Irina Volynets - biography, personal life, photos, news, "Empire of Passion" authorized by the Rights of the Child 2021



Irina Volynets - Russian journalist, ombudsman and public figure. The lady opposes the surrogate motherhood, abortion and the destruction of traditional marriage. I advise women to not consider yourself smarter or stronger men, otherwise their life will be similar to the terrible dance where the partner leads.

Childhood and youth

Irina Vladimirovna Volynets (Maiden name - Zhemchugova) was born in Kazan on August 2, 1978 in the family of military and teacher of mathematics. As a child, she dreamed of career actresses, surgeon and lawyer. Also wanted to play the piano, but the mother in 6 years gave the girl to the dance. In parallel, she still went to music school, but when it came to buy a tool, parents said that he had nowhere to put.

Irina graduated from graduate school in the Kazan State Institute of Culture, studied at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, where the state administration studied. Also trained journalism, sociology and psychology in Kazan (Volga) Federal University.

Career and politics

In 2010, Volynets became interested in the theme of juvenile justice, which was going to introduce into Russia, wrote about it in his blog. It turned out that in the country there are many parents opposing this branch of law, and Irina began to collect like-minded people. Her initiatives supported President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov.

The journalist worked as an authorized for the rights of the child, coordinated the work of the prosecutor's office, police, guardianship and investigative committee. Most often I had to solve the issues of the child's device to school or kindergarten. In 2014, he headed the Commission on the Family and Demographic Policy of the Social Platform "United Russia", was part of the National Parent Committee.

On October 31, 2017, Volynets announced the intention to participate in the primaries of the non-parliamentary parties of the "Third Power" project from the People's Party. In January 2018, she filed documents to the Central Election Commission as a self-confedeent candidate in the elections of the President of Russia. But he soon removed his candidacy in favor of Vladimir Putin, who also promised to take care of families and children.

In July 2020, as a semi-finalist of the contest "Leaders of Russia. Politics »Irina became a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, which was engaged in economic and social development, ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens. The lady sent a proposal to the State Duma for payments to single mothers and loner fathers in the amount of two subsistence minima for family member by the end of the year.

Scandals and Tele Show

In 2017, when Irina came to the election, she was in the center of the scandal. The press published an unusual fact from the biography of activist: In 1998, Volynets participated in the Nikolai Fomenko show, "Empire Passion", where he was separated by the camera. Then at the journalism, teachers discussed the possibility of an emergency meeting with the condemnation of the student act, but then decided not to raise the "noum." Now the journalist revised his life views, on its page in "Instagram" a photo in a swimsuit never appeared and the like.

In July 2018, Alena, Kravets stated that during the filming of the transfer "in fact", the Volynets called her "sheep" and "prostitute", and then climbed into a fight and broke his nose. Irina herself called these words "dirty lies" from the light of a lioness.

Personal life

The socialist is happy in his personal life, many years married, the spouse is the name of Igor, four children were born in marriage.

The daughter of Elizabeth wants to become a lawyer, graduated from a music school in the class of violin. Catherine in childhood was engaged in fencing. Hope is engaged in sports, she is a member of the Republican "Idel" team on synchronous figure skating. The son of Bogdan won the republican chess tournament, in 7 years he became the winner of the Russian Cup stage, studied at the Rashid Nezhmednov Specialized School, dreams of becoming a world champion.

Irina Volynets now

At the beginning of 2021, at the request of Volynets, the program "Point of sobriety" was resumed in Tatarstan, which was allocated 10 million rubles. The project was aimed at treating parents with chronic alcoholism and became successful, steady remission arose in 81% of cases.

On April 13, 2021, Irina publicly condemned the actions of the Morgettern, who donated 666,666 rubles. for charity. In her opinion, the artist did it for the sake of Haip, especially since he presented his girlfriend for 1 million rubles, and the children had allocated to children.

On April 15, 2021, the activist told subscribers in "Instagram" about innovations in legislation regarding admission to the 1st grade. The primary right was the brothers and sisters of students in schools living with them in one family and having a common place of residence, as well as children of employees of the internal affairs bodies.

On April 19, 2021, on the Yutiub-Channel Ksenia Sobchak in the program "Round table", together with Dmitry Ishakov, Tatyana Nikonova, Anna Pokhitonova, the love of Erofeeva and Daria Klubian Volynets discussed the sexual education of adolescents. Thus, speakers supported the initiative of the pharmaceutical company Gideon Richter, which raised the wave of discussion of female reproductive health in the Russian media.

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