Alexey Shaposhnikov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Chairman of the Moscow City Duma, Politician 2021



Alexey Valerevich Shaposhnikov - Politician, a billionaire who took the honorable place in the list of richest civil servants, according to Forbes magazine.

Childhood and youth

The future billionaire was born on June 19, 1973 in the Military Family. His father Valery Shaposhnikov, in the past, Colonel of Justice, for 10 years, performed the duties of the deputy of the Moscow City Duma III, IV and V conveners. Mother worked as an engineer.

For the boy, the most important example in life was the Father. And now the heir is happy to receive a professional advice from his parent.

Alexey has been typing on pioneer books, absorbing the right moral values ​​and landmarks. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a military man, because both of his grandfather passed the Great Patriotic War.

The adolescent was heated by a regular visit to the military units. There he drove his father during the summer holidays. A vivid impression for the future policy was the excursion to the cavalry part of Mosfilm. The native of Moscow and today remembers the moment when I saw the knightly ammunition and the Tacanis.

In primary and secondary school, he was not an excellent student, the troops often slipped in the diary and even twice. The student could easily prefer to visit the cinema lessons. However, in the final certificate stood alone 4 and 5.

Thoughts about the career of the military were repeatedly announced on the family council. Alexey even thought to leave school and try on the form of a caada in the Suvorian school. But in high schools there were ideas to enter the Faculty of Law.

After school, Shaposhnikov became a student of the Red Banner Institute of the Ministry of Defense. On the entrance examinations of the politician told in an interview with the portal "RT in Russian" - everything happened in the field camp. Applicants gave rise to short distances and 3 km, pulled up. For a young man who has been engaged in basketball for 6 years, the standards were not sophisticated.

However, in the role of military cadet, Alexey spent 2 years. The restructuring began, and with it and financial problems in the family due to salary delays. And at home was a little sister - Shaposhnikov decided to get a job, while doing the Moscow State Law Academy at the Faculty of State.

After graduating from MOYU, the young man began to participate in the organization of the father's election campaign. A beginner lawyer tried to help his parent, but at the same time received invaluable practice. And in 1999 he was already headed by the organization "Youth Unity", which due to several transformations merged with the "Fatherland", and then transformed into the Party "United Russia".

In his youth, Alexey liked to put and solve interesting community tasks, communicate with like-minded people. Then the future chairman of the Moscow City Duma did not apply to this work as a professional political activity.

Career and politics

In 2003, Alexey Valerievich received a diploma of the Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation. At that time, the "Youth Unity" organization became a political party in which the son of the Colonel of the reserves was worked by the head of the Moscow branch.

After transformation of the party in the "Young Guard of United Russia", the representative of the military dynasty performed the duties of the Federal CFA coordinator. Parallel to Shaposhnikov changed his father as a deputy director of OJSC Northernik.

In the fall of 2007, from the party "United Russia" he was nominated by the State Duma deputies, but he was not elected. In the following years, a professional biography policy has acquired public coloration. The son of the Military led a number of educational programs on the Capital Channel - "People of Megapolis", "Question and Answer", "Hero of the City".

In the period from 2010 to 2012 it was engaged in expertise on the draft laws in the public consultation council. Also continued to work with selective campaigns, analyzing the appeal of citizens.

Interested in politics and scientific activities. In 2010, he interpreted to the position of director of the youth center, who oversaw innovative projects, for example, the Seliger-2011 Forum. Also registered Ano "Institute of Political Innovation".

Finally, in 2012, Alexey Valerevich won the municipal elections, becoming a deputy of Rostokino district. Then he was elected chairman of Amom - the Association "Council of Municipal Education of the City of Moscow". In this role, Shaposhnikov achieved success - he became editor of 6 bills, which were subsequently approved by the Moscow State Duma.

Later he took an active part in the early election of the mayor of the capital in the summer of 2013. At the Base, Amom organized work on collecting signatures of municipal deputies. In addition, supervised over the video center of the public headquarters, designed to monitor the procedure itself.

In 2014, Alexey Valerievich received 52.13% of voters in elections to the Moscow City Duma. After a short time, he passed the position of chairman. The politician thanked his colleagues for his confidence and promised that representatives of all factions would be heard. In 2019, Shaposhnikov re-re-elected, ahead of the main competitor - Alexander Efimov from the Communist Party of the Communist Party.

At the end of 2019, Alexey Valerevich presented a declaration of income and real estate. The amount of almost 2 billion rubles caused a negative reaction. Requests from FBK Alexei Navalny, as well as other representatives of the opposition, were sent to the Moscow City Duma Commission.

Immediately formed a working group under the leadership of Stepan Orlov. In a closed meeting, it was established that the official presented all evidence of income, some of which was explained by business activities - selling shares of Northernian JSC. The verification of the prosecutor's office also did not reveal any signs of violation of the law.

In connection with these events, as well as after initiating the deputies of the Moscow City Duma, the procedure for expressing distrust to the chairman, his name began to appear in the media in a negative key. At the same time, Shaposhnikov did not ignore the press questions and even gave an interview with Alexey Venediktov on the Echo Echo.

Personal life

Public and political load does not allow the metropolitan official to spend more time with children. Politics have two daughters. The eldest already lives separately in its own apartment, which is known from the Declaration of the Deputy. The youngest studying at school, demonstrates musical talents and even became the winner of the vocal Internet competition.

There is no information about his wife Shaposhnikov - the official itself does not comment on this side of his personal life. His instagram account is the official page, posts and photos in it are socially political painting.

Alexey Shaposhnikov Now

In early 2021, at the Legislative Assembly, the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma launched priority directions in the work. First of all, changes in the law "On the interaction of the state power bodies of the city of Moscow with non-governmental non-commercial organizations" have arisen on the development of the volunteer movement during a pandemic period of coronavirus infection.

The politician marked the need to create conditions for the development of a high-tech sphere. And also announced the continuation of work to bring the Moscow legislation in line with the new places submitted to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2020.

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