Andrei Esiipenko - biography, personal life, photos, news, chess player, FIDE rating, "Instagram" 2021



About the phenomenon of the young chess player Andrei Esipenko is now spoken by almost all over the world. In early 2021, the Russian surpassed eminent and titled rivals at a major international tournament. The winner of the title of grandmaster wants to become a champion of the planet. The first step towards achieving the goal was to hit the symbolic elite club Mikhail Verina, victories in youthful and adult championships, as well as the Gold Medal of the Interactive Olympiad, which brought a high place in the RSF and FIDE ratings.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Evgenievich Esipenko was born in the city of Novocherkassk. The biography of young dating began in 2002. Parents who loved intellectual games paid a lot of time to raise their son. Since childhood, the boy was accustomed to discipline and unscrewing work.

Father, who was a chess player of an advanced level, at some point began to lack rivals. He decided to teach Andrei to think over the strokes pawn, a horse or a french. At a five-year-old, the child first saw a black and white checkered board. In the late 2000s, none of the loved ones thought that noble sport would be his fate.

When it was time to go to secondary high school, Esipenko played chess on a par with adults. He disappeared without difficulty over his father, distinguished by an aggressive style of mental struggle. Thanks to the discovered talent, the first grader began to participate in training tournaments. Crue protection of senior comrades, he won prizes.

Looking at the success of the child, the parents agreed with the mentors of the children's youth sports school. Andrei admiralized the experience of the author of the special textbook of Natalia Petrushina and coach of the Uzborophilic Center "Mentor" Edward Chryna during visits to Rostov-on-Don.

High-level professional was engaged at home with Chess Wunderkind. Alexey Kornukov won prestigious competitions and sometimes worked as a judge. The teacher showed the ward classic and unexpected combinations, in practice, knowledge was used in battles with peers and age-related members of local clubs.

The beginning of 2012 was considered a turning point in the career of Andrei. A 10-year-old boy took a grandmaster under the custody, a journalist and author of books on the history of Chess Dmitry Vadimovich Kryavavkin. The international master has achieved that Esipenko took a prize in the Russian championship and hit the European Youth Championship.

Andrew performed in advance at competitions where university students participated. He took gold at the Spartakiad of the students of the south of Russia, a lot of surprising members of the RSF organization. Before the final, the judges were not solved for a long time to allow the young man to the decisive fight: according to the protocol approved by the Ministry of Sport, he was too inexperienced and Yun.

The attitude to the chess was changed after the consulting firm "A DAN DZO" sluggish sponsorship expenses. In front of Andrei, the doors on competitions in foreign cities opened. The family supported a talented child and intently followed progress, while not interfering with coaches speaking at first roles.


In 2014, having won 8 victories in 9 meetings, Esipenko won the country's chief championship among young men and girls in the group of participants under the 13th age. An additional reward was a ticket to the world championship in South Africa. By this time, the teenager scored a large number of points on Elo ratings and could withstand experienced rivals, using the knowledge and strength of his own mind.

2016 brought Andrei victory on the European tournament and the silver medal of the Junior global chess contests. Win the planet championship managed in 2017. Gold brought from Montevideo has become more valuable from the existing awards.

Thanks to such results, Russians included in the national team of the world and invited to the Millennium Match in St. Louis, where players of different nationalities opposed the team from the United States. In addition, the native of Novocherkasska received the status title of grandmaster. The party in the Rapid category with Sergey Karyakin, the youngest participant in the Tutornament of applicants who fell into the Guinness Book of Records, entered the textbooks on chess tactics due to the incredible "cascade of the victims."

In 2018, the Young Yuzhanin acted as part of the National Team at the European Championship, but did not reach the prize place. Compensating for failure, in active chess, he won a number of convincing victories.

At the international rating tournament Tata Steel - 2019, the attention of experts was attracted due to the presence of the Indian nugget named Rameshbab Pragnandha, Andrei surpassed titled rivals. The first place loomed on the horizon, but Vladislav Kovalev - Chess player from Belarus - demonstrated the wonders of the strategy and more points.

A new round of professional growth fell in mid-2019. Esipenko was selected for the European Championship and the World Cup, and also demonstrated a brilliant level of training at the Nutcracker tournament and in an international match between Russia and China.

Ruslan Ponomarev, who was the world champion FIDE and a well-deserved master of sports of Ukraine, could not cope with the native of Novocherkasska. The only irresistible obstacle at this stage was Peter Svidler - a multiple winner of chess Olympiads.

In 2020, Andrei distinguished himself on the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival, but on a tai break lost to the grandmaster David Babyna and did not get rating points. But in the asset there was a gold medal of the online Olympiad - a tournament, which during a pandemic of coronavirus infection organized an international chess federation. Fans of intellectual sports immediately remembered Esipenko's victories over Sanan Sugirov, Sergey Rublevsky, Rauf Mamedov and Vasily Ivanchuk.

Personal life

Now the young man, absorbed by the game of chess, is not thinking about his personal life. In the interruptions between tournaments, he barely has time to talk with his family.

Judging by the photo posted on the thematic sites, as well as in the "Instagram" profiles, devoted to international tournaments, Andrei has an attractive appearance and charisma. Most likely, he will acquire a girlfriend or legitimate wife over time.

Andrei Esipenko now

In early 2021, sports editions proudly stated that Russian grandmaster Andrei Esipenko at the International Tata Steel Masters tournament in the Netherlands in the dramatic duel beat the current world champion in Magnus Karlsen's chess. In an interview with the Russian, who came to the list of unsurpassed intellectual athletes, said that he could not realize what happened even after a few days.

In twitter accounts of Russian news publications, a sensational message appeared on the victory of native Novocherkassk over the titled Norwegian. The young man became the youngest chess player who headed the prestigious Elo rating. The status of the National Sport Star strengthened the victory over Anton Giharro in the hall located in the city of Weik-An-Zey, as well as a desire to conquer his own title of the best chess player of the planet.

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