Alexey Glazrin - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, "vii", films, artist



On February 12, 2021, "Visiting Dmitry Gordon" visited Andrei Smirnov. The director of the legendary "Belorussky Station" spoke about the main idea of ​​the film, remembered how he was a selection of an amazing cast and shared information about who from the artists was originally written by the role. It turned out that the director of the plant, the former commander of the spernaya company, Viktor Kharlamov, who eventually played Alexey Glazerin, could be Nikolai Rybnikov or Mikhail Ulyanov.

Childhood and youth

On August 1, 1922, in the city of the eye, located in the north of the current Udmurt Republic, the son of Alesha was born in the family of Alexander Glazrin and his wife. The details of the father's biography and mother are not provided, it is known only that the child had German roots.

Alexey Glazerrin with her daughter

At the end of the high school, the young man entered Gitis, where he adopted knowledge from Mikhail Tarkhanov and Vladimir Belokurov. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the student went to the militia, participated in the construction of the first line of the Ministry of Defense of Moscow (Ryel Anti-Tank Rips), for which he received a medal. From 1942 he was part of the theatrical front brigade.

In 1944, the guy released from the university - his course became the core of the Taganrog Drama Theater, named after Anton Chekhov to the 40th anniversary of the death of the writer. On January 10, the Victory 1945 was presented the graduation play "Three sisters", where Alexey got the role of Alexander Vershinin - Masha Prozorova's beloved (Elizabeth Solodova).

"Aleshka played any role, and everything turned out. In Ivanovo, he was brilliantly played by Count Shabelsky. A boy, he was then 23 or 24 years old, played almost a 70-year-old old man. He served 3 years in Taganrog, and then moved to Rostov. But there something was not challenged, and he moved to Novosibirsk, "Alexander Rogovin told each institute.


From 1954 to 1961, Glazerin went to the scene of the Novosibirsk "Red Torch", participating in the performances of the "Kremlin Quararants" and the "third pathetic", and then replenished the traffic police station named after Konstantin Stanislavsky. Here, the man first appeared in front of the audience in the "day of turbine", over time, enriching the repertoire "Sixth July", "Give the roof of Mathtuflu," "Modern tragedy", "Once in the Twenty", "Mother Pole."

Initially, Evgeny Urbansky worked on the main male role in the "deck" on the play of playwright, Yevgeny Urban, but it happened that he urgently needed to leave for shooting. Alexey Alexandrovich was offered to replace Collega.

The situation has developed tickling. According to Boris Lviv-Anokhina, the ward, despite the external severity and a gentle vane soul, defended his acting independence quite decisively, trying to capture leadership. Therefore, rehearsals first resembled real battles.

However, as a result, the artist surrendered to the grace of the director and extended his hand. In addition to the heavy, powerful love line, he showed a bitter fate of a strong and proud independent person in the Soviet country and carried the second line of captivity of this system with hardly a tragic force.


Researchers of creativity Alexey Alexandrovich are convinced:

"Union of Glazine from a movie - a special property. Playing a great importance role in the theater, he could not get a material for a long time corresponding to its scale. On the way to large screen stood a lot, including the small film of the artist, which closed access to other serious roles. But he was waiting for "his" role. "
Alexey Glazrin - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor,

Debut works in the movie turned out to be drama "In pursuit of glory" and "We are from Semirchya", who came out after each other. The artist starred in the lead roles in the "living and dead" Alexander Pokper, "On the Wild Breag" and in Quarantine, adding several paintings by the audience in the "sultry July", "Viy", "Shield and Sword", " Accused of murder "and" young. "

Evgeny Leonov came to the Belorussian Station, and the selection of other candidates passed long and carefully. As a result, Glazurina managed to get around competitors. After incredible reincarnation in the director of the plant, who only showed himself to the final, everything was obvious that the actor would not have a penalty from the proposals of directors. But fate ordered otherwise.

Personal life

Colleagues responded about the artist as a person honest, a mustache and nothing that was afraid, except, perhaps, loneliness. But it was the last one who was more than enough to him in his personal life - a man broke up with his family and strongly for children. According to the memoirs of Aleftin's colleagues (Alla), Konstantinova, at such moments he lay on the bed and sang the wolf songs, that is, just threw.

Spouse Zoya Zhukov, who had a rare beauty, also belonged to the acting environment. At the footsteps of the parents, the younger heirs of Catherine, named in memory of the grandmother, went. Senior Natalia, who received a name in honor of the first love of the Father, became the builder and wrote good poems.

The celebrity did not need fame and even in the company, looking for oblivion in wine, which was later worried about, but preferred self-destruction of aggression towards other people.


The Drama "Belorussky Station" sounds like Requiem Evgeny Leonov, Anatoly Papanov, Vsevolod Safonov, but Alexey Glazerin left the first of this company of talented actors.

April 13, 1971, a week after the film premiere, he died suddenly in his Moscow apartment, reached for the phone and suddenly clutching his heart. Arriving in place doctors stated death, the reason for which he served as a heart attack. Celebrity's grave is located on the historical introduction of the cemetery of the capital.

The following year after the death of the artist, the "Red Blizzard" came out on the screens with his participation.


  • 1958 - "We are from Semirchya"
  • 1963 - "Live and Dead"
  • 1965 - "Sultry July"
  • 1965 - "Rage"
  • 1966 - "On the Dick Brege"
  • 1967 - "Viy"
  • 1967 - "Short Meetings"
  • 1968 - "Quarantine"
  • 1968 - "Male Conversation"
  • 1968 - "Shield and Sword"
  • 1969 - "Only three nights"
  • 1970 - "Liberation"
  • 1970 - "Belorussky Station"
  • 1971 - "Red Blizzard"
  • 1971 - "Young"

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