Lelouch (Vlad Ivanov) - biography, personal life, photo, news, chinese show, song jackpot, "instagram" 2021



Lelouch - Russian translator, model and designer who wanted to succeed in China. The young man did not suspect that his dream would come in the most unexpected way.

Childhood and youth

LELLAS (real name - Vladislav Igorevich Sidorov, in social networks indicated the name of Ivanov) was born in Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai, January 23, 1994, Aquarius on the sign of the zodiac. The mother of the guy Rimma Gayanov graduated from the Medical Faculty of Pacific Medical State University.

Vladislav himself was a higher education in the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, where he studied at a specialist in the global economy. The young man managed to listen to the Chinese course in Fudan and Liaonian universities, and also took place online training at the University of Maryland in College Park. Parents Sidorov loved to travel in Russia and Asian countries. Back in 2010, together with them, the translator fell into China and fell in love with this country, moved there after graduating from the university.


Over the years of his work biography, Vladislav changed several professions. Since 2015, he worked as a model, for a small fee participated in television shows, traded spirits and cats, taught Chinese.

Chinese show

Suddenly, Ivanov became a member of the Chuang 2021 musical contest, or Produce Camp ("Talent camp"), an analogue of the Russian "stars factory", which was carried out in Hainan province. Vladislav wanted to help familiar Japanese with Chinese at the request of a friend Ivan Vana, CEO of King Holdings. The disciples just went to the competition, and the Russian went along with them.

In place it turned out that the competition lacked one person in the competition, and the organizers were offered to participate Vlad. No serious plans for the Russian guy producers did not have, just needed to fill out the gap. And Ivanov himself, agreed to participate after long persuasion, and the Chinese side were confident that he would last no more than one release. Primoryez took a pseudonym in honor of the hero of the anime series 2006 "The Code of Giass: Rising Lelus." To participate in the project, the guy repainted in a blond, which highlighted it against the background of Chinese "Idols". When he appeared on the qualifying round, the jury and the leading could not resist laughter.

In the first issue, Lelouch, a sullen voice performed the song Jackpot of the little-known Russian Raper MR Lambo, the text of which was a rambling set of words. The young man was quite clumsy dancing, did not smile and tried to look as much as possible. However, the speech was successful, and the young man passed the next stage. Chinese, Russian and even Western press, which covered the show, explained this phenomenon in different ways. One seemed that the Pranker was swirling over Vlad evil, knowing about the reluctance of Russian to go further. Other publications wrote that the simple Chinese people touched the honesty and sincerity of the contestant, which none of the major corporations were promoted.

Lelosha had to participate in group speeches, performing the anthem of the Chinese show Chuang to-Gather, Go! Love You Ready, Love Me Ready, Therefore I Am, It's Raining Because I'm Thinking Of You. Ivanov danced and sang worse all, kept in the background, and the producers paid him to his minimum of screen time, but the audience continued to vote "for", although Vladislav knew that did not do this. To leave the project independently, the Russian could not, would have to pay a huge penalty, he was not even allowed to visit the sick mother. Already, simple viewers understood that he became a hostage in captivity of producers, and demanded to free the poor young man.

On April 24, 2021, the final was held, where Lelouch, turning back to the Breet, again performed Jackpot. This time, the fans squeezed over the Russian guy and suspended the vote, so he took the 17th place and did not fall into the final boyfriend of Bond out of 11 people. Having learned the results, Ivanov jumped off and left the show, happily waving his hands.

Personal life

About Lelouch's personal life is known only that he was in love with the company's employee from Hong Kong Uranus Entertainment and even got a job there to work more often to see the girl.

Now Vlad is a real idol for millions of Chinese women, the posters from his photo and recording performances are revealed throughout the country. Ivanov loves iPhones, in his free time he is engaged in fitness.

Height of the singer is 182 cm, weight 75 kg.

Lelus now

On April 27, 2021, a video from the Beijing airport appeared in Instagram, from where Vladislav was expected to return to Russia. The artist surrounded the squeezing fans in the hope of getting an autograph, the guy gave a bouquet of flowers, chocolate and a small teddy bear. Ivanov promised to return to China and make up the release of its own line of designer clothes in Russian style.

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