Evgeny Savelyev - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", husband Alexandra Bortich, son 2021



Evgeny Savelyev - Russian businessman, owner of the company "King says!" and former politician. Having a chance to build a career in the state sphere or continue the case of the Father, he chose his own way and achieved success in this.

Childhood and youth

The son of the founder of AVS Group Valeria Savelyev was born on June 5, 1988 in Yekaterinburg. Two years later, the daughter of Olesya appeared in the family. As a child, brother and sister differed apart from character - the boy grew calm and well studied, the girl demonstrated all the qualities of fidgets.

Graces and grandparents helped in the upbringing of Zhenya and Oleas. By the way, after some time, they specifically moved to Ekaterinburg from Kazakhstan to be near. Employment of parents due to business left little free time for children. However, the father found time at the weekend, and also drove the family to rest at the resorts 5-6 times a year.

In addition, Zhenya, together with his sister, starting from high school, went abroad - to England, USA and Canada, where a foreign language practiced. Despite the financial well-being of the family, Valery Borisovich tried to raise the heirs so that they did not suffer from "star diseases." Excesses in the house was not.

After graduating from the gymnasium, Eugene entered the budget to the Ural State Technical University for the specialty "World Economy", although he had chances to learn in Moscow, and abroad. Having received a diploma, Savelyev Jr. went to the army, in the special forces of the GRU, where she carried out a children's dream - jumped with a parachute. With another desire, the conquest of Sosmos, the son of the deputy is also not going to part and is following the development of this sector now with interest.

Having served in the special forces, the young man went to Moscow, where he continued to education - entered the Academy of State Services under the President of the Russian Federation.

Career and business

Professional biography of Savelyev started in 2011. At first, the son of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region from the United Russia party was an ordinary employee, then he was reached by the post of advisor under the presidential administration.

Valery Borisovich assured - the heir himself climbed the career ladder, and a prestigious education played in this role. However, when Eugene had a chance to occupy the place of the head of the department, he decided to leave the state service.

The fact is that the native of Yekaterinburg was offered to lead the metropolitan company specializing in the field of IT technologies. Savelyev even passed courses in Skolkovo to competently develop a new brand. By the way, the father took this news wary and even tried to dissuade the heir to quit work. But in this matter, Eugene showed durability and the opinions did not change.

And later Valery Borisovich took the choice of his son, who dreamed of creating, and not to fulfill orders. Moreover, his little experience in his business has already had - the founder of AVS Group attracted children to work in its own company. Later, the young man also listed in the management of the organization. But later admitted that he always wanted to go to "free swimming".

So, changing the role with the civil servant at the head of the financial and technical company, Eugene first thought about oratorical art. The young man felt that he had lacking eloquence for competent management. In order to abolish such an annoying gap Savelyev began to take lessons from Professor Mkhat Viktor Marghashev. And soon understood - this service will be in demand.

The decision to organize his own school seemed to him a profitable event. Literally in 10 days, a novice entrepreneur made a site, launched an advertisement. With friends came up with the name - "King says!".

True, the first free master class, after which Eugene planned to sell a 3-day course, turned out to be failed. Little participants came, most of them are students, not ready to post a round sum for training.

But experience became useful. After examining the errors, the businessman revised the advertising campaign, changed the format, set up a sales system - and after a couple of months he began to receive operational profit.

School of speaking skills now allows an entrepreneur to implement the very desire to "create". Business, as Evgeny divides in an interview, he builds creativity and numbers at the junction. And if the first teachers answer, the former politician himself feels like fish in the water in the world of analytics.

In the "free swimming" Savelyev, an approach was useful, developed on the army service. Impeccable performance of work - the quality that he brought up and demands from employees.

Personal life

The first wife of the entrepreneur was the hostess of the Fitness Center Booster Workout Daria Nikiforov and, part-time, the daughter of a business partner Valery Borisovich. True, this marriage was short-lived. In 2018, Joint photos of Eugene and Actress Alexandra Bortich appeared in the media.

Both did not hide the relationship (by the time Saveliev divorced), but also did not comment on the details of personal life. And in the summer of 2020, the lovers posted in the instagram accounts pictures of a newborn son.

Even today there is no information about whether the couple reached the registry office or stands in a step from the wedding. Lovers with the difference at the age of 6 live together, they bring up the heir, who was called Sasha. In early 2021, lovers decided to move to the Krasnodar Territory.

In the meantime, the public exists, in which status - the official or civil husband, Alexandra Bortich - is a businessman, a young father tries to devote all the time the family. At the same time he managed to jump with a parachute, engaged in mountaineering, surfing, often travels. Also supports the fading of the father of Safari, however, he does not take a rifle himself, limiting himself to the photofool.

Evgeny Savelyev now

An entrepreneur from Yekaterinburg after moving to Sochi with his family came to the expansion of his own business, having prepared preparations for the opening of the new school center of speakers in Krasnodar. The upbringing of the heir does not prevent Eugene to do career, while he is not sure that living on the Black Sea coast will be delayed for a long time.

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