Florian Zeller - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, "Father", Plays, Film, Director, Books, Dramaturg 2021



Proser and playwright Florian Zeller - a real lucky man on the European Literary Olympus. Works of the writer are marked by a number of premiums. In 2016, the British newspaper The Guardian called Zelora with the brightest playwright of the XXI century.

Childhood and youth

Future playwright was born on June 28, 1979 in the capital of France. In 2001, the young man graduated from the Paris Institute of Political Studies, and after a year he returned to Alma Mater as a teacher.


In an interview with 2005, Zelaler said: in order to write books, 3 qualities are needed - patience, ruthlessness and ability to suffer. At 22, Florian published the first work of "artificial snow", which received the Hachette Foundation Award.

In 2003, a novice writer created the second novel "Lovers in Nothing", in 2004 - the third, "the charm of the worst", nominated for the Honorovsk Prize and awarded the Interellie Prize - a French Literary Award, awarded since 1930. From the prose of Zelora in Russia, the most famous novel "Delight" is the most famous, the translation of the EKSMO publisher published in 2015.

The debut dramatic product of Florian was the "Other" play, published in 2004. Critics with delight met the work of a young author, describing him with the words "Extreme Charm without a drop of literary coquets", "the joy and failures of family life are reflected with the elegance of Francoise Sagan." Already in the year of publication, the debut play of Zelora was set in the Paris Theater Matyurren.

Since 2010, leading French actors play in performances on the drams of Florian. The beginning of this tradition was put on Catherine Higel, who performed a major role in the play on the play of Zelora "Mom" in the De Paris Theater. The Pieces of the Frenchman are delivered in Israel and Turkey, Finland and the USA, China and Brazil, Certificate What is the photo of the poster posted on the official page of Florian in "Instagram"

Plays Zelora is now actively put by Russian theaters. So from the summer of 2020 at the Moscow Theater named after A. S. Pushkin, tragifars "Pope", for which Florian in 2014 was awarded the Moliere premium - the main French theater award. Images of the father and daughter created Sergey Makovetsky and Marina Alexandrova in Pushkin Snaps.

On October 28, 2020, the premiere of the play of Yuri Butusov's play was held in the Russian Academic Youth Theater on the "Son" play, closing the "trilogy of relatives" of Zelora. According to Olga Zhvishina Olga, the best illustration for the formulation of a ram, which resembles where the road was laid by good intentions, the picture of Edward Mink "Creek" could be. According to the "Snob" magazine, in the interpretation of the Bureau of the play on the inability of a teenager to put up with the divorce of parents acquired the scale of an ancient Greek tragedy.

In February 2021, the St. Petersburg Comedy Theater named after N. P. Akimov first showed the spectators the play "You, I True", based on the play of Florian "True". Comedy epigraph The author put the Voltaire saying:

"Lies - vice only when it serves as evil. But she is the greatest virtue, serving good. "

However, the literary and theatrical glory of Zelora became a little, and in 2020 the writer tried himself in the role of the director, removing the "Pope" playing the full-length drama "Father". The author so much wanted to see Anthony Hopkins in the lead role of Anthony, that the name of the central character with Andre on Anthony was redoned in film adaptation. As a result, the actor answered consent. By the way, Hopkins fulfilled the main role and in the screening of the novel of the beloved writer Zloler Philip Rota "Human Stigimo" - "spotted reputation".

Personal life

About the personal life of the playwright is known a little. In December 2008, Florian became the father of the boy named the novel, and after a year and a half, we legalized the relationship with the mother of the child - Marin Delterm's artist, which is 9 years older than the writer.

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Zelora's marriage on the actress made a man with stepfather of the eldest son Marin - Gabriel. Florian's wife is fond of sculpture, and sculpts the statues of both people and animals.

Florian Zeller now

In 2021, the debut full-length film of Zelaler-director was nominated for the Oscar Prize in 6 nominations. Another 5 paintings were claimed for the same awards: "Land of nomads" Chloe Zhao, "Minari" Lee Isaac Chuna, "Judas and Black Messiah" Shackles King, "Metal Sound" Darius Mardera and "Court of Chicago Seven" Aaron Sorkina.

More nominations - ten - in 2021 it was only at Bayopic David Fincher "MANK". Without waiting for the results of the voting of American film academics, Florian in 2021 began writing a script for the film on the Son's play.



  • 2002 - "Artificial Snow"
  • 2003 - "Lovers in nothing"
  • 2004 - "The charm of the worst"
  • 2006 - "Julien Parma"
  • 2012 - "Delight"


  • 2004 - "Other"
  • 2005 - "Carousel"
  • 2006 - "If you died"
  • 2008 - "She is waiting for you"
  • 2010 - "Mother"
  • 2011 - "True"
  • 2012 - "Father"
  • 2013 - "Hour calm"
  • 2014 - "Lie"
  • 2016 - "Behind the scenes"
  • 2016 - "Before takeoff"
  • 2018 - "Son"



  • 2008 - "Castle in Sweden"
  • 2011 - "True"
  • 2014 - "No Minute People
  • 2015 - "Florida"
  • 2018 - "My wife's lover"
  • 2020 - "Father"


  • 2020 - "Father"

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