Victor Brushkov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Studio Soyuz, Wife, Instagram 2021



If Russia stop composing songs with ridiculous texts, Victor Brushes will lose work. In the meantime, it did not happen, the comedian comedhes the people weekly, arranging an incredibly funny show with the participation of stars.

Childhood and youth

The TV host was born on May 7, 1984. From an early age, the future creative producer pleased the parents with the most unexpected talents. In childhood, Vitya loved to sing - the music was close to him, although he did not get an education in this field of art.

The boy played on the accordion and guitar - subsequently a close acquaintance with the tools helped in the army when it was necessary to drive time in barracks. But the comic family referred to the hobby of the son skeptically.

After the musical period, the schoolboy became interested in sports. Vitya tried himself in the fight, but he mostly liked team games. As a result, I stopped on basketball. In an interview with the brush, he recognized - he liked to follow Michael Jordan's career.

Once he saw the game of the idol at the championship and decided by all means learn how to master the ball also masterfully. And even though basketball and did not become a business of comedom, he is now trained in any free minute, even participates in various tournaments. And in his instagram account, a humorist in the profile header wrote: "Height 170 cm - striving to NBA."

In the school, Vitya did not stand out among the peers. From about the 5th grade, the student realized that he would like to become a policeman. Having received a certificate, it was quite expected to choose the Tyumen Law Institute. The applicant easily passed the entrance examinations and became a student of the Administrative and Legal Faculty.

But already at the Institute of Brushes felt the desire to shine on stage. In his youth, he was listed in the local team "Harvard" and in this composition managed to participate in the Premier League. However, then to see the fame of humorist, Viktor not succeeded.

Meanwhile, having received a higher education, the young man decided to go to work in the specialty. And a whole 3 years worked in law enforcement agencies. Interestingly, on the first working day, a graduate of the Law Institute caught the criminal located in the federal wanted list.

However, the soul of the native of the city of Tyumen did not lie to this area. He continued to participate in KVN, by that time his team was united with "Moli" from Shadrinsk. So the Soyuz appeared on the stage, who made his debut at the festival in Sochi.

Humor and creativity

The fate of the "Union" team plungely changed the professional biography of the humorist. As part of the team, he reached the final and even became the champion of the Higher League. On the scene of the brush, tried the role of the character, the responsibility of which was the announcement of music numbers, and, in fact, singing.

By 2014, the Soyuz stopped participating in regular games, while continuing to go on stage during major festivals. The native of Tyumen and his colleagues - Alexander Alomov and Aydar Garayev - expanded the scope of activities: In addition to intracralouale performances, began to cooperate with other teams. Victor also wrote scenarios for television shows.

A breakthrough in the career was designated when an alumni of the administrative and legal faculty occurred to the idea of ​​musical transmission. It happened prosaic - the young man was driving a job, listening and trying to delve into the meaning of the next "pearl" from the Russian "Pops". And thought: it would be interesting to build on this competition, when participants would have to guess words from lyrics, based exclusively on intuition, rhythm and rhyme.

Victor shared his thoughts with his colleagues, and they supported the initiative. On August 10, the TNT channel took place the premiere of the Transmission Studio Soyuz. We worked on the creation of a program, except for Khchechkov, Garayev and Alimov, General Producer TNT Vyacheslav Dosmukhametov, as well as Kirill Kokokkin and Maxim Morozov.

The program combined several genres at once - improvisational, musical and humorous. The idea of ​​the project was reduced not only to check the talents of invited stars, but also laugh at the absurd compositions of little-known representatives of the Russian "Pops".

The popularity of leading show grew. There were several of them - except for Brushkov, Kokokkin, Garayev and Alimov tested the musical abilities of guests Artem Muratov and Elena Gushchina. Often, Victor was invited to participate in other TNT projects and other humorous transmissions. So, a native of Tyumen together with Biathlete Anton Shipulin in 2018 visited the program of Azamat Musagaliyev "Where is the logic?".

Also, participants in other comedy projects on TNT came to test their intuition and vocal data in the "Studio Soyuz". In 2020, the guests of the show became the colleagues - residents of the "improvisation" Sergey Matvienko, Arseny Popov, Dmitry Posov and Anton Shtun. Photo of brush with shtown and popov became a meme on the net.

Personal life

The comic actor is married. A happy event took place on August 11, 2015. Humorist's wife - Julia Mishina, professionally engaged in photography. They met they just at work. The girl removed the participants of the KVN Soyuz team during the Premier League.

Already then she liked Victor. The chosen was in the interview, he said - before the meeting with Yulia, he skeptically referred to the stories about "love at first sight". Immediately, a young man had to reconsider his point of view, so migra smelled into his soul.

While the children have no spouses, so they enjoy the opportunity to be together, trying to pay a personal life more time. In the instagram account of the comedian, many joint photos with his wife from travel. In 2020, lovers performed a dream - bought a house.

Victor Brothers now

A coronavirus infection pandemic directly touched a humorist. In the fall of 2020, a man even lay in a hospital with lung defeat. Fortunately, the TV presenter managed to overcome the ailment and return to the shooting of the new allors of the Soyuz Studio on TNT.

The beginning of 2021 did not allow the native of Tyumen to relax. Immediately after the holidays, he took part in the transfer "Where is the logic?" Together with Dmitry Pozov. Then Victor and Aidar Garayev hurried to make a viewer in the anecdot show with Vadim Galygin.

Brushes continues to repair a new house, in parallel, inventing new contests and jokes for the Soyuz Studio.

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