Lilia Chanyshev - biography, personal life, photos, news, coordinator Alexei Navalny headquarters in Ufa 2021



Ufimka Liliya Chanyshev led to work in international consulting companies, in order for the team of the opposition policy of Alexei Navalny to fight against corruption in his hometown and the country as a whole.

Childhood and youth

Lily Airatovna Chanayshev was born on February 6, 1982 in Ufa. The girl appreciates that she has a mixed nationality: Mother of Lily - Russian, Father - Tatar, also in the family were Bashkirs.

In 2001, it began to occupy in the financial academy under the Government of Russia in Moscow, which was successfully graduated in 2005, having received an education under the Program "State and Municipal Finance".

Career and politics

Studying at the 4th course, Lily began to work as an accountant and tax manager in one of the largest consulting companies PricewaterhouseCoopers.

In Moscow, the girl began to be interested in politics. In 2011, during the elections to the State Duma, Chanyshev was a remote observer - studied direct ethers from polling stations and noted violations when voting. After summing up the election, Lily took part in the opposition rallies.

In 2013, the girl worked as a volunteer in the campaign of the opposition candidate to the mayors of the capital Alexei Navalny. At the same time, Lilia entered into the established by the bulk "batch of progress."

In the fall of 2013, Chanyshev arrived back to Ufa - the girl wanted to be closer to the family, ride a car without traffic jams and to be able to enjoy the beauty of local nature. In Bashkiria, Lily began to work as a senior tax manager and right in another international audit company Deloit.

In March 2017, at the age of 35, the girl decided to open a new page of his biography and finally focus on politics. Although parents expressed doubt about the appropriateness to leave highly paid job, familiar and colleagues supported Lily.

Chanyshev, who already had contacts with Alexei Navalny team, headed the headquarters in Ufa, initially aimed to assist the nomination of the opposition policy in the president. A large-scale campaign was conducted, the necessary signatures were collected, however, due to the criminal record, Navalny was not allowed to election.

The headquarters continued to work and after refusing to register the Navalny candidate, he became, among other things, to engage in environmental projects. Chanyshev herself took part in the local action "Let's make" the cleaning of the non-Euro Dendropark and the Bank of the White River in the Ufa district of Sipailovo. At rallies, the Navalny team often gave the word activists of the movement "Stopcrochpanpan", agitated for the ban on the construction of a technopark in the environmental zone.

As the financier Chanyshev was a supporter of the inclined ideas to increase the minimum wage and reduce taxes for small entrepreneurs. Ufa politician also advocated the reform of the judicial system, law enforcement bodies and the fight against corruption.

Chanyshev filed claims and led litigation on the illegal actions of the prosecutor's office, the Ufa administration, the Government and State of Bashkiria, performed on public hearings on the budget and the city strategy, was engaged in the organization of raids on the problems of housing and communal services and pit on the roads.

In January 2018, Lily was detained for 5 days for calls for participation in an unauthorized rally. In May, the activist was detained again, receiving this time for the protest action "He is not a king!" Already 30 days of arrest, which the Supreme Court of the Republic reduced to 18.

In October 2018, Chanyshev sued the Social Network "Vkontakte" for the uncotized transfer of its personal data from the police. The request made the deputy head of the center for countering the extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bashkiria, but although it did not indicate the reasons for the provision of information, representatives of the social networks hurried it.

The lawsuit of Chanyshev demanded to recover from social network compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. In mid-March 2019, the District Court of St. Petersburg refused the plaintiff in meeting the requirements.

In the summer of 2019, Ufa politician put up the candidacy at the Ufa City Council, but in registration of the Navalny headquarters coordinator was denied the findings of an expert handwriter on violations in the collected signatures.

Attempts to chane to challenge the refusal in the Supreme Court of the Republic did not have success. Interestingly, after Lily, on the same district, two more candidates were nominated with the same name, including one - a complete namesake - lawyer Chaneysheva Liliya Rifgatovna.

In February 2020, unknown persons poured the Chanyshev's paint. The activist suggested that this was done to prevent her to participate in shares aimed at mining of minerals on Shikhan Kushtay. Lily became the author of the Radia Habirovaya Petition addressed to the head of Bashkortostan, demanding the status of a particularly protected natural territory.

In June 2020, the Federal Tax Service accused the Navalny Chane's headquartered, according to the documents registered as "Headquarters' Protection Protection Fund", in non-payment of insurance premiums for employees in the amount of more than 10 million rubles. And demanded recognition by its bankrupt.

Personal life

Personal life opposition activist does not exhibit in public. It is known that Lilia is civil marriage, during the arrest in September 2019, her husband diamond was delivered for interrogation. At the same time, Chanyshev noted that, although they live together, the spouse does not have any relation to political work.

Lilia Chanyshev now

On November 9, 2020, Lily became the guest of the program "Personally your" radio station "Echo of Moscow" in Ufa, on November 18, 2020 participated in the Idel portal program. Realities "" Real people ", and in December, the guest of Ether Vladimir Milova" Russia of the Future "on the Yutyub-Channel" Navalny.Live ". The number of subscribers of its own channel of the Ufa headquarters of Navalny at the beginning of 2021 exceeded 25 thousand.

On February 1, 2021, for calls in Twitter and Facebook, Chanishev was recognized as guilty of organizing an unauthorized public event - protest action against detention Politics Alexei Navalny, and arrested for 10 days. The head of Navalny headquarters challenged the court decision, emphasizing: according to 31 article of the Constitution, citizens have the right to gather peacefully and without weapons.

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