Verona Wang de Lor - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Films, Pornktrix, Netherlands Gymnast 2021



Verona Wang de Lour has passed the way from the winner of the world championship to the unemployed, homeless, concluded, and then - actresses of films for adults. Now, herself at an early age faced with cases of sexual abuse of children in sports, the former gymnast is lectures on the rights of athletes and women.

Childhood and youth

Verona Van de Lor was born on December 27, 1985 in Gouda, the Netherlands, and grew up in a neighboring Waddinkseven in the Protestant family of Henke's watchmaker and saleswoman in the Sony bookstore.

At 4 years old, the girl was engaged in swimming, but at age 5 decided to try himself in gymnastics. At 9, Verona continued to study at the highest level in the club Pro Patria in Zueter. Parallel Van de Lor changed 4 schools, but was considered an exemplary student.

The girl had to spend 33 hours a week in training, sit on a strict diet. Initially, parents provided an athlete with all sorts of support, but later, according to Wang de Lur, it turned into an intrusive idea of ​​waiting for medals.

Verona also said that the child was repeatedly encountered with sexual and verbal absuse, the need to undress to coaches and all sorts of touches.

Sport and Career

For the first time in Youth National Tournaments, Van de Lur appeared in 1995, having received the first gold at the EcoAir 1997 International Tournament.

In 2000, Verona became the winner in all-around at the Netherlands Youth Championship, and the next year she won the championship in adulthood, winning 4 gold medals. Together with the Dutch national team, the 15-year-old Verona ranked 5th at the World Championships in Ghent, and with this result, the girl received the National Prize "Team of the Year".

Next year, on the account of the young athlete, 5 medals at the European Championship, where in the all-around Van de Lur was the 2nd after the Russians Svetlana Horkina - a permanent rival of the Dutch, and in team competitions, the Netherlands also received silver. At the national championship in gymnasts again 4 gold.

At the World Championships in Debrecen Van de Lor became the 2nd on the carpet, and in the World Cup final won gold in free exercises. At the national sports premiums, the gymnast recognized the year athlete, and the national team began the team of the year.

But at the tournament in Greece, the athlete received a serious injury, did not mean, scored the weight and the 2003 World Championship in the United States went only as a reservist. The Netherlands waited for the failure, the team did not even hit the 12 best and could not be displayed at the Athens Olympics. The athlete was broken and even tried to commit suicide. But, taking himself in hand, Wang de Lor broke up with the trainer Frank Louter and began to train with Boris Orlov, in the 80s former coach of the national team of the Soviet Union.

After changing the coach and operation, the results of the following years were mediocre - at the 2005 National Championship of Verona hit the podium only 1 time. By 2007, Van de Lor scored the form and for the fourth time became the champion of the country in all-around.

But at the European Championships in Paris, the athlete again did not form a form, the dreams of the Olympiad collapsed. Verona was collected through the press with the leadership of the delegation, tolding a lot of unpleasant information about the coaching approaches that reigned in it and on June 19, 2008 announced the completion of the career.

Parents considered that the daughter threw their efforts into her window - and put Verona from the house. The money earned was quickly spent, no longer left for rent, and the girl settled in his convertible "Peugeot 206".

The former athlete tried to give lessons, but she did not have a coaching license. To the social services of Van de Ler did not want to contact not to create publicity situations. The country champion collected bottles, searched the garbage tanks and stolen in stores.

In 2010, Van de Lor's parents were submitted to the court, hesitating the sponsorship money remaining on the score, but most of them were already spent. The athlete tried to donate with him the second time, rushing under the train, but could not make the last step.

One day, photographing in the park, the gymnast accidentally captured the treason of some lady, and Verona occurred to try to make money on blackmail. All the fact that an athlete was arrested and planted for 72 days to prison, but at least they fed.

As a condition for the cancellation of the arrest, the court demanded from the gymnast to find a permanent place of residence, and Verona agreed that the mother of her boyfriend Robbie would allocate the room. The athlete resumed attempts to work by the coach, but then the information about the fate of Wang Leur fell into the press.

The job offers evaporated. The only remaining was from the webcam platform ISLIVE: to become the face of the company and act as a webcam model. After some, Verona signed the contract, and a little later launched the own website of erotic content. In the porn actrix industry, it began to work without a pseudonym, under the real name.

In the Netherlands, shooting in erotic films are a legal revenue. Verona only delivered several conditions: only work with a boyfriend, without presence on the set of other men. The model was often shot in fetish-video, bdsm, with partners, but, according to her, never came out of the comfort zone. In the filmography of the models such videos as "Merry Day with Verona", "Red Roses", "Verona with Girls in Prague", etc.

Payment was a good level, an athlete bought a house in nature, got into the star TV show "Dancing on the Sixth" and even thought to return to the sport. Van de Lour also tried on the role of human rights defenders, having left the country with lectures on violence in sports and the rights of female athletes.

In 2014, the gymnast published a biography, re-delivered in English at the beginning of 2020. In 2019, the model completed his career in webcam, leaving only an account with the sale of old video recordings.

Personal life

Since 2008, Verona Van de Lor meets with photographer Robbie Rider, who is older than 16 years old. The couple met through the social network, the man was a fan of the athlete and decided to write it.

Because of the past conviction, he had problems searching for work, and it all ended with Verona, they turned out to be homeless and tried to rise from the bottom. Currently, Robbie plays a big role in the life of a former athlete, being the only person with whom she is able to share all the nuances of his personal life.

Now accounts in the social networks "Instagram" and "Twitter" model uses to attract attention to its projects, publishing light model photos in them.

Growth of the Netherlands gymnast 170 cm, weight - 52 kg.

Verona Wang de Lor now

A coronavirus infection pandemic hit the plans of the former athlete. I had to cancel public speeches, touring with theatrical show, presentation of the book.

At the same time, in 2021, Verona continued to write columns for Panorama magazine, to give an interview with world media, including Russian-speaking publications, to act in advertising.


  • 2002 - Silver winner of the world championship in free exercises
  • 2002 - Silver winner of the European Championship in the team competition
  • 2002 - Silver winner of the European Championship in the Support Jump
  • 2002 - Silver winner of the European Championship in the Absolute Championship
  • 2002 - Bronze medalist of the European Championship in the exercises on the log
  • 2002 - Bronze medalist of the European Championship in free exercises
  • 2002 - athlete of the year in the Netherlands

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