Maria Polikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. Children, Ryazan, "Music of my soul" 2021



Maria Polikov from an early age for creativity, she loved to draw, dance and needleformen. But the main passion of the girl was the music that led her to the casting of the Russian vocal show "Voice. Children".


Date of birth of Maria Andreevna Politician - September 17. The future star has grown in the Russian city of Ryazan. The mother of the girl Oksana is engaged in business, and his father found a call in the profession of a hairdresser. Masha was their older child, later parents gave her younger brother.

Talent for vocals was discovered in politician even in early years of biography. In parallel with study at school No. 63, she began to study in the Children's Music Theater "Constellation of Good", where he came with a timid and shy girl, but then revealed as a born artist. Together with other students, Masha has repeatedly participated in the vocal festivals and competitions, including the "sunny bunny" and "heat in Vegas".

2019 was outstanding with a saturated for the performer, because it became a member of the Children's Eurovision. With the song "Music of my soul" girl reached the semi-finals, but could not win. In the autumn, the young star first visited the shooting of the program "With good morning, kids!" on the TV channel "Carousel". She sang for the audience and fulfilled the task of Hryushi - he tried to pack balloons into a suitcase, without bursting them.

The artist returned to the Transmission Studio in March next year. Masha told the leading success in creativity and tried herself as a model, trying on the proposed images.

Show "Voice. Children"

On February 20, 2021, the 2nd issue of the 8th season of the show "Voice. Children "with the participation of Mary. For the stage of the blind listening, she chose the folk song "River", in the execution of which he was focused on the Manor of Alla Pugacheva. During the speech, the girl was almost not worried that he helped her confidently hold on to the stage.

The first to the participant turned the singer Egor Cred, and after him - Raper Basta. The last vocal politician appreciated Svetlana Loboda, which also expressed admiration for the external data of the performer. Later, on a rank interview, Maria admitted that it was pleasantly surprised by the attention of 3 mentors at once. The key to success, she considers the combat mood and the ability to not fall in spirit.

Solving, in whose team to go, the artist remembered the words of the teacher who told her to "choose the heart." Therefore, Polikova declared the desire to continue participation under the guidance of Basta. Rapper was pleased with such an event outcome and continued to make the singer compliments even after her departing from the scene.

Behind the scenes, the performer was waiting for a large support group, consisting of her friends, relatives and mentors. Masha also managed to communicate with the leading Dmitry Nagiyev, with whom she had long dreamed of meeting. He congratulated a vocalist and wished her worthy to go through the shower.

In the backstage conversation with the finalist of the 7th season of the program of Sofia Lloret, the participant reported that its repertoire constitutes predominantly pop songs, and the decision to fulfill the folk composition for judges was an unusual experiment. Polikikov also expressed his willingness to try themselves in different genres, including rap.

The vocal of the performer did not leave indifferent not only the jury, but also the audience. They published a lot of enthusiastic reviews under the record dedicated to Mary, in the official group "Voice. Children "in" VKontakte ". To thank them for their support, the actress published a post on the Instagram page, where it shares the events from creative and personal life. Writing a young star accompanied the photo taken during the performance on the project.

Maria Polikova now

Now the singer continues to engage in creativity. In early 2021, she joined the house of TEENS HOUSE Tickers, which united talented children and adolescents. The project participants with joint efforts to remove entertainment videos for publishing on the "Titstok" and "Instagram" platforms.

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