Scribed Tyson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Actress, Films, In Youth 2021



"As long as you can breathe, the Universe gives you a chance" - This quotation of the American actress Siseli Tyson can serve as an epigraph to her biography. The daughter of black immigrants, who debuted in a full-length movie at 32nd, was awarded a nominal star at the Hollywood "Alley of Glory," and in 94 he received an Oscar Award for outstanding merit in cinema. The actress died in 96 years, having time to release an autobiographical book 2 days before the death.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born in East Harlem on December 19, 1924 in the Family of Carpenter and the artist-designer William Augustina Tyson and Fredericki Tyson, who worked as a servant. Parents siseli, who gave life to two more children, were born on the Caribbean Island of Nevis, which was part of the British Confederation.

The actress grew in a religious atmosphere, attended prayer meetings and sang in the chore of the Episcopal Church in their native district. On the beauty of Scribed in his youth, scouts of Ebony magazine, addressed to the black Americans, and a native of East Harlem began a photo model's career.

The mother of the girl was against her artistic career and, facing the inflexibility of her daughter, did not speak her for several years. The position of Fredericky has changed when she saw the performance with the participation of Siseli.


Tyson made his debut on the screen in 1951 in the TV series "Travel Light", and after 5 years, first appeared in a full-length picture, she became the "Caribbean Gold" tape. Since 1959, Siseli played in New York theatrical productions.

The actress glorified the main role in the drama "Sooner", telling about the fate of African American Rebecca, after the conclusion of Nathan's husband to a prison alone raising children. For acting in the film, Tyson was nominated for Oscar -1972 award, but the reward went to Liza Minnelli, who played the picture of Bob Foss "Cabaret".

At the age of 50, Siseli reincarnated to the former slave, which looked up to 110 years, in the TV series "Autobiography Miss Jane Pittman" and was honored for this role "Emmy" award. In 1976, Tyson played in the Soviet-American full-length film "Blue Bird", music to which Andrei Petrov wrote. In the adaptation of the play, Maurice Meterlinka, such stars of Hollywood were also starred as Elizabeth Taylor and Ava Gardner.

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The screening of another work is the novel fanni FLAG "Fried green tomatoes in the cafe" Films "", in which Tyson performed the role of Sipsi, received ambiguous evaluations of critics. In the Criminal Drama "Gangster" directed by Bill Duke Siseli created the image of Stephanie Saint-Claire, which really existed ladies-mafiosis, born, as well as the ancestors of the actress, in West Indies.

The triumphal reception with the critics and viewers received a tape with the participation of Tyson "servants", in which Emma Stone also starred, Octavia Spencer and Viola Davis: The film was awarded Oscar, "Golden Globe" and BAFTA. Siseli played the mother of Davis character in the series "How to avoid punishment for the murder", to which the heroine has repeatedly appealed for support in difficult moments of personal life and career. In recent years, Tyson starred in the TV series "Card House" and "Visi every day," and also played Alice in a dramatic thriller of Tyler Perry "Falling", released on screens in January 2020.

Personal life

At the age of 17, Siseli gave birth to a daughter, and after 3 days after the 18th anniversary, he married Kenneth Franklin. Tyson's first marriage collapsed in less than a year and a half after the wedding, but the official divorce former spouses issued only in 1956.Embed from getty images

For almost 30 years, Roman actresses with the prince of Jazz - Trumpeter Miles Davis lasted during which a man managed to marry other women twice and divorce them. The photo of the musician posted on the cover of the album Sorcerer ("Wizard"). It was the marriage to Tyson in 1981, he helped to get out Davis from the bunch of narcotic madness and return to music. However, during filming, the actress in Africa Miles changed the savior, the marriage ended in a divorce in 1989.

Siseli was friends with the actress Roxy Raker, who died in 1995, and became the godmother of the son of the girlfriend - Lenny Kravitsa, born in 1964. Tyson was vegetarian.


The legend of Hollywood died on January 28, 2021. The cause of death was not unveiled, but relatives of the actress reported that they were siselled without torment.

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At the funeral held on February 16, 2021 in Harlem, Bill Clinton and his wife, Tyler Perry and Saddle Tyson - composer, actor and singer Lenny Kravitz. The death of the artist was paid in their instagram accounts producer of the series "How to avoid punishment for killing" and "Bridgeertons" Shondd Rims, the star Bridgeertonov Gold Rochevel and many other Hollywood figures, who have embraced photos of their pages in social networks.


  • 1963-1964 - "East Side, West Side"
  • 1972 - "SOUNDER"
  • 1974 - "Miss Jane Pittman autobiography"
  • 1978 - "King"
  • 1981 - "History of Marva Collins"
  • 1994 - "The oldest remaining widow of the Confederates tells"
  • 1994-1995 - "Sweet Justice"
  • 1997 - "Gangster"
  • 1999 - "Lesson before death"
  • 2005 - "Diary of a crazy black woman"
  • 2011 - "SERVICE"
  • 2012 - "I, Alex Cross"
  • 2015-2020 - "How to avoid punishment for killing"
  • 2016 - "Card House"
  • 2017 - "The Last Skim Flag"
  • 2020 - "Falling"
  • 2020 - "Apply every day"

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