Pavel Karnukhov - biography, personal life, photo, news, hockey player, CSKA, striker, Russian national team 2021



Pavel Karnukhov was born in Belarus, but his hockey biography is associated with Russia, which an attacker represents at the level of national teams. The young hockey player has established itself as a reliable combat unit as part of the Moscow CSKA and earned the right to protect the Russian flag on the ice.

Childhood and youth

Paul was born in Minsk on March 15, 1997. The boy became the second son in the family of Andrei Karnukhov - the former employee of the special unit of the KGB "Alfa", which later became a hockey functioner. He headed the Belorussian Sdyushor "Youth", where the future sports staff of the country was growing up.

Not passed by hockey and sons Andrei Leonidovich Mikhail and Paul. And if the eldest chose a goalkeeper position, then the youngest souls had a game in the attack. Pasha stood on the ice at 6 years old, and his first mentor was Alexander Bolshakov. In an interview with Karnukhov, he admitted that in early childhood fell in love with the game on TV and therefore happily agreed that the parents take him to the sports section.

Pavel Carnukhov in childhood

It so happened that the elder brother came in hockey after the younger, and therefore began to engage quite late. And Paul has already felt in the age of 12 that there are no sufficient base for development in Belarus. Together with Misha, they went to Moscow, where they were offered a place in the youth structure of CSKA. Mama Anna Anatolyevna moved to the Russian capital with sons.

Karnukhov played a year in Russia, after which Mikhail returned to Minsk, and Paul continued to train in the children's school "Army". The guy entered the main structure of the Club "Red Army", where the younger frames of CSKA appealed. In this team, the young striker trusted the taste of victories, however, when it became possible to train and play outside the ocean, Paul did not give up from her.

From 2014 to 2016, Carnukhov spent in Canadian "Calgary Hitman". There, 17-year-old hockey player had to be difficult: the linguistic barrier, the difference of mentalities, the cutoff from the family was affected by his psychological state. But it did not prevent an athlete to show myself and take the NHL on the Calgary Flemz Club. However, when the question arose about where to start a professional career, Carnukhov chose Russia.


Returning to Moscow, Paul continued to play in the structure of CSKA - first for the "Red Army" and "Star", and then for the main team. Carnukhov still remembers how the fire burned in his chest, when he came out in his first adult match, which ended with the victory of Muscovites.

In parallel, a hockey player career at the prefabricated level began. He played for the junior team of the National Team of Russia in 2016 and already a year later he went to the youth championship of the world, from where he returned with a bronze medal.

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In CSKA, Paul took in 2018, and an attacker with an increase in 190 cm and weighing 95 kg in each game tried to show a maximum. As a result, along with the team, he reached the playoffs of the season, where he scored 2 washers and was able to fully celebrate the victory in the Gagarin Cup. Carnukhov admitted that, was afraid of the triumph, was afraid to drop the cherished trophy and, raising him, staggered slightly.

The speech of the young striker did not remain unnoticed, and he received the first challenge to the Russian national team in the fall of 2019.

Personal life

For a personal life and girls, Paul remains not so much time. Sometimes even on the weekend hockey player spends on the arena for several hours. The leisure of Carnukhov devotes a playing guitar, honing technique on the favorite songs of Viktor Tsoi.

The athlete admits that she did not bike with soul to social networks, and therefore the page in "Instagram" is reluctant. Fresh Paul's photo easier to search for third-party resources or in the official account of the CSKA club.

The hometown of Paul still considers Minsk, but it is possible to get there only 3 times per season. On the family agricultural agricultural, the guy rests the soul, plays with friends to volleyball, batted in the bath and carries for a collection of poultry, among which there are peacocks, pheasants and ducks, Mandarins.

Pavel Karnukhov Now

Now Paul continues to play for Moscow CSKA, a contract with which is valid until 2023. In the 2020th, the salary of the attacker was 20 million rubles. In that year, CSKA could not compete for the Gagarin Cup in connection with the epidemiological situation caused by COVID-19.

But the season 2020/2021 Carnukhov with the team completed the status of the main applicants for the cherished trophy. Walking around all rivals in the Western Conference, Muscovites came to the final series, where the Omsk Avangard became their competitor. As a result, playing 6 tense matches in April 2021, CSKA gave way to Gagarin Omich's Cup, and the Medical Collection of Paul was replenished with silver of the Russian Championship.

Already in May Carnukhov switched to international competitions. As part of the Russian national team (teams of the OCD), Hockey player went to the World Hockey Championship, passing in Latvia. In the fifth round of the group stage, Paul scored a goal of Switzerland, the match with which his team won with a score of 4: 1.


  • 2014 - Silver medalist of MHL
  • 2017 - Harlamov Cup owner
  • 2017 - Bronze medalist
  • 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 - the owner of the Continent Cup them. V.V. Tikhonov
  • 2018, 2021 - Silver medalist of the championship of Russia
  • 2019 - Gagarin Cup owner
  • 2019, 2020 - Champion of Russia

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