Tatyana Arshavin - biography, personal life, photo, news, mother Andrei Arshavina, "Instagram", Julia Baranovskaya 2021



On March 22, 2021, in the next issue of the Talk Show "Direct Ether", entitled "Mother Arshavin drives out the dying daughter-in-law from the house," Andrei Malakhov tried to understand the reasons for the conflict of Tatiana Arshavina and Alice Arshavina (Kazmina). The last in an exclusive interview, without holding back in expressions, accused of not only the former husband in his misfortunes, but also the mother-in-law, which put all the strength to destroy it, resorting to Black Magic.

Childhood and youth

About the early biography of Tatiana Ivanovna, celebrating birthday on November 24, the information is given a little. Woman lived, surrounded by sports lovers. Trui to football experienced not only the first husband Sergey and the only son, but also his native brother Dmitry. The latter studied in the very School of "Change", where Andrei Arshavin began the path and, although he did not grow up in a big player, but always worked in this area.

Tatyana Arshavina with her husband and son

After school, the graduate became a student of the Leningrad Technical School of Light Industry, at his ended setting up in the famous knitwear student on Nevsky Avenue "Death Musians". In the post-war years, Claudia Shulzhenko, Lyubov Orlova, Faina Ranevskaya and Alla Tarasova used the services of a workshop in the post-war years.

In 1996, the talented seam was invited to the position of CEO of Module, one of the first textile agencies in the city, which worked with the collections of fabrics of European manufacturers under the order. Later she took the same post and in the warehouse "Module Plus".


In 2002, Arshavina, together with his colleague, Elena Donikov opened his own business. The latter in 1986 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Soviet Trade named after Friedrich Engels, was the commercial director of the fabric house and in 1999 founded the "SoyuzteTiltorg".

The first vendors of NewTex + steel suppliers from Germany, Italy and France. Specialists managed to establish connections with manufacturers of St. Petersburg and the North-West Region of Russia, and later - with the East and South. The process of development of the company was accompanied by advertising in specialized publications, participation in urban, national and international exhibitions (Düsseldorf, Paris, Milan), cooperation with major factories and wholesale textile warehouses.

Now the company boasts the constant updating of the client base and interaction with the creative associations and artistic groups, masterful theaters, Lenfilm and Mosfilm film studios. The catalog of products with photos and detailed description is presented on the official website and on separate pages in the social networks "Vkontakte", "Instagram" and "Facebook".

"When Andrei has already played" Zenith ", he suggested me from work. But I thanked him and continue to work. The son knows that I, first of all, I care about the prestige of the company and I can spend money personally, but for the firm and its employees look decent. In addition, it is formally my companion, "the entrepreneur recalled in 2005.

Personal life

On May 29, 1981, Tatyana Ivanovna gave birth to the son of Andrei, who, sports genes were transferred from the Father, unfortunately, early left this world. Sergey Archavin played football well, visited Dynamo Leningrad School and spoke at the city championship for the Svetlana plant.

Tatyana Arshavin and Andrei Arshavin

By decision of the parents, the future captain of the Russian national team, who had learned to run earlier than to walk, at the 7th age he fell under the wing of Sergei Gordeyev and Viktor Vinogradov in "Shift". When the boy went to the first class, the spouses broke up, and the education of the child fell on the shoulders of the mother.

She was eraser daily athletic form, accompanied to the competition, attended the matches, collected suitcases and bags on the trips, sent one to school, taught to prepare.

"When he was still quite small, we went to theaters and movies together. By the way, when Andrei and I first went to the theater, it was not a children's performance, but a ballet, and we watched him at the request of the son. Now there are some living questions, of course, we are discussing, but in our own problems he tries not to immerse me, "Archavin shared in an interview.

After hearing with her first husband, the businesswoman married a second time, but also re-build a happy family did not work. The woman again survived the divorce and returned with the 18-year-old heir to the room in a communal apartment, where they were waiting for naked walls and a rattle refrigerator. For several years, the young man had to sleep on the Swedish fold herch - so he bought a sofa from the first salary, and only then Sony TV.


The personal life of Andrei Arshavin was always accompanied by scandals. The Russian public only came to his senses after his loud parting with Julia Baranovskaya, as an alarming news about the discrepancy was already with Alice Kazmin. Despite the fact that in 2017 they were not confirmed, the spouses still officially divorced in 2019.

It seemed that all the marriages of the broken-produced process were passed. But in January 2020 it became known that Tatiana Ivanovna demanded that the former daughter-in-law release the living space belonging to her in St. Petersburg. In a short interview with the "fifth channel" she explained that he did not want to go into the details of the family drama, but noted that the second wife of the Son deserves such a relationship.

Tatyana Arshavina now

The clarification of a relationship with a former husband and mother-in-law in Kazmin continued in 2021. The graduate of the Higher School of Journalism for St. Petersburg State University and the former model in the "Light Air" on Russia-1 told about serious health problems, accusing Andrei and Tatiana Arshavin in them, and explained why the latter wants to drive her out of the apartment.

The next day, after the ether, the mother of the football player commented on the current situation, saying that he did not believe in the word Alisa to his address, as well as that was fatally hospital:

"When she worked terrible" miracles "three years ago, I thought that she could not have anything to answer. Now she is responsible for the acts of their health in front of the Lord. Alice was rightly given by her nose for all her frills. Not me - Providence. And now, by the way, she again does not think about the consequences. "

The woman stressed that the ex-chief of his son comes up with sickness and goes to different tricks due to unwillingness to evaporate from the mansion of the ex-spouse in the village of Kolomyagi. The businesswoman stated that solid alimony is paid to the content of granddaughter, and the former daughter-in-law is not as poor as he wants to appear, but "richer than most people, but continues to put pressure on pity and play these games."

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