Mikhail Shulman - biography, personal life, photo, news, husband Ekaterina Schulman, literary critic 2021



Mikhail Shulman - the husband of journalist and political scientist Ekaterina Schulman, famous for the studies of the creativity of Vladimir Nabokov. In the biography of literary critic, in addition to the study of works, there was also enough space for trials and even for criminal cases related to property belonging to it.

Childhood and youth

The city of Astrakhan became the birthplace of the philologist - it was there Mikhail was born in 1966. His father is a famous devotee Yuri Schulman, who dedicated life to the study of the biography of the writer and artist Pomori Boris Viktorovich Shergin.

Mikhail Schulman in Moltusoti with a writer Oleg Volkov

Perhaps the influence of the father played a paramount role in the fate of the heir. The boy since childhood was read by books, and after school expected entered the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky.


In 2019, Mikhail Yuryevich presented his book - "Nabokov, writer. Manifesto". The study of the creativity of Vladimir Vladimirovich was for Schulman by the leitmotif of his career path.

During the presentation, he shared that the first story readed by him is "invitation to execution." But in his youth, he most liked the verses of the writer - they also believed the author of the book, it is worth reading the modern generation.

To another work of the writer - "Dar", he "chose" several times, because for a full understanding of the novel, it was necessary not only to achieve older age, but also to explore the main milestones of the biography of Nabokov.

Then, in his youth, Mikhail Yuryevich began to make small notes, essays about read, with time transforming in full-fledged articles. And then the literary critic understood that a single meaning was evaporated from these "notes", which subsequently outlined in his book.

Personal life

Interestingly, thanks to the hobby of the work of Vladimir Nabokov, Mikhail Yuryevich met his future wife. Moreover, the first meeting of the spouses occurred in the Internet space.

Political analyst and publicist Ekaterina Schulman went to the community forum dedicated to the Russian writer, and wrote a moderator. Gradually, communication passed into Offline, and the man presented his first book, published in 1998, "Nabokov writer." It carefully attached a note with the text: "With hope for further developing".

It happened in 2006. A year later, the political analyst and philologist for education entered into an official marriage. And then the daughter of Olga appeared. In 2012, the Son was born, named after the famous grandfather Yuri. Now the author of the book about Vladimir Vladimirovich is already a large father - in 2015 a happy replenishment happened, the daughter of Mary was born.

Mikhail Yuryevich does not like to advertise a personal life. His instagram account in this plan is inex-informative and is a kind of collection of curious photos taken during walks in Moscow.

On his page in Facebook philologist is more eloquent. But there, in addition to the pictures of his wife and children, the lion's share illuminates the peripetics with the acquired real estate and judicial disputes.


Mikhail Yurevich managed to buy accommodation in Moscow at the Christmas Boulevard - exactly where Boris Viktorovich Schgin lived before. Especially this was his father, who in his biography has repeatedly addressed the works of this artist and the writer.

On our own, the Schulmanov family created in the liberated premises the Museum-apartment of the Great Pomper. Officially, this institution has acquired the status of a non-profit organization.

At the same time, Mikhail Yuryevich became Chairman of the HOA, wanting to bring order in a residential building. And he did not last for a long time to spread in words - immediately sued the apartment for the tenants, which were unauthorizedly captured the attic.

As a result of long legal wire, the decision was announced in favor of the plaintiff. And a week after satisfaction of the claim, in February 2012, Ekaterina Shulman's husband was brutally beaten. According to official information, three unknown people attacked the man.

As a result, the doctors were recorded from the injured 9 deep wounds. Literary criticized to the city hospital number 14. The initiated criminal case did not reach the court, and the guilty were never found.

However, the chairman of the HOA in news publishes itself was not repeatedly not in the very positive vein. The museum in 2015 turned out to be liquidated. According to residents, together this cultural institution now a bar appeared there.

Also in the network began to appear information that the native of Arkhangelsk gradually captured other apartments in the house, including the very attic with the basement. The latter, as discontented neighbors reported, Chairman of the HOA passed for Alexei Navalny headquarters. However, the philologist himself in his Facebook-Account put a photo where the sign appeared with the name of the oppositionist.

Mikhail Shulman now

On January 31, 2021, Ekaterina Mikhailovna acted as an observer of the Moscow Helsinki Group during a rally in support of Alexei Navalny. An accompanied her husband, whom the police detained on the way home.

The man was delivered to the OVD Basmann, where they interrogated as a witness. Subsequently, Mikhail Yuryevich told that he did not understand the reason for the detention. Law enforcement officers called only the criminal number that did not remember the literary critic.

The political scientist's husband was offered to conduct a study on a polygraph, which he answered with refusal. Thanks to the intervention of the lawyer Alexander Karavaeva, Nabokoved was at home at the same evening.

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