Ales Snopkovsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, "vkontakte", "Golden mask", growth, theater 2021



Ales Snopkovsky is a Russian actor playing puppet performances, as well as in a movie and on television. A man believes that from the dramatic artist "puppeteer" is distinguished by the ability to penetrate the essence of not only a person, but also an inanimate subject, and to make it "alive."

Childhood and youth

Alsa Vladimirovich Snopkovsky was born on September 28, 1988 in the area of ​​Kolpino St. Petersburg. During pregnancy, the Mother of the Artist had such a huge stomach that the doctors expected the appearance of twins. Births passed hard, the woman did a caesarean section with a risk to life, the weight of the child reached 4.1 kg.

Snopkovsky's father was a soloist VIA "Kalinka" and the actor of the St. Petersburg Theater "Rock Opera", and in childhood he played for the Leningrad "Dynamo" football club. He was a fun man, at the meeting I asked familiar to give him the honor. Grandma Alley Tamara Vladimirovna Golovanova was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, survived the blockade. When a woman was 91 years old, she, together with his grandson, tried to find a man who loved in his youth, but these attempts were not crowned with success.

In 10 years, Alesa traveled with the father of the father on tour in southern cities. He was the captain of the School team KVN, engaged in ballroom dancing, then began to run for long distances: the guy was hinted for overweight.

During his studies at school, Snopkovsky saw in the State Academic Theater named after Lensovet, the formulation of Strugachev's seeds, known on the film "Features of the National Hunting". The future artist seemed to play easily, you only need to build grimaces and raise your voice. He wanted to embody the image of Alex from Roman Anthony Bergess "Clockwork Orange" on stage.

Debut Alesa became the youth series "Obzh", which was walking on the "Fifth Channel" in the early 2000s. In 2011, the young man graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art, where he entered from the second attempt. Three teachers were recruited at once: Veniamin Firskytinsky, raised Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkova, Arvid Zeland and Ruslan Ravilevich Kudlevik. The Filbinsky Snopkovsky "flew" immediately, the other two reached the 3rd round, but chose Kudasha, who opened him the fineness of the acting profession.

Theater and films

In the St. Petersburg Bolshoi Theater of Dolls, Alesa played in the productions of "Spire" on the novel of William Golding, "the illuminated chicken", "Muha-cloak", "Bashlachev. Man singing, "" Letov. Fool ", dedicated to the biography of the leader of the Civil Defense Group, as well as the" Happy Tree "," Human Cub "and many others.

In 2016, the audience appreciated the artist in the play "Hercules" about the son of Zeus and the death female of Alcmena. In the formulation, except for puppets, a choir, "Live Plan" and video projects were used. The depth of the scene was involved, which was turned into an endless perspective - the kingdom of the dead, gloomy aid.

In 2018, a performance "Hamlet was presented. Shirma, "Based on" Hamletones "- short, sometimes anecdotal stories based on the plot of the Great Tragedy of William Shakespeare. Snopkovsky played the role of Ophelia, for which in 2020 received the Russian National Award "Golden Mask", as proudly reported on the page of the theater in Vkontakte. In general, all women's roles in the production performed men, as it was during the lifetime of English playwright. In November 2019, within the framework of the "Theater Project 27", Peterburst played in the writ of "written about Jobs" about the fate and personal life of the ex-owner of Apple.

Personal life

Snopkovsky recognized that in his youth, when she walked on the first date, on the way he helped the oncoming passers-by, saved someone or staring into conflicts. Therefore, the meeting was with a flower, but in dirty and mint clothes.

It is known that in July 2016, the artist married a girl Elizabeth, which was met for a long time. He shared a joyful event with subscribers in his instagram account. However, in which family status, the actor is now, it is unknown: Joint photos with his wife he has not published for more than one year.

The growth of the actor is 185 cm.

Ales Snopkovsky now

On February 9, 2021, within the framework of the project "Meetings on the Gorokhovaya", young directors and actors listened to the Lecture of Snopkovsky and Roman Dadaev. Do you need to finish a special university; What is the difference between theatrical artist from the "cinema"; What more in the profession, routine or creativity - about this and many other things told the beginners of the stars of the scene.

Ales Snopkovsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor,

On April 26, 2021, the premiere of the "Mentosavra" series was held at the "Fifth Channel" about the Special Police Department, where they sent the defendants. In addition to Snopkovsky, the main roles were played by Alexey Svilnikov, Mark Ovchinnikov, Andrei Pozrbinsky.

In 2021, the actor's filmography was replenished with Dmitry Meshiyev's ribbon "Good girls fall into paradise." The stories of Kirill Ryabova were based on the story. His hero Pasha after the departure of his wife was set up "in all serious": alcohol, fights, scandals. An excellent stranger, which helped the character to change life, embodied on the screen Julia Peresilde. Sergey Seliananov, who opened the world Alexei Balabanova, spoke by the ribbon producer.


  • 2015 - "Front"
  • 2019 - "Nevsky. Alien among others
  • 2020 - "First Department"
  • 2021 - "Strong nuts"
  • 2021 - "Mentosavra"
  • 2021 - "Good girls fall into paradise"

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