Antonina Zhmaakova - biography, personal life, photo, news, singer, songs, "singing hearts", actress 2021



In the spring of 2020 news portal about movies, music, games and books, he introduced readers with ten groups, which started their way as accompanying compositions. Among the foreigners Tony Sheridan and The Beatles, Linda Ronstadt and Eagles, Nila Yang and Crazy Horse and others were Antonina Zhmasaku with the future "Aryia". The last team rose from VIA "Singing Hearts".

Childhood and youth

In the second year of the Great Patriotic War, July 26, 1942, the daughter of Tonya was born in Anatoly Zhmakov. The girl from childhood desired to be an artist, and a performer of songs, and a dancer. Therefore, after school, the documents took the documents to the Moscow Music School named after Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov.

Educational institution The girl graduated with the "title" of the classic singer and wanted to continue the vocal career, but at the same time he dreamed about theatrical stage. To a large extent, the teacher of the stage speech, the actress of the Music Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, who laid down in the ward of the "deep inner informality" in the ward.

Antonina Zhmaakov and Alla Pugacheva

Antonina went to storm guitis, at the institute, inquiring at the first teacher who had met, that she should read. The entrant admitted that the poems of Robert Burns prepared, creative sketches and pieces from Maxim Gorky.

After listening to the interlocutor right on the street, the woman invited her to the audience, where it managed to conquer Boris Pokrovsky himself. The opera director warned that if the incoming pass all the exams, he would take it immediately to the 2nd course. So it happened.

"Boris Pokrovsky is an amazing person and a brilliant director, then then put extraordinary performances. There were such moments when we, students themselves rehearsed at night, and he came to us and, being so famous, became closely with us at a very boy, "recalled the star of the Soviet stage in an interview.

Theater and films

At the 4th year, a student entrusted a major role in the "Taiga Desant" about the youth brigade of builders launching the Abakan railway trail in the Taiga. After that, the debutanth seemed that fate was predicted and would be connected exclusively with the cinema.

Once on the graduation performance "Sunday in Rome" in the study theater in the Nestsovsky Lane, the Leningrad director was noticed, called in the theater of Muz commitment in the northern capital. His colleague Andrei Petrov wrote musicals "Verka and Scarlet Sails" and "We want to dance", and urgently needed an artist. The girl agreed, but after 2 years she realized that he could not without his beloved Moscow, and returned back.

Antonina Zhmaakova - biography, personal life, photo, news, singer, songs,

In the capital, with Valentina Shendrikova, Natalia Wilkina, Irina Pechersnikov went to watch Andrei Goncharov, got to him in the "lightacard" and immediately received a place in the "Children of Vanyushina", "Mary", "Mama Kurazh and her children." The actress traveled to foreign tour and festivals, thinking to realize themselves and as a singer.

In the New Year's period, Zhmaakov worked on matinee, and in his free time he participated in concerts. On one of these speeches, the representative of the Ministry of Culture approached it and suggested trying the forces at the international contest of the pop song in Tokyo.

On May 13, 1972, the performer made a real extender in Japan, with the help of the "Stars to meet" having won a special prize and a gold medal. From that moment, she successfully toured on the Soviet Union and collected halls in Bulgaria, India, Africa.

Despite the fact that music, Antonina starred firmly in the professional biography, "Kabachka" 13 chairs "," Fugitive from the "Amber", "Engineer of Trankhalov" and other tapes, in the 80s breathing in the paintings "Morning of the evening wisen" "The investigation is conducted by experts" and "Creichera Sonata".


After the triumph in Japan, Zhmaakov immediately flew into Germany with Muslim Magomaev, who in every way helped a colleague, and also visited Warsaw with him.

In 1972, Antonina participated in the Gala concert on the Summer Olympic Games in Munich. After 2 years, accompanied by the "Melody" ensemble under the leadership of Georgy Garanian, she recorded the "Noise Birch" record with the songs of Soviet composers. On the cover of the collection, the singer's photoportition was concerned.

In the 1976th, the artist, quickly became a team of the team, was invited to "singing hearts." Since 1984, they under the idea of ​​the artistic director worked in two directions. For the classic pop style answered the soloist, for Hevi-metal - new young musicians.

Gradually, Via grew up in Aria, and the performer who remembered the hits "You no longer call me", "farewell toast" and "I ask you," passed into the created rock bands "Round" and "Spruit".

Personal life

Relationships from the red-haired beauty, for which, according to rumors, was Alla Pugacheva, with the founder and artist of VIA "singing hearts" Viktor Vikthein went beyond the officials of official. Lovers got married, brought up the son and, it seemed, enjoyed happiness. The woman called the spouse the best man in the world, extraordinary, kind, adored all talented.

January 18, 1990, the composer died. He was discovered in the garage in his own "Mercedes" with signs of exhaust poisoning.

"For me, all gossip, non-identity does not matter. The main thing - it is no longer! Whether circumstances, whose evil will is no matter. These events perceive as a test, tested for strength. Too we loved each other. Too, everything was fine, all those years that we were together, "said Celebrity.
Antonina Zhmasakova and husband Victor Vestein

After the death of the chief of the singer, who opened the Russian romance for himself, went from the scene. She explained the decision to singing the composition of her husband could not physically, but to fulfill others it would look like a betrayal. At the beginning of Zero Antonina Anatolyevna admitted that he did not even think to arrange a re-personal life, as he experienced serious feelings only to one man.

Antonina Zhmaakova now

Specific data on what is engaged in Antonina Anatolyevna, no.

It is known that in the middle of zero, she taught in the metropolitan music university and periodically performed. The star of the Soviet stage appeared at the presentation of the album of the current VIA "Singing Hearts", and in June 2007, Valery Shchelkina and Sergey Frolova "Legends Via".

February 6, 2021 on the air of the First Channel on the show "Hello, Andrei!" Behind the round table gathered the favorite viewers of VIA 1970s. Antonina Zhmaakov took part in the program.


  • "Magic Mirror"
  • "That's all"
  • "Stars meet"
  • "Star Hour"
  • "Not today, tomorrow"
  • "Letter"
  • "Under the lying pebbles"
  • "Great day"
  • "I ask you"
  • "Farewell toast"
  • "Sir Duk"
  • "Your steps"
  • "The path that was not lost"
  • "You no longer call me"
  • "Berez's noise"


  • 1965 - "Taiga landing"
  • 1966-1980 - "Zucchini" 13 chairs ""
  • 1967 - "Tatiana Day"
  • 1968 - "Fugitive from" Amber ""
  • 1972 - "Project Engineer"
  • 1975 - "From dawn to dawn"
  • 1981 - "Morning in the evening wisen"
  • 1982 - "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • 1987 - Kreutzerova Sonata

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