Alexey Onengin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, parents, "Prostokvashino", voice, "Instagram" 2021



Alexey Onegin is the young Russian actor theater and cinema. The guy sings and dances, loves to rollers and bike, engaged in martial arts. Calls ourselves Orthodox, at the same time has socialist views.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Arkadyevich is born on June 7, 2006. She was engaged in the song ensemble and dance named after V. S. Loktev, swimming at the school of the Olympic reserve.

Alexey Onengin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, parents,

The mother played a key role in the acting biography of the mother, it was she who led the boy to a meeting with the director. Alexey offered to read out loud excerpt from the book about the ancient Greek philosopher Diogen. He did it bright and artistically.

The boy was starting in social advertising a car seat for children, which ranked first at the Frankfurt festival, starred in Russian Railways, drinking yogurt "Imunele", EF English schools, mascara "Dashirak".


In 2013, he was debuted in the TV series "Interns" in the role of a boy bone, also participated in the projects "Pyatnitsky", "Sklifosovsky", "Voronina", "Olga". In 2017, Alexei's filmography was replenished with the "Last Bogatyr" ribbon, in which the teenager fulfilled the role of hooligan.

In 2018, he was voiced by Uncle Fedor in the animation film "New Prostokvashino". I liked the actor, because he considered the character look like himself. Alexey had to remake his voice a little, make him loud and expressive, because at school and various circles, the young man asked to speak Potiche, now it was necessary to reverse. He read out loud in different timbers, worked on breathing and learned to relax the muscles of the neck and abdomen to talk loudly and clearly.

In the studio, Alexey met Ivan Okhlobystin, who voiced the postman Pechekin, Anton Tobacco, whose voice said Matroskin's cat, and Pavel Derevyanko (the ball). According to it, all colleagues turned out to be pleasant in communication with people, polite and attentive.

In 2019, the actor played the main role of Sandrick's boy in the movie "Thank you by my grandfather for the victory." The father of the Timur Hero for the first time in many years came to Abkhazia to visit the parents, and the funny bikes of Grandfather Jansuha about the glorious military past opened the new world to Sandrik, taught the main life values ​​and made a real man.

Personal life

The young artist does not yet talk about his personal life, but admitted that he was in love with the girl now.

Favorite films Alexey: "Rain man", "What is Gilbert Grape", "catch me, if you can", "Green Mile", "The Godfather", "Forrest Gump", "All-metal shell" and "enemy state".

The growth of the actor is 172 cm, the weight is 55 kg.

Alexey Onegin now

In 2020, the artist entered the Children's Teatral Workshop of MCAT named after M. A. Gorky, where he participated in the play "Gold", a copyright filmusik of the director and choreographer Anton Adasinsky.

In August 2020, there was a master class for the league of young journalists on the topic "Oratory and ability to speak correctly, to convey their thoughts." The artist told the story of oratory art, explained how to make a performance plan, and gave a few Lifehakov. For example, a newcomer with a speech is better to speak quickly, but an experienced speaker should pronounce phrases slowly and withstand spectacular pauses.

In December 2020, the premiere of the film of Ilya Belostotsky "Lord of Muh" took place, according to the story of the Nobel William Golding laureate. In this antiutopia, Alexey played Ralph, one of the boys, who were on a desert island during the nuclear war. His hero became the leader and embodied the good, reasonable principle. The Jack opposed him (Zakhar Usenko), on the contrary, sought evil and absolute power. The project was carried out with the support of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov using a grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society.

On February 6, 2021, the premiere of the series "declared dead" took place at TVC, where, apart from Alexei One, played the main roles of Yevgeny Pronin, Anastasia Panin, Vladimir Zherebtsov.


  • 2013 - "broken fate"
  • 2015 - "Well, the New Year!"
  • 2016 - "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation »
  • 2017 - "Last Bogatyr"
  • 2019 - "Thank you by my grandfather for the victory"
  • 2019 - "Polar"
  • 2020 - "Catics"
  • 2020 - "Call me by my mother"
  • 2020 - "Say something good"
  • 2020 - "Lord Muh"
  • 2021 - "Russian slides"
  • 2021 - "Two shores"
  • 2021 - "Declared Dead"

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