Maria Stepanova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Memory Memory, Books, Writer, Poems, Novels 2021



Maria Stepanova is now called the poetess global scale. The Russian woman has repeatedly received international awards and rewards for collections of copyright stories and poems. The unprepared people of her works most often seem strange. Thanks to individual techniques, the woman won the hearts of true connoisseurs of literature and took a worthy place among the famous colleagues.

Childhood and youth

Maria Mikhailovna Stepanova was born in the summer of 1972. The biography of Russian poetess from the moment of appearance is inextricably linked with Moscow and the Moscow region.

In an interview with the native of the capital, he said that the family referred to the middle layers of the educated intelligentsia. Father was a restorer and photographer known in artistic circles.

During his life, he fond of literature, wrote and read poems, despite the fact that in his youth studied in the technical university and received the profession of engineer. Grandfather, who influenced the choice of her daughter, gave her a collection of Alexander Pushkin. From the collection of great works began to acquaint Mary with the world of Russian literature.

Stepanova thanked parents for becoming a poetess. From early childhood, she listened to the lullabies and lines, composed by Alexander Block and Osip Mandelshtam. At the 3rd age, it began to rhyme individual words, put them in suggestions. Related immediately realized that the child is talent.

The first work of adults, having shown, showed the authoritative Soviet and Israeli philologist to Roman Davidovich Timemanchik. After reading the verses of the little machine, the literary expert advised not to put pressure on the child and not try to develop the experiences. The girl was supposed to independently form his own inner world.

Parents listened to the opinion and fenced to the daughter from the influence of book parties. Thanks to this, in school years, she communicated with peers and started friends.

In the high school classes, Stepanov expressed a desire to stand out. She sought to join the Moscow group Hippie to differ from the rest.

Then the girl fell into the society of talented informals, regularly collected in the metropolitan fashionable cafe "Pentagon". Having become closer to the representatives of Bohemia, Maria finally decided to become a poetess. Having received a certificate of full secondary education, the girl entered the literary institute, who wore the name of the writer Maxim Gorky, and began to purposefully learn to write prosaic works and poems.


Not wanting to feel sorch away from the life of the chosen poet, Maria, who graduated from the university, decided not to be limited to the creative environment. By choosing a "double-chamber" model of existence, the Muscovite allocated part of the time for work for the benefit of society and in parallel with the publication of early poems in the magazines "Mirror", "Banner" and "New Literary Review" became the chief editor of the online project

From 2007 to 2012, Stepanov has covered the coverage of basic news and events in modern culture and art. With its submission, the concept of the site has become the idea of ​​expert analysis, so there were regularly published the fragmentation works of the authors, divided by the headings, according to the subject. Users gladly read the sections "Music", "Media" and "Theater".

The resource has advanced to participate in prestigious national competitions. Maria was a nomineer at the "Editor of the Year" award and was among the owners of the "steppe wolf" prize.

On the literary field after the entrance of the books "Light-Light", "On Gemini" and "Songs of the Northern Yuzhan" a native of the capital was awarded the award of the magazine "Banner", the Boris Pasternak Awards, Andrei White, and the awards of the Hubert Foundation Burda Burdy's best young Lyrics of Eastern Europe . Works received a high assessment of knowledgeable and competent people.

In 2012, when completely changed the concept of work, Maria and her team members decided to leave the editors. Activities were able to resume after the registration of the COLTA.RU website, which became the only large public media in Russia, existing at the expense of the Board of Trustees, the help of readers and partner projects.

Then Stepanova, who received the status of famous Russian poets, began writing an extraordinary and interesting prose. In mid-2010, she released the book Essay "One, Not One, Not I" and the philosophical documentary novel-collection "Memory Memory".

In the last work, which consisted of 23 chapters, the author published stories about the analysis of family archives and trips to restore the pedigree Ginzburg, Friedmanov, Gurevich, Stepanov. The main feature believed that the narrative was alternating with authentic epistolary and diary documents, as well as descriptions of photos and household items of distant ancestors. As a lyrical retreats to the book included essays dedicated to Francesca Woodman, Rafael Golden, Joseph Cornell and Joseph Cornell.

Personal life

Details of the personal life of Maria Stepanova are hidden from strangers. In an account on Facebook, Stepanova does not publish posts dedicated to individual preferences and family. It is known that the husband of the poetess is a journalist and literary critic Gleb Morav. Spouses working together in the project and are engaged in creativity.

Maria Stepanova now

Now Stepanova continues to work on creating literary and journalistic works. The poetess writes materials for Russian and foreign printed and Internet publications, choosing topics representing personal interest.

As a self-critical person, once in an interview, Maria noticed that "everything that she writes can be called prose only with stretch." Nevertheless, the memory book "Memory Memory" in 2018 received the "Big Book" award, and in 2021 he fell into an expanded list of an international bucker premium. Muscovite has become the third representative of Russia after Lyudmila Ulitskaya and Vladimir Sorokina, included in the Long List of finalists.


  • 2001 - "Northern South Songs"
  • 2001 - "On Gemini"
  • 2001 - "here-light"
  • 2003 - "Happiness"
  • 2005 - "Physiology and Malaya History"
  • 2008 - "Prose Ivan Sidorova"
  • 2010 - "Lyrics, Voice"
  • 2010 - "Poems and prose in one volume"
  • 2014 - "One, not one, not me"
  • 2015 - "Three Articles on"
  • 2015 - Spolia.
  • 2017 - "against lyrics"
  • 2017 - "Memory Memory"
  • 2019 - "Against Nerubvi"
  • 2020 - "Old World. Repairing life "
  • 2020 - "For Steve Smith"

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