Ksenia Aleev-Grachevskaya - biography, personal life, photos, news, daughter Boris Grachevsky, age 2021



January 14, 2021, due to the complications caused by coronavirus infection, the artistic director "Yelash" died Boris Grachevsky. While the public came to himself from shocking news, the media appeared information about the inheritance left by him, the main applicants for which was the third wife of the director Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya with the son of Philip. However, the senior children of celebrities from different marriages could receive a part of the feasible property from different marriages - Maxim, Ksenia and Vasilisa.

Childhood and youth

Grachevsky's acquaintance with the first wife Galina occurred on the return of the young man from the army service. A student of the Voagon, who worked in a central film studio named after Maxim Gorky, had to compete for the attention of the attention of an impregnable beauty. The girl who received a higher education at the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR, did not immediately respond to Cavaler's courting, but it was possible to achieve his own.

Ksenia Aleev-Grachevskaya and Boris Grachevsky

Lovers got married in the 1970s and at first settled in the barrack on the outskirts of the capital. When it became known that the replenishment was coming in the family, they moved to the apartment of the girl's parents. On December 9, 1972, Maxim appeared to the world, and after 7 years, June 20, 1979 came the turn of Ksenia. After graduating from the 1996th School No. 299, the graduate entered VGIK.

Spouses lived in marriage 35 years and divorced in 2005. Boris Yuryevich called the main reason for the divorce of the loss of the wisdom of chosen, "fantastic mathematics with grandiose successes," to him as a person who creates and creates. The man confessed that he did not change and did not go to someone.

But the words of the artistic director "Yeralsha" categorically denied the eldest daughter, who declared in an interview:

"Mom suffered his antics and forgot. One day, the Father said: "Galya, I'm leaving," I gathered the suitcases and moved. Now his photos with young girls flashed in magazines, and becomes disgusting. By age, they are suitable in her daughter. I will never forgive! "

Career and business

Before the divorce of Ksenia's parents worked at the father in the "Yeralche" created by him, but after Quarrel Kryuku decided on her dismissal. The heirs could not forgive the care of a man from the family, breaking all the connections:"He used to say that everything in life is obliged to my mom. And after the divorce began to tell that his main achievements - "quit smoking, divorced his wife and dismissed the daughter." Not in vain grandmother on the paternal line discouraged Mama to mess with her son. He said that Boria was all in his father: he was also a fall on women and threw his family. "

From the beginning of zero and to this day, the entrepreneur is on the post of Director General of the Tourist Agency "Club Fahrenheit", working under the motto "Travel is a flirt with life." The company selects customers exclusive vacation options on interesting price offers. Often, customers who knew who Aleev-Grachevskaya had to be a daughter, asked to attach their children to the humorous vannel, but she invariably responded with a categorical refusal.

In a professional biography, the businesswoman there was a founder in the "Status of Group" LLC, which was engaged in wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and similar products.

Personal life

About the personal life of the eldest daughter "Father" Yeralsha "" is known a little. After Marriage, Ksenia took a double surname, but now on the pages in the social networks "Instagram", "Facebook" and "Vkontakte" it subscribes only as Grachevskaya.

The Muscovite did not change his opinion against the Father. She did not resume communication when that had an oncological disease with a subsequent series of operations and chemotherapy and diagnosed infection with coronavirus infection. The woman gave birth to a son, but the famous grandfather and grandson did not meet.

The general director of the capital travel agency loves to travel, it is not indifferent to the problems of motherhood and childhood, follows the musical works of Alexander Panayotova, considering him a brilliant singer, and also loves the Maitz group and DJ Ana Czarina.

Ksenia Aleev-Grachevskaya now

Boris Grachevsky's eldest daughter continues to develop its own travel agency, in 2018, received the TEZ Top Mediterranean award for the high volume of sales and contribution to the development of such directions as Turkey, Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Israel.

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