Kolganov, the continuation of the "Bridge" detective was published, where, unlike the previous season, the celebrity was waiting for reincarnation in a new hero: in the 1st part they were Oleg Danilov, in the 2nd - the prisoner Jan Tarvas.

Personal life

Skvirsky met with the future spouse still in student. Their native Institute of Culture (then they entered SPbgati together). For a whole year, classmates just friendly - Tatyana Kolganov tied a short platonic romance with another young man.

But once Vadim offered her to go for a day to Moscow, just walk, walk along the museums. During the journey, the guy surprised the interlocutor by honor, verses of his own essay, later dedicated to the lady of the heart, and the ability to play the guitar. The heart of beauty melted.

Lovers lived 2 years in civil marriage, and in 1992 officially signed. The artist's family happily accepted the daughter-in-law, and her relationship with mother-in-law and were simply exemplary.

The husband supported any ideas and beginnings of his wife (whether the desire to go to the Czech Republic to friends or return to Russia to seem to be Konstantin Raykin) and did not forget to touch the feelings. So, the apartment has a couple in a separate frame and now there is a simple paper napkin, on which a man wrote: "Thank you for being, and for soup."

"Wife is not easy to be, but we are friends and like-minded people. In addition, they play together in a small dramatic theater. I probably could not live with a person another profession. I do not know how long a big love marriage could leave with some computer genius or plumber. There would be nothing to talk about, "the actress shared in an interview.

Personal life of the four flows happily, they currently have no children. In a conversation with Boris Korchevnikov, on August 11, 2020, the star "Black Crow", "Sisters" and "Lines of Fate" admitted that there was a miscarriage on the last project. However, the woman stated that he would not lose their hopes to get pregnant and give birth to a child.

Vadim Skvirsky now

Vadim Vladimirovich infrequently indiscriminate spectators with his appearance on television screens. After "dance with the sabers" and the 2nd season "Bridge", he starred in the detective TV series "Resurrection", the release of which was scheduled for the 2021st. In the same year, the new season of "implementation" started.

Fans can enjoy a pet game in performances running on the NDT scene ("King Lire", "Karamazov Brothers", "At the bottom", "Orchestra", "Three sisters" and others). Working photos, as well as snapshots out of the crowd, will be found in a separate instagram account of the cultural center.

"Once in his youth I really wanted to play Hamlet. But I think I grew up from this role. As a child, I was completely fascinated by the medieval, the gallant century, all that rushed swords and sword, read Walter Scott, Duma, and Other, and Shakespeare, as it seemed to me, the same breed. Then I already got carried away with his sonnets, "the actor confessed in an interview at the end of 2020.

In addition to filming the cinema and services in the theater, Skvirsky finds the time and strength to teach in the workshop of Lion Ehrenburg in Rgis.


  • 2004 - "Convoy PQ"
  • 2005 - "Favorit" »
  • 2007 - "Catherine Musketeers" »
  • 2013 - "Romanov" "
  • 2015 - "Front"
  • 2016 - "Uppercot for Hitler"
  • 2017 - "Wings of the Empire"
  • 2017 - "Trotsky"
  • 2018 - "Stationery Rat"
  • 2019 - 2021 - "Implementation"
  • 2020 - "Dance with sabers"
  • 2021 - "Resurrection"

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