Boris Spiegel - biography, personal life, photo, news, daughter Svetlana Spiegel, conviction, arrest, Ivan Belozers 2021



In 1976, in the joint Soviet-American film "Blue Bird" Actor Grigory Spiegel played the character "Pleasure to be rich." 44 years after the premiere of the artist's names, the founder of the Boris Spiegel group of companies, Boris Spiegel, faced the fact that security does not guarantee protection against arrest and other troubles.

Childhood and youth

The future entrepreneur was born on February 18, 1953 in the city of Proskurov, located in Western Ukraine. Less than a month after the birth of the boy, Joseph Stalin died, and after another 10 months, the hometown of Boris was renamed Khmelnitsky. The name of the hetman troops of Zaporizhia Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Malaya Motherland Spiegel wears and now.

About childhood businessman knows little. The Spiegel family was religious and observed Jewish traditions. At the end of the XIX century, half of the population of the miscarriage was the Jews, but as a result of the Holocaust their number decreased.

In adolescence, Boris studied in a technical school and a pedagogical institute, and in the interval between educational institutions gave a duty to his homeland in the internal troops. Entry of 19 years in the CPSU allowed the educated young man to become the secretary of the Komsomol City Mountain in the city of Khmelnitsky.

Career and business

In the late 80s of the 20th century, Boris Isaakovich worked as Deputy Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology. In 1990, Spiegel was headed by the Pharmaceutical Company Biotek, whose share on the Russian drug market by 2007 was about 6.5%.

The political career of the native of Western Ukraine has long been associated with the activities of Gennady Seleznev. From 2003 to 2013, Spiegel represented the Penza region in the Council of Russia. Becoming Senator, Boris Isaakovich handed over the brars of managing business spouse.

In the spring of 2013, politician became president of the International Human Rights Organization "Peace without Nazism" and resigned senatorial powers. Boris Isaakovich took an active part in the work of Russian Jewish organizations and has repeatedly met with Binjamin Nitaniahu and Zipi Livni.

At 50, Spiegel supplemented the historical education obtained in the walls of Kamenets-Podolsky Pedal Institute, the Diploma of the Academy of Foreign Trade. In 59 years, already being a candidate of economic sciences, Boris Isaakovich graduated from the Russian New University, who oversaw Sergei Kapitsa.

Personal life

Happiness in the personal life Boris Isaakovich found with the lady named Evgeny Grigorievna. In November 2019, a man posted a photo with his wife on the page in "Instagram", accompanying a snapshot with a touching signature "all life with your beloved."

The only daughter of Boris and Eugene - Svetlana Spiegel. In his youth, she was married to the tenor Nikolai Baskov, in the promotion of which, according to open sources in the network, the powerful father-in-law invested a lot of strength and money. Despite the birth of the son of Bronislav, the marriage of the singer and the heiress of businessmen collapsed. Svetlana could not repeat the experience of parents for a long living together and with the second husband - entrepreneur Vyacheslav Sobolev. However, thanks to the marriages of the daughter, Boris Isaakovich - the happy grandfather's grandfather: In addition to the firstborn, Svetlana Borisovna gave birth to David and Nina.

The love and care of the founder of the Biotek group of companies is enough not only in direct heirs, but also for younger sister, niece Alla and Igor and their children. The family together marks both the New Year and the Jewish holiday Hanukkah. Pet of Spiegel is a smooth-shabby breed dog.

Family of the public figure has passed the test for strength in 2013. The functioner of the pro-Western youth movement "Our" Christina Perempchik laid out in his blog in the "Live Journal" compromising on Spiegel. According to the published scan copy of the sentence, Boris Isaakovich in 1982 allegedly recognized guilty of corruption of minors guys and sentenced to 3 years. Subsequently, the document was declared fake, and rumors about the presence in the biography of Spiegel criminal record for obscene actions against adolescents - refuted.

Judging by the page in "Instagram", in the circle of interests of the native of the miscarriage (Khmelnitsky) includes muscy, collecting and swimming in the pool. In 2020, Boris Isaakovich shared with subscribers to joy - acquiring the Chinese porcelain service, presented by Mao Zeden's Soviet Marshal to Semen Budenny, and delighted the Mauria field music on the piano.

Boris Spiegel now

In the third decade of March 2021, Boris Isaakovich was detained at the airport after returning from Israel, where a businessman was treated and communicated with his daughter and grandchildren. Spiegel incriminates the gift of bribes to the governor of the Penza region Ivan Belozershu, who was also arrested, totaling 31 million rubles. The goal of large gifts to the regional leader, according to the investigation, is to gain access to the supplies of medicines in Penza and the surrounding area.

The state of the health of the entrepreneur, who called the accusation absurd, after arrest, deteriorated sharply. During the first two days, an ambulance arrived twice to the prison detention center for a native of Ukraine. Before the arrest of Boris Isaakovich, all the time accompanied the pair of physicians: the founder of the group of companies "Biotek" was afraid of sustainable death, which heded his father - Isaac Spiegel.

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