Evgeny Korianakovsky - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, filmography, films, theater, Sergey Prokhanov 2021



Evgeny Koryakovsky's path in the acting profession was winding. But now the artist annually replenishes the filmography of roles in the separation series.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny, like his colleague Alexey Dmitriev, was born on July 29, 1975 in Yaroslavl - the city, in which in 1750 Fedor Volkov created the first professional theater in Russia. The star of Russian cinema has a younger sister Elena. In school years, Koryakovsky ran perfectly, especially for sprint distances.

Although, in childhood, Eugene revised many good Soviet films addressed to both young and adult spectators, and at the age of 13 in Scotland received strong impressions of the Thiller David Kronenberg "Muha", after receiving the maturity certificate, he went for the higher education not in VGIK, and In the Yaroslavl pedunner named after K. D. Ushinsky. In earlier youth, Koryakovsky regularly traveled to folklore expeditions and believes that now many scenarios are preventing "terrible disadvantage" from Russians living outside MKAD.

The turn in the student's biography occurred due to the sad event in the family. A grandfather died, who lived in Moscow, and the young man and his mother went to the Russian capital for the funeral. In 2021, in an interview with the exit of the TV series "Germans", Koryakovsky said that Yaroslavsky Pedvuz let him down for a week, and, coping with ritual troubles in two days, he managed for the remaining five to enter the two theater institute - "sinph" and guitis. However, the year in the second of these universities, Eugene returned to his native city and founded the Yaroslavl Dance Theater "Graffiti".

Theater and films

To complete the Higher Education, Koryakovsky managed only at 29 years: Gitis's diploma native Yaroslavl received thanks to the mentoring of Sergei Prokhanov. In parallel with the study, Eugene played in the theater of the Moon, headed by the former "Usatny Nurse". Also behind the shoulders of the actor internship in the theater "Workshop Peter Fomenko" and Studios of Strasberg and cooperation with the "other theater".

The first major role of Koryakovsky in the cinema was the PRAIK Timofey in Drama Olga Podpovskaya and Dmitry Troitsky "I love you", published on the screens in the fall of 2004. Two years later, the student Sergei Prokhanov appeared in the form of Mark Volokhov in the screening of Roman Ivan Goncharov "Open", made by the director Valery Fedosov.

Evgeny Korianakovsky - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, filmography, films, theater, Sergey Prokhanov 2021 27587_1

In 2009, Koryakovsky performed the main roles in the Ukrainian tapes "Escape from the New Life" and "The Territory of Beauty", and in the first of them "retrained" in the addict, and in the second - in the surgeon. In the series "Searches for evidence", Eugene played the investigator Sergey Sedykh - Antagonist of the Central Character of the Expert-Criminalist Artem Alexandrovich, in whom Daniel Strakhov reincarnated.

In all interviews, Koryakovsky calls one of the most important projects the series "Sect" director Gela Babluani. The fact is that as a result of communicating with the sectarians committed the life of suicide female Eugene on Gitis Galina. The actor is now blaming himself that he did not resist familiar from joining the totalitarian community.

Personal life

About the personal life of Koryakov information is not enough. At the beginning of the second decade of the XXI century, Yevgeny attributed a novel with Alice Grebenshchikova, but the actors did not become spouses.

The native of Yaroslavl is still very close to the mother, Love Smirnova, and in an interview often tells how she reacted to one or another of his role, what corners of Moscow love and how he perceives obscene vocabulary from the mouth of his characters. It was the photo of the older relative, in addition to personnel with filming, they prevail in Instagram-Account Eugene.

In September 2020, Lyubov Nikolaevna, who continues to work by the teacher-choreographer of the Children's School of Arts No. 1 Yaroslavl, was awarded the title "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation". Also, the artist has four-legged lovers - Misha dog, judging by the pictures, Metis Jack Russell or Welststerior, and the cottage, bought in 2020 with his sister.

Evgeny Koryakovsky now

2021 was very saturated for the actor. Evgeny Ivanovich performed one of the main roles in the full-length thriller "Psychic", telling about the confrontation of the family of physics to the otherworldly forces. Koryakovsky's wife played Olga Pogodin, and daughter - Alevtina Mayer.

In the already mentioned 10-serial drama "Germans", the native of Yaroslavl created the image of the journalist Ebargard, and the painting itself, the conversion of the protagonist in the antagonist, resembles the cult series "In all serious". Two more important projects of 2021, with the participation of Koryakovsky, tapes "Foodists", the main role in which was fulfilled by the young actor Peter Natarov, and "Threat: Trepalov and Wallet".

Evgeny Koryakovsky and Ivan Makarevich are similar

In May 2021, Evgeny Ivanovich spoke about the favorite corners of the Russian capital under the heading "My Moscow" of the CITY edition, which described Koryakovsky's essay as the most sincere of all published.


  • 2004 - "I love you"
  • 2006 - "Open"
  • 2009 - "Beauty Territory"
  • 2009 - "Escape from" New Life ""
  • 2011 - "Reflection"
  • 2012 - "Angel-2 duty"
  • 2014 - "Search evidence"
  • 2015 - "closer than it seems"
  • 2019 - "I will give you a victory"
  • 2019 - "Sect"
  • 2019 - Tobol
  • 2021 - "Psychic"
  • 2021 - "Germans"
  • 2021 - "Fooders"
  • 2021 - "Threat: Trepalov and Wallet"

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