Sergey Kostorna - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Kum Vanga, Predictions at 2021



Sergey Korsna - a Russian journalist and a businessman who called himself Kum's Bulgarian Vangeli B. Vangelia Hushterova, in the people known as Wang. The man participated in the shooting of gears on federal channels, talking about meetings with a legendary personality.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Alekseevich Kostovna was born in 1957 in the village of Annino-Gusinovka of the Males Kursk Region. In childhood she went to the Lyubovaya high school, then he studied at the photocrust in Ufa polygraph. Worked in a multi-time newspaper Factory of RTI "Forward," was a reporter on the local television and radio company. He studied for a journalist in Voronezh State University.


At the beginning, Costroin's career worked in the newspapers "Young Guard", "Labor", "Rural Life", produced the transfer of the "Senators Club", "Parliamentary Hour", supervised the exit to the broadcast of the "Moment of Truth" programs, "Top Secret", "serve Fatherland.

Sergey Korsna and Vang

In 1995, the journalist became friends with President Kalmyki Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, a close friend of Vangi. In April, together with the shooting television group, the Crosshead came to Bulgaria, just at the wedding of the gummy lilies with the young men named Ivan. Together with the Mother of the Bride, a parapsychologist, the Flower, the correspondent went to the valley rupto, where the propheted spent from spring to the autumn. Wangelia was silent for a long time, and then pointed to Sergey Alekseevich and stated that tomorrow young will go to be marred to church, and she will be Kuma, and he must become Kum.

In an interview, the woman said that a person should not have a lot of money because they are carrying out health. To the question of who wins the presidential elections in Russia in 1996, replied that they would not be. Bulgarian gave the kosostric icon of the Mother of God.

Upon returning to Russia, the journalist called Sergey Medvedev, the press secretary of Boris Yeltsin, with whom Wang wanted to meet. Medvedev replied that the president is now busy, but instructed to go to Bulgaria to him. After that, the Kosostna was seen from the hushhther 5 times, before her death from breast cancer in 1996. According to the reporter, in their native country, the provincial was cool.

In 2002, Sergey Alekseevich established a non-profit partnership "Center for Political Creation". In August 2007, a man became the Director General at the Committee of International Cooperation with the State of Qatar, which was engaged in research and development in the field of public and humanitarian sciences. He also worked as a press secretary of the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

On January 31, 2011, the documentary film of Catherine Kruglikov "Secrets of the Century: Wanga came out on the first channel. The world is visible and invisible, "in which Sergey Korsna, Stoyman Petrov and Tomov Tomov told the viewer about some secrets of the biography and personal life of the Bulgarian prophet and tried to explain her phenomenon. The public found out that the GushTherova had a family, her son participated in the filming of the film. Sergey Mikhalkov, the daughter of the writer Leonid Leonova Lyudmila, Actress Alla Demidov was given their comments.

On December 15, 2018, in the documentary film NTV "Trump's disease and a meteorite in Russia: Vanian's prophecies for 2019" Sergey Alekseevich handed over the old prediction of the president who will come after Boris Yeltsin. This person has to make a choice that will determine his further fate: either support 100 million poor or 100 rich.

On December 26, 2019, Sergey Alekseevich, Sergey Alekseevich retold the words of Vangi about a terrible epidemic, which overwhelms the whole world, and this ride will come "from yellow", that is from the Asian country. He also reported that the provisian called December 22, 2020 "Day of five bobs" and predicted to humanity a new terrible catastrophe associated with an outbreak in the sun, which would pernicably affect people's health.

In March 2020, the Kostochnaya was invited to the Studio of the program Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether", where the journalist repeated said earlier and said that the pandemic of coronavirus infection will end on March 20, 2021, on the day of the spring equinox, when the planet enters the fifth dimension.

Personal life

Sergey Alekseevich has two adult children who also studied journalism. The son of Alexander, born on February 18, 1986, became a businessman, was the founder of the construction company "Stroyak", "Lucky Business" and "Housing Penph". In March 2019, a man gave an interview with the NTV film crew.

On the Kostochnaya page in "Instagram" there are joint photos with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Eldar Ryazanov.

Journalist is not the father of the figure skater Alena Costroin, they are namesakes.

Sergey Korsna now

On December 29, 2020, Sergei reported in the program "In fact", the events of 2021, allegedly predicted by Wange 25 years ago. According to him, in the summer there will be a large flood, which will flood America and other countries close to the sea. Also, a cure for cancer will also be born and there are two great people who convert life on Earth.

On January 30, 2021, Sergey Alekseevich voiced the political predictions of the Bulgarian Independent in the transfer of the first channel "tonight" on the 110th anniversary of Vanga. Around Russia, the Slavic countries will be united, and the United States will break down in the next 20 years. Also, a leadership in one of the Western countries will also change.

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