Anna Sherling - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Tamara Sharulova Daughter 2021



Anna Sherling was born in a creative family, which determined the choice of its continued life path. But the path to the dream was a thorny, and the main thing for the star was not an acting actor, but motherhood that helped her to gain harmony and happiness.

Childhood and youth

Anna Sherling appeared on June 21, 1980. She is a daughter of the artist of Tamara Akulova and her first husband - director Yuri Sherling. It is not surprising that Anya already in the early years of the biography demonstrated talent for creativity, she was dancing and dreamed of filming a movie.

When the girl was 2 years old, the parents divorced. The future star remained with the mother, but because she was busy on the set, she lived in the village of grandparents. They do not have the souls in the granddaughter, grew up active and kind. Anya brought into the house of street animals, which she sometimes even allowed to leave. In adolescence, the girl moved to the house of the Father.

After receiving secondary education, Sherling declared her parents, which plans to enter the theater university, but the mother was against. In those years, many actors sat without work, and Tamara Vasilyevna was afraid that her daughter will suffer the same fate. Therefore, she insisted that Anya learned to a lawyer.

The girl entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), but did not feel there in his place. As a result, she still became a student of the Russian Institute of Theatrical Art (Gityis), where he studied under the leadership of Viktor Rakov.


The on-screen debut of the young actress took place in 2004, when the series "Angel on the roads" came out. Anna fell to play a heroine named Shurochka, and her mother Tamara Akulov was played by Olga's main role in comedy. Among the colleagues on the site was Alexander Golovin, with whom Sherling again met on the set of his next project - the bride's melodramas.

In 2007, the audience saw the artist in the military film "Oh you," where she played one of the main roles. In the center of the plot, the story of a Luba girl who is trying to start life from pure sheet after the Second World War and the death of the beloved.

In the future, the Anne's filmography was replenished with such projects as "trail", "father's daughters", "Katya" and "puppy". In the romantic comedy "Zolushka", which is a modern interpretation of the Fairy Tale of Charles Perro, the star played Ksenia. She described the character as "glamorous, but unkind" girl. But despite the fact that the reincarnation of the performer reached successful, the viewers did not appreciate the picture.

Some more successful was to participate in the Melodrame "Consolidated Fate", published in 2015. The main character - the elderly businessman who recognizes about the deadly disease and decides to collect three daughters in his home from different women. That same year, the actress appeared in the 3rd season of the series "Curious Varvara".

Anna Sherling - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Tamara Sharulova Daughter 2021 3015_1

Among those who were loved by the audience, the performer of the comedy "Babi Raunc, or a war in Novoselkovo". Sherling embodied Tamaru - a simple saleswoman, living in the village, where three main heroines-Muscovites escape in search of a better life.

The next project involving the star was the detective series "Last Ment", where she played Idu Lipskin. This is a story about the captain of the police Divov, who woke up after 20 years of coma and is trying to adapt to life in a new world for himself, where there is no things familiar to him, but there are amazing gadgets.

Then the artist was starred in the series "Death Rouss" and "Apple from Apple Tabs", but her roles were so small that the name did not even indicate in the credits. The participation of Anna in creating the adventure drama "Andreevsky Flag", which unfolds around the Chernobaevsky family was much more noticeable. Artist fell to play ingu.

Personal life

The personal life of celebrities has developed successfully, she is happy married, the spouse is called Hisham. A couple of four children - Nidal, Sofia, Adel and Amir. The actress tries to educate the heirs in rigor, develops in them hard work and the desire for independence.

Anna Sherling now

In February 2021, the premiere of the melodrama "for the first oncoming" was held on the first channel, where Anna played Isabella. The plot unfolds around the girl named Sasha, who learns about the chosen one on the eve of the wedding on the eve of the wedding and is decided to marry a stranger, but he turns out to be so simple as she thought.

Now Sherling continues the acting career, caught a piggy bank of images. She shares successes with fans on the Instagram page, where publishes video and photos.


  • 2004 - "Angel on the Roads"
  • 2006 - "Bride"
  • 2007 - "Oh you"
  • 2008 - "Life that was not"
  • 2009 - "Puppy"
  • 2012 - "Zolushka"
  • 2013 - "Happy Route"
  • 2015 - "Consolidated Fate"
  • 2015 - "Lamb Dolly was evil and died early"
  • 2017 - Baby Riot, or War in Novoselkovo "
  • 2020 - "Andreevsky Flag"
  • 2021 - "For the first oncoming"

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