Gennady Mikhasevich - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, "Vitebsk scenario", maniac, victims



Gennady Mikhasevich is a Soviet serial killer, known as the "Vitebsk scenario". The man confessed that he became a maniac because of the failures in his personal life and after committing crimes felt "relief."

Childhood and youth

Gennady Modestovich Mikhasevich was born on April 7, 1947 in the village of East, the USSR. As a child, he was an uncommunicative and lonely boy, who had fun. Manyak's father had a habit of drinking alcohol and raised his hand to his mother, which was also the cause of mockery from the peers.

Gennady Mikhasevich - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death,

Mikhasevich fell under the call, but because of the illness received a "white ticket". At the beginning of the 70s, the specialty for the maintenance of machines and repair of equipment was trained at the State Agricultural Enterprise, joined the Communist Party and became the commander of the detachment of the people's squad, his photograph was hung at the honorable place.


In May 1971, the maniac opened the bill to his bloody acts. Gennady was late in the city of Polotsk, and there was no buses. He went home on foot, on the way Mikhasevich met a stranger, which a man strangled.

Six months later, Belorus took another attempt, but the sacrifice grabbed the rope and did not allow himself to strangle himself. Creek women heard schoolchildren, and Mikhasevich escaped. But the same night came up at another bus stop and killed another unhappy. As a result, Gennady recognized that initially planned rape, but physical contact caused the desire to kill.

Since 1981, Gennady began to look for hunting facilities, using a private car, on the highway between Vitebsk and Polotsk. Sometimes the desire to kill disappeared, in other cases he left two sacrifices per day, most often after a spontaneous at work or other troubles.

Mikhasevich acted hestro, could be lost for a whole year, so the investigators did not understand the investigators for a long time that the maniac was worried. Only by 1984 the official version of the kill series appeared. The man was frightened and with the aim of driving the traces sent to the publication "Vitebsk worker" Agitka written by a handle, for the authorship of a fictional patriotic group, fighting with socialists and the police. Belorus hinted that she kills people in political reasons.

In October 1985, at the scene of the crime, Khugger left a piece of paper with the words "for treason - death" and the title "Patriotic grouping". The prosecutor's office, together with other departments, studied many handwritten documents using a handwriting examination, and this brought a consequence of Gennady, who and the growth was higher than the average, which coincided with the data of criminologists. When the letter was checked with documents from work and studies, doubts were completely dispelled.

Personal life

Gennady had an Elena girl, they broke up, after which the young man wanted to commit suicide and even cut her clothes rope in someone else's courtyard to hang. But instead strangled the first sacrifice.

The man married in 1976, moved to the village of Soloniki, brought up two children, a boy and a girl. The daughter called Elena in honor of the first girl, because of which he wanted to hang. The maniac brought home things and decorations selected from the victims once gave a companion of life imported plugs that found in the handbag of a killed woman.

Vitebsky stitcher Gennady Mikhasevich with his wife

At the same time, the spouses almost did not communicate, Gennady tried to strangle his wife twice, but stayed on time. Over time, the killer overcame the fear of the opposite sex and even started his mistress in the neighboring area. After the exposure of Mikhasevich, his children moved to another area and changed the surname.


Gennady was arrested in December 1985, the arrest was sent 3 capture groups. The house of the criminal did not turn out, he found his wife's brother in the village of Hot with a packaged suitcase and a plane ticket to Odessa, where Belarus was going on vacation.

Psychiatrists recognized the maniac by the sane and the report in their actions. Mikhasevich killed 38 women according to investigators, he himself declared 43.

On April 14, 1987, Gennady was sentenced to death. The petition for pardon refused, the petition of his mother was rejected. The court's decision was carried out, according to the information of various sources, September 25, 1987, January 19 or 3, 1988 in the investigative insulator in the historic center of Minsk, which was popular with the "fodder". The cause of death was shot.

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