Daria Kolpakova - biography, personal life, photo, news, Yekaterinburg, "Instagram", "Last Hero" 2021



In the native Central Ural city of Daria Kolpakova, it is known as a business woman whose account is not one business project. However, on the show "The Last Hero", the entrepreneur did not require business qualities - in Africa, it was necessary to maintain human traits and not turn into a savage.

Childhood and youth

Daria Anatolyevna Kolpakova (Maiden's name - Razzvin, the last name on the first husband - Novikova) was born on October 30, 1988 in the city - the satellite of Yekaterinburg, Upper Pyshma. Daria received in the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University in Yekaterinburg, learning at the Institute of Economics and Management.

Daria Kolpakova in childhood with parents


At the age of 18, Kolpakova opened his first own business. Each of the activities in the professional biography of the business woman brought income, but the girl did not stop at the achieved and switched to new projects. Nevertheless, since Daria loves to travel, tourism remained the basis.

Since 2012, a business woman is the founder and financial director of the tourist agency "Planet" LLC, as well as since 2015, as an individual entrepreneur sells fashionable clothing and footwear wholesale and retail in a specialized store Dasha Brand.

During the crisis caused by a coronavirus infection pandemic, the tourist business went to no, the businesswoman had to pay the salary of five employees, having no profit. Nevertheless, Kolpakova hopes that after the world's return to the circles, their people will begin to spend more on travel. Also in plans to open their own courses of tourism managers.

But the clothing store had to close. The owner explained this decision to three reasons: difficulty with chipping things that refuses to make supplier, which increases taxes; An increase in the number of customers under the influence of fashionable bloggers, taking displacing a dress or shoes for two weeks and then pay it for the full cost; Competition from online stores that are not serving the cost of renting premises. Leaving the businesswoman only the direction of fur products.

Before the appearance of COVID-19 Daria dreamed of opening anticafe with entertainment games, but this idea has lost relevance. The entrepreneur explained that now there are no more areas where you can get an income - all small business crowded the network.

At the time of participation in the project "Last Hero", its business Kolpakova left for a aunt, a long-old Daria colleague, and an accountant.

Personal life

Daria Kolpakova told that the parents did not support any of her undertakings. Father and mother even believed that the businesswoman should not be divorced to the first husband Dmitry Novikov, although he often drank and raised his hand to his wife. Relatives advised to preserve the family for the child. Nevertheless, Daria chose to terminate marriage.

With the second husband, Andrei Kolpakov Daria met in the travel agency, where he came to buy a ticket, after which he immediately invited to walk. On the second day, a couple had proximity, and on the third Daria received an offer to marriage and on August 24, 2019 officially replaced the name with Novikova on the Kolpakov.

At first, relations developed perfectly, in the social networks Daria called her husband the strongest and caring. Unfortunately, after a pandemic, the spouses arose in relations, the period of misunderstanding, and the businesswoman left for the project "The Last Hero" in a serious condition - preparing for a return or to divorce, or to the conclusion of a new relationship, an absolutely different level. As a result, the spouses divorced.

The celebrity grows the Son from the first marriage Mark (born on June 11, 2013). During the lack of a cap at home, three grandmothers look after the boy - the mother and grandmother Darya and the parent of the father of the brand, who is holing and indulge.

"Last Hero. Champions against newcomers "

In the autumn of 2020, TV-3 TV channel announced the reception of the questionnaire from those who wanted to take part in the 9th seasons of the show "The last hero. Champions against newcomers. " In the address of the jury, over 8 thousand video cameras came, a thousand applicants were invited for two stages of full-time casting.

Among the candidates who managed to overcome all the preliminary tours and join the "Newbies" team, the 32-year-old Daria Kolpakova, by the type resembling the participant of the 8th season of the show and the members of the Champions team, the hope of Hope Angarskaya. The shooting of the program was held on the island of Tanzanian archipelago Zanzibar in Africa. For the first time, the project with leading Yana Trojanova was broadcast on February 6, 2021.

According to the participants of the show, the entrepreneur's application filed not only to fix the financial situation in business and close loans, but also to get acquainted with them, change life, reset and return home by another person. Another reason for the participation of Darya in the project is the desire to show parents, what kind of "cool". True, the girl no longer hopes for approval, but she dreams of accepting what it is.

Daria Kolpakova - biography, personal life, photo, news, Yekaterinburg,

On the island of Kolpakova had to make efforts to overcome fears. The first task was the search for food in the field - picking up fruits and coconuts, catching crabs and rice rice, with which Daria coped with honor, although at home and was accustomed to comfort and refused him with the strongest fear.

Accustomed businesswoman and sleep on hard sand, and cope with physical exertion, which turned out to be even more complicated by psychological. But the most difficult was the presence of a huge number of biting insects on the island, which did not leave a living place on the bodies of the participants, caused severe scabies. In any case, as Daria said, she is ready for testing, because he wants to test himself.

About the competition Participant Show did not think, just trying to be to those who are. Kolpakova was not sure that he wants to hold out to the very end. Having stayed on the project for two weeks, the entrepreneur changed the opinion and stated that in the event of a victory would acquire a car - a red dodge challenge. As a result, Roman Nikkel won the victory.

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