Dmitry Loginov - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Snowboarder, Freestyle, World Champion 2021



The first coach of Dmitry Loginova said about his pupil like this: "He writes a new story of the Russian Snowboard." The secret of Success Dmitry Loginova is simple - the young man still thinks that she did not achieve anything. Therefore, it does not cease to strive for new tops - both in the direct and figurative sense of the word.

Childhood and youth

Snowboarder was born on February 2, 2000 in Divnogorsk. Father was engaged in power sports, and his mother played volleyball professionally. Therefore, in all that the hobbies concerned in this direction, the boy was invariably soldered by the support of adults.

Everything began in the lesson of physical education. Then Dima was ten years old. They gained promotional guys to the school of the Olympic reserve. Coach Alexei Vorigigin asked Pupils: "Who wants to become a champion?". And the logins first raised his hand and shouted: "I am!".

Dmitry Loginov and his coach Alexei Vorigigin

Rodigin immediately noticed how the eyes of Dima caught fire. In addition, the guy was strong and high (now its height is 180 cm, the weight is 78-80 kg), so it was decided to try, although before that the boy did not get on a snowboard. The dream to become a steep athlete contributed to the zeal and the divert of the student.

The coach chose a slope for a pupil more complicated, classes were held every day. Parents also noted - the son gladly fled to Alexei Roughguin, despite the fatigue and parallel training of karate.

Subsequently, the guy realized that combining two sections was hard, and eventually chose a snowboard. Classes have become more intensive, so there was no problem in an ordinary school. By the way, the teachers treated with understanding to a decrease in academic performance. And the favorite objects of Loginov remained biology and anatomy. Of course, the knowledge of physiology was very useful in his career.

Sports career

In the native Territory, Dmitry demonstrated excellent results in local competitions. The debut in the international arena took place when he was 15 years old, - at the European Cup in Landgraf. True, there the newcomer showed the average result, taking the 33rd place in parallel slalom.

At the World Cup stages in 2016 in Italy, he came 49th in the competition parallel giant slalom (Gigant). Then he was assigned the knowledge of the "Master of Sports of Russia of the International Class".

As part of the national team in 2016 in Rogle (Slovenia), Loginov became the world champion among juniors. And the first loud victory happened in 2018 in Badgastine (Austria), where the snowboarder showed the best results at the World Cup stages.

This gave him a ticket to the Olympics in Phenchhan. Then in South Korea, only one of the disciplines - "gigant" was presented. The debut athlete brought him the last place in qualifying, therefore, in the 1/8 finals, Dmitry did not come. However, for the youngest participant, this did not cause the dream.

The first unsuccessful result in the Olympic biography of Loginov only harden. Soon he began to demonstrate even more speed when passing the route. And in 2019, at the World Championships in the United States on a snowboard and freestyle, he managed to bypass eminent competitors, winning the qualifications in Giant.

Dmitry confidently bypassed the "masters" - Austrian Andreas Promgger, the Italian Edwina Koramatti and Vika Wilde. In the final, the native of Divnogorsk competed with Tim Mastnaya, according to the results of the tournament, becoming a world champion in Giant.

"I can't believe it," the first words of the winner after this race. A young athlete managed to cope not only with emotions, but also with difficult weather conditions because of the snowfall. The first gold medal of the Russian national team and the title of the youngest world champion after failure in Phenchana repeatedly increased the performance of the snowboarder.

Surprisingly, the next day, Dmitry won the first place in parallel slalom. And this time it was not without a record - login was the first Russian, who managed to take gold in this discipline.

The beginning of 2020 for a young man was marked by another achievement - victory in parallel slalom in Canada at the World Cup. The President of the Snowboard Federation of Russia Denis Tikhomirov noted the work of the senior coach of Denis Salagayev, who correctly distributed the Login's load, gradually deriving it to the form peak.

Personal life

The multiple world champion in junior competitions is little interested in social networks, so rare photos on the Internet are connected with his professional biography. However, in an interview with a snowboarder gives little information about personal life. However, it is divided: In the free of charges and tournaments, the time preference gives sports - football, volleyball and basketball.

As for the broadcasts, he does not mind to see hockey. And Dmitry does not hurt for a specific club, but enjoys the game of the Russian national team.

Even on vacation, login is regularly engaged in maintaining a physical form. From April to mid-May, up to summer training, trying to spend time with friends and loved ones. Also, together with the family, it is chosen in warm countries. After the end of the season goes to Sheregesh (Kemerovo region), where he is engaged in Freeride.

Dmitry Loginov Now

The owner of two gold medals of the World Cup in the 2020/21 season was in the shadow of compatriots. In Badgastein, in January 2021, he was able to overcome the track in the discipline parallel slalom first, but due to violations he had to be content with the second place.

However, at the home office of the World Cup distinguished himself. So, in the "Giant" finals in the resort "Bannik" he was ahead of Igor Yeah. In parallel slalom, luck smiled again athlete, despite the rapidly deteriorating weather conditions (the tournament organizers even postponed competitions for 3 hours).

Then he easily bypass Stepan Naumova, who, unfortunately fans, made a mistake when passing and took a silver medal. The third place also went to Russian Andrei Sobolev.

In March 2021 at the World Championships in a parallel giant slalom, Dmitry won gold.

To rest on the laurels is not completely in the character of the guy. Since childhood, his innermost dream was the Golden Medal of the Olympic Games. And now, despite the awards, he, as his parents expressed, not only not "Roll", but also believes that nothing else has reached in life.


  • 2016, 2018, 2020 - World Junior Champion in parallel slalom
  • 2017 - Silver winner of the world championship among juniors in parallel slalom
  • 2017 - Silver winner of the world championship among juniors in a parallel giant slalom
  • 2017 - Champion of Russia in parallel slalom
  • 2017 - Winner of the XIII European Youth Olympic Winter Festival
  • 2017 - Bronze World Cup winner in parallel slalom
  • 2018, 2019, 2020 - World Junior Champion in parallel giant slalom
  • 2018, 2021 - World Cup winner in parallel slalom
  • 2019 - World Champion in parallel giant slalom
  • 2019 - World Champion in parallel slalom
  • 2019, 2021 - Silver winner of the World Cup in parallel slalom
  • 2019, 2020 - silver winner of the World Cup in a parallel giant slalom
  • 2020 - World Junior Champion in team competition
  • 2020, 2021 - World Cup winner in parallel giant slalom
  • 2021 - Winner of the World Championship in a parallel giant slalom

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