Oleg Philipchik - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife, Filmography 2021



In his youth, Oleg Phillip decided to devote the life of the cinema and theater. Since the end of the Schukinsky school, he played tens of bright roles. Images created on television in TV shows, advertising and humorous transmissions received high assessments of the audience.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Oleg Viktorovich Filipilike began in Grodno. He was born in 1968 in the intelligent Belarusian family.

Over time, representatives of the older generation decided to move to the capital of the Soviet Union. There, the boy went to a general educational high school, where teachers paid attention to the natural tendencies of children.

Father, seeing the deposit of the actor, persuaded the son to pass the audition at the theater center on Red Presnya. Oleg was lucky, his adolescent age was accepted into the troupe who worked on the stage of the play Mauris Meterlinka "Blue Bird", and entrusted the role of the character grandfather time.

In the same period, with the filing of the mother, Phillip was carried away by cinema. Dreaming to become a famous director, he enjoyed the comedies of the Soviet masters Leonid Gaiday and Eldar Ryazanov, as well as French paintings with the participation of Louis de Fügenes.

The fact that the boy studied in the institution, located in the center of the capital, played a role in its formation as an actor. The school was often selected on episodic roles in feature films. Oleg, once caught on the set, did not see the mounted scene with his own participation, but relatives and friends assured that everything was done well.

After receiving the certificate of full secondary education, Philipper, not thinking, filed documents to the theater school named after M. S. Shchepkin. At first, the guy who was going to lecture and did not perform the homework tasks of teachers who worked on the course Vladimir Alekseevich Safronov, have repeatedly planned to deduct from theatrical university. Despite this, in the late 1980s, Oleg presented a graduation diploma.

Theater and films

In the mid-1989, the Philipper, who had a memorable appearance with an increase in 177 cm and weighing about 80 kg, was invited to the capital theater of the drama. M. N. Yermolova. In his youth, he was involved in the performances "I am, you are, he is", "Hollows", "Predator" and "Woman out of the game". Over time, a role in the "costumes", "Snow Queen", "Saliery Forever" appeared in the actor's portfolio of the actor, "Salieri Forever (" Little Tragedies ")" and "Eccentric Detective".

Successful speeches before the living public forced Oleg seriously think about working in cinema and television. He well remembered the sensations tested in the youthful age during short appearances on the set of paintings "Plumbum, or a dangerous game", "Unlike", as well as the recreation of the edge of the chief hero in the drama Vyacheslav Kolpayev "Ay Love Yu, Petrovich".

In 1993, Philipper became interested in director Andrei Malyukov and Writer Julia Damsker. Tandem, who had his own look at modern work, was offered a graduate "Pike" role in the absurd tragicomedy "Little men of the Bolshevik Lane, or I want beer."

Oleg's all-Russian fame acquired thanks to the shooting in the criminal television series "Weather", created based on the works of the writer Vyacheslav Zhukov, known for books about operatives from the slaughter department of St. Petersburg.

Oleg Philipchik - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife, Filmography 2021 2875_1

The captain of the police Peter Greek - charming, a little scattered and irresponsible person who loving sleep and eat and at the same time fond of breeding decorative plants, from the first episodes came to the soul of the sophisticated public. Oleg Kharitonov, Vladimir Nikitin, Yuri Breshin and Julia Peresilde played the rest of the main roles in an infidewater detective.

Other bright projects with the participation of a native of the city of Grodno in the 2000s were the multi-sieuled "Women's League", "Trail of Salamandra", "I'm flying" and "Smalkov. Double blackmail, "full-length films" Gentle meetings "and" Land Lawn ", as well as the play of the theater. M. N. Yermolova "Bear. Offer "and" Grammar of Love ".

In 2010, in the filmography of Filippelik, the first part of the New Year's Filmalman "Yolki" appeared with Ivan Urgant, Sergey Svetlakov, Vera Brezhnev and Olga Tumaykina, television serials "Freud method" with Ivan Okhlobystin, "Wild-3" with Igor Lifanov, as well as melodramas "Native hands", "ravine" and "road without end". At the same time, the actor took part in creating a sketch show "One for all" and "carefully, children", where Anna Ardova and Valery Garkalin led a first-person narration.

Personal life

Oleg, unlike many stars of theater and cinema, does not try to hide a personal life from outsiders. In instagram account, he exhibits photos of close people. The actor spoke about the relationship with the weak floor, in an interview with journalists, the authors of a number of articles wrote about hobbies.

The fans know that in the years of study in the metropolitan theater university, a novel with the famous Russian actress Olga Drozdova. The guy and the girl lived a couple of years together, but the case did not come to the campaign.

Despite the strong feelings for the first chosen, the image of the heroine "Queen Margo" and "Gangster Petersburg" erased from memory. A graduate of Schukinsky school after time he married another.

After the birth of the son of Artemia, family life did not work out. Divorced Oleg found the strength to fall in love again and call the subject of adoration to the crown. Natalia Zhiltsova, who was a student of the economic faculty of the prestigious metropolitan university, became the wife of a talented actor.

In the early 2000s, the first child appeared in the Oleg and Natasha family. Following the son of Alexander, a happy couple was born Olga - a long-awaited daughter.

After the children matured a little, the actor and his spouse had a chance to make a career. Filippery began to act more in films and serials, and the spouse received a place of vice president of a foreign bank who had a branch in Moscow.

Oleg Philipchik now

In 2021, a premiere show was held by the pilot series of the Master's television project, where the Philippe worked with such actors as Igor Petrenko, Anatoly White, Sergey Shakurov and Linda Lapinsh. In the history of Rally Raides on Kamaz, the actor played a secondary character, but a qualitative scenario and professional director strengthened his prestige.

Now Oleg Viktorovich continues to delight fans of living speeches. In the theater M. N. Yermolova, he plays in the play "Dachniks" and "Auditor".


  • 2010 - "Our Home Store"
  • 2010 - "Vendetta in Russian"
  • 2010-2017 - "Web"
  • 2011 - "Grandma on demolitions"
  • 2012 - "Freud Method"
  • 2013 - "Kiss the bride"
  • 2014 - "Senior Daughter"
  • 2014 - "Road without end"
  • 2016 - "Do not tell me about him"
  • 2016 - "On the White Kone"
  • 2018 - "Exposing the Unicorn"
  • 2019 - "Pinkyo"
  • 2019 - "Freight Birds"
  • 2021 - "Sample"
  • 2021 - "Goryunov. Ship slope
  • 2021 - "Master"

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