Olga Mikhailova (lawyer) - biography, personal life, photos, news, Alexey Navalny, "Twitter", "Instagram" 2021



Olga Mikhailova - a lawyer representing the interests of Alexei Navalny. However, even before cooperation with the Russian politician, she established himself with a real professional. Confirmation of this is a number of resonant cases communicated to the European Court of Human Rights.


From the early biography of the lawyer, it is known that Olga Olegovna was born on July 27, 1973 in Moscow. Came to a profession at a thirty-year-old age, specializing in criminal cases, as well as trials related to official and economic crimes.

The name Mikhailova has repeatedly appeared in resonant affairs. One of the most loudspeakers was associated with the murder of Boris Nemtsov's policies at the Kremlin walls in the winter of 2015. In this process, the lawyer represented the interests of the family, namely, the daughters of the statesman Jeanne Nemtsova.

Olga Olegovna expressed negatively against the investigation and expressed confidence that the punishment suffered only the performers, while the crime organizers were still not found. At the end of 2020, information - Vladimir Putin appeared at the meeting of the Presidential Council, announced the need to "finalize" the case of murder.

In his professional activities, Mikhailov has repeatedly applied to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). And quite successful - for example, in the case of "Ratkin against Russia" she managed to prove a violation of Art. 6 Convention. The international judicial authority recognized the removal of the applicant from the meeting room, which was explained by pressure on the jury.

At the dawn of career, in 2008 Olga Olegovna won the case in the ECHR, defending the interests of Yevgeny Vitalyevich Cheberr. The applicant suffered from inhuman relationship during the passage of military service, as a result of which he was assigned a second group of disabilities.

However, in Russia, at first, the Shakhtinsky city court, and then the Rostov Regional Court refused the victim to satisfy the civil law. Mikhailova appealed to Strasbourg, where he proved a violation of Art. 3 conventions. Among the significant victories, the submission of victims in the case of Dubrovka (Nord-Ost) is also listed.

Now the name Olga Mikhailova emerges in the media under the formulation of "lawyer Alexei Navalny". Collaborate with the opposition lawyer began during high-profile processes due to fraud. In addition, the human rights activist supported the interests of an activist on the participation and organization of peaceful mass events.

The lawyer also appealed to the ECHR. In 2016, the international judicial authority recognized violations of Navalny's rights to a fair trial during the investigation of the "Kirovles" case. A year later, a similar verdict was issued in relation to the case of "Yves Rocher".

In 2018, Mikhailov celebrated a personal victory. In the ECHR, for the first time since 2004, it was established that Russia violated Art. 18 Convention. Simple words - criminal prosecution against Navalny in Strasbourg was recognized as politically motivated.

A year later, defender Alexei Navalny achieved another important verdict - the European Court established the unlawful home arrest of the oppositionist, who was appointed him in the case of "Yves Rocher". In addition, the ECHR revealed signs of Art. 10 of the Convention, which indicates the fact of violation of freedom of expression.

Legal education and impressive judicial practice allowed Mikhailovaya to become an expert of the Center for Foreign Protection. She is also a member of the Center de La Protection International.

Today Olga Olegovna works in the metropolitan board of lawyers. The company "Dalt" was founded in 2011. Together with the colleagues, the native of Moscow leads civil affairs of various focus, specializes in protecting the trust in criminal proceedings. In his work, a lawyer tries to come to a positive result - and even with refusal of claims in Russian courts, it enjoys the right to appeal to the highest international authorities.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the name of Mikhailova has long been heard in connection with resonant affairs, not so much is known about her personal life. Olga Olegovna leads an account in "Instagram", but uses it only for news.

After marriage, the lawyer changed the surname from Tkachenko on Mikhailov. The human rights activist holds information about their family. In her Facebook Account, most publications are related to professional activities. Sometimes she exhibits a photo from travel. For example, in 2019, a lawyer rested in Italy.

Olga Mikhailova now

Being defender Alexei Navalny, the lawyer did not remain aside from the events of the beginning of 2021, related to the detention of an opposition arrival in Russia at Vnukovo airport. On January 18, she was interviewed by Evgenia Albats on Echo Echo Moscow, which called the arrest for 30 days illegal.

According to the lawyer, the imputed articles have nothing to do with the merits. The defender gathered to apply to the Moscow Regional Court, but the appeal was rejected.

In an interview with DW (international television company in Germany), Olga Olegovna said that her client felt fine in a quarantine chamber. But at the same time, the lawyer tried to achieve a medical examination of the ward, as politician complained about impairment.

In the same interview, Mikhailov suggested - Alexey Anatolyevich threatens the replacement of the conditional term for the real in the case of "Yves Rocher". The words of the human rights activist laid out on the Twitter account "DW in Russian" received many reposts on the eve of rallies, hiding around the country on January 23, 2021.

And on February 2, a court was held on charges of Navalny in violation of the rules of conditional condemnation. Olga Olegovna at the meeting spoke after the colleague Vadim Kobzev. In his speech, she recalled that the FSIN himself repeatedly changed the days when she should have been for the mark.

In addition, the lawyer reported - in the case of "Yves Roshe" in 2019, violations of the Convention on Human Rights were revealed. However, in Russia, Alexey Anatolyevich only extended a conditional period without fulfilling the decision of the International State Body.

After the trial, where Navalny changed the conditional period for real, Olga Olegovna gave a short interview, which marked plans for the near future. Among them are the filing of the appeal to the verdict of the Simonovsky Court, as well as the preparation of a statement in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe due to the non-fulfillment of the ECHR 2019 decision.

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