Stepan Latypov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Minsk, Arrest, Arborist, Bearlabo, Oppositionist 2021



On June 1, 2021, in Minsk in the courtroom, a resident of the Square of Changes, Stepan Latypov, accused of three articles, was attempted suicide. Immediately after his father was interrogated as a witness, the political prisoner declared about threats from the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption, stood on the bench and stuck his handle to his throat. Under the screams of sympathetic man who lost consciousness, carried out of the building and hospitalized in one of the urban hospitals.

Childhood and youth

Stepan Latypov was born on April 11, 1980 in the village of Ivanovo district of the Brest region of Belarus. Being convinced that the important engine of the progress of civilization is continuity, the guy continued the case of the grandfather of Anvara and Father Sergey, engaged in the biology of plants. The same sphere was carried away and his uncle Viktor Korzun, who became a doctor of agricultural sciences and the leading geneticist of Germany, and the aunt Galina Latypov, released from the agronomic faculty of BSSHA.

Stepan Latypov

The famous genetic breeder, professor, doctor of science Anvar Latypov for more than 30 years He managed the Department of Genetics in the Belarusian SelhoCountry. In 1996, the scientist received the title of High Education Honored Worker. His spouse Rosalia is a candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor - taught in BSHA. Their son Sergey 15 years has been a researcher at the Institute of Genetics of the Moldovan SSR, and then joined the position of Deputy Chairman of the Advanced Collective Sea "Path of Lenin" in Lyakhovichi.

At the end of the school, the young man entered the BSTU. In 2004, the student went to England, according to the official version, for internship, and in fact - to earn money. There he plilled trees, carpented, helped on the farm.

"I went to acquaintance, through relatives. He worked in Wales, there he met the arborist - work on the trees by industrial mountaineering. I studied at the engineer of the forestry, and in England received an international certificate that resolved the topworn at any height using rope access, "the entrepreneur told in an interview.

Such trips abroad continued until 2009. In total, Belarus has lived there a year and a half, bringing home good money, which went to pay for their studies and family assistance. Returning to his homeland, the man decided to open his own business, finding support from relatives (the mother cleaned the branches and was part-time director).

The "Green Housekeeper" began with the fact that he appealed to the village council, offering its trees processing services and fighting Borshevik, and collected like-minded people.


Latypov opened a private unitary enterprise "Beararbo", where several posts aligned immediately: director, driver, loader, repairman, technologist.

The company in which leading experts had IRATA certificates and certificates of industrial climbers, provided high-quality services in spilling, pruning, treatment and diagnosis of trees. Employees of the company saved cats, removing them from height, helped in the forefront of herbs, rooking roads, lawns, lungs and coped with painting metal structures (including water towers).

Stepan Latypov

Stepan Sergeevich consisted in the Arborist Union, he made lectures to the ministers, academics and foreign colleagues, conducted international meetings and seminars, participated in the forums. In October 2017, he spoke about modern methods of protecting wood plantings from diseases and pests to students of his native university.

The entrepreneur regularly traveled to Europe, where he studied advanced technologies and thought out the ways of their introduction in Belarus, and planned to create a professional Association of Arborist.


In 2020, one of the best arborists of the CIS, the industrial climber of the 5th category, a member of the International Association of Industrial Alpineers Irata supported political protests in Belarus.

On August 16, on the personal page in "Instagram", he announced the detention of Nikita Krivaltsevich's colleague and published a video with the beating of a peaceful inhabitant. The post ended in words:

"You can forgive anything, but torture, rape and murder only because people did not want to vote for Alexander Lukashenko, it is unforgivable in the XXI century. We do not need such a president! We are peaceful people and want to live without fear ... We demand compliance with the law of our country! "

The next day, on a social network, the wooded physician posted a series of photos with a white-red and white opposition flag.

On September 15, Stepan Sergeyevich defeated Mural DJs Kirill Galanova and Vladislav Sokolovsky, on August 6 in the Kiev Square of Minsk who included the song Viktor Tsoi "Change!". A resident of the "Square of Change" tried to prevent the next destruction of the image to unknown people in civilian and masks, demanding them to name the names and prevent documents.

The man was roughly detained, literally making a minibus without license plates, and sent to the sadly famous insulator to Ocseptine. His apartment was searched with seizure of flash cards, mobile phones, laptops, keys from car, bank cards and cash.

After a couple of days, the Belarusian state TV channels released the plots about Latypov. They said that the arrested was going to use poisonous substances that were illegally brought to Belarus, against the security forces, which he was almost 100 times attracted to administrative responsibility, and 7 years ago he was suspected of fraud.

Personal life

Stepan Latpovi with hero

Latypov did not particularly spread about his personal life - on his pages in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte now not to find publications with a possible chosen. But there are a lot of pictures with friends, colleagues, like-minded people and photos from work and travel.

Businessman loved animals (especially hedgehogs), engaged in boxing and immersion to the depth, mastered Windsurfing, went to the mountains, knew how to control the aircraft and respected the motor consumption. On a motorcycle in 2019 Stepan Sergeevich drove 120 km along the Chernobyl displays zone.

Arborist never ceased to learn and comprehend new knowledge. In 2017, he entered his biography courses of operator skills of the St. Petersburg school of television.

Stepan Latypov Now

In April, 2021, the SK Belarusian announced the completion of the investigation of Latipov's criminal case. He was accused of organizing group actions, roughly violating public order, resistance to employees of internal affairs and fraud in particularly large amounts.

Arrest Stepana Latypova

On June 1, during the court, a political prisoner, whose traces of beatings were noticeable, waiting for the end of the father's interrogation, turned to him:

"Father! After a date, I came to my gip. She promised that if I did not recognize the guilt, I will have a "press-hut", criminal cases against relatives and neighbors. "Press Hut" I had - 51 days. So you are preparing. "

After that, Stepan Sergeevich tried to commit suicide. Convoirs did not immediately opened the door to the cage, since the keys were in a person who was not attended at the meeting. The victim unconscious was hospitalized to the local NPC surgery, transplantology and hematology, it was reported that he was planned to be introduced into the drug to whom.

Later, doctors said that the patient was operated on and came to himself after anesthesia. Its condition was assessed as satisfactory, damage to vital organs was not observed.

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