Garik Harlamov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, "Comedy Club", Timur Batruutdinov, Films, Wife 2021



Garik Harlamov - the star "Comedy Club", not afraid of make fun of the state of Vladimir Putin's head. That's just what a good joke he, oddly enough, does not know. And if I knew, I did not say: colleagues comedians on stage abound, you can stay without work. Probably, the refereeing in the "Battle Comedy", where Garik had heard the monologue-parody of himself once, is a way to learn better competitors, future residents of the club.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the humorist began in Moscow on February 28, 1980, under the sign of the zodiac fish. The first 3 months of the boy was called Andrey, then Igor in honor of the deceased grandfather. Harik's nickname, he also received in childhood, and the pseudonym Bulldog remained for the memory of the posturin: finished playing the club, Harlamov worked on Muz-TV as an evil lead.

Father Garik after the divorce moved to Chicago. The Son at the end of the school went after him and entered the famous acting school "Harend", where Billy Zayn was taught. In his free time, Harlamov earned in McDonalds and sold cell phones.

After 5 years, the young man returned to Moscow. Mother by that time married, two children appeared in the family - twins Alina and Catherine. Garik studied at the University of Management, with Brother Ivan entertained the fact that he walked on the metro cars and told jokes, sang songs under the guitar on Arbat.

Comedy projects

With KVN Harlamov met in school. In the university he played in a team of four called "Jokes to the side", became the champion of the Moscow League, later he played the "unlikely youth" and "Mami team".

The idea of ​​creating Comedy Club came to Arthur Janibekyan, Tashem Sargsyan and two Garicks - Martirosian and Kharlamov after American tour. They studied the Stand-Up Comedy market and decided that this genre is an excellent alternative to KVN and "Helf". The first concert took place in 2003. The success of the project surpassed expectations, and now the audience of the TNT channels enjoy the jokes and miniatures of comedians.

Partners of Harlamov on "Comedy" are Timur Batrutdinov and Demis Karibidis. True merry and bright rooms have become a business card show and brought the performers with popularity.

The love of viewers to Comedy Club Analysts explain the fact that the Russians who were tired of the "lacquered" aggregates "and folk artists like Evgenia Petrosyan and Mikhail Zadornov, wanted the jokes not in the eyebrow, but in the eye." Sounding from the scene "Nessurpose" and frank vulgarity became a certain symbol of freedom, readiness to hear on TV what is usually told at home in the kitchen.

Even the presentation of guests is a separate "attraction". A permanent leading Garik in the biography of everyone finds a pointer over which you can laugh. There have been cases when your own improvisation, such as the alphabet miniature, forced artists to interrupt the performance for a short time.

In this and the Konk team "Comedy" - to find something in standard and well, all familiar situations are something, after which Golden Palace exhale friendly:

"Surely! And with me it was! And we have at work (in the family, in the company) every day is happening! "

At the same time, humorists can and rush pretty hard over their colleagues. Thus, Harlamov and Pavel Will came up with a spicy video order to the songs of Olga Buzova in the gay clip, scored, by the way, over 14 million views of YUTYUB.

Dialogues "Oligarch driver" with Demis, "unequal marriage" with Alexander Revvar, "Analysts" with Vadim Galygin are fun only at first glance. Fans have long noted that such sketches - a mirror of what they see every day. One works as a driver from Hama-Chief. The second for the sake of material well-being is ready to sacrifice personal happiness. And the speech of the third understands except that he himself.

The audience remained delighted with the duet of the former Cavaneshchik and Marina Fedunkiv, in the image of spouses who came to the game "Who wants to become a millionaire?". In an effort to earn 50 million rubles, a married couple resorted to memories of past love joy. Moreover, the answers of one side sometimes were very unexpected for the second.

Looking at the miniature "Exam on Literature", many of course remembered their student adolescence. The scene "nacking a plate" is a kind of educational program for those who, as well as the Harlamov Herlo, does not own modern business terminology. The number "When you understand each other" with Marina Kravets - one more proof that a man and woman think in different ways.

Even in such a serious topic as politics, Garik found moments causing a smile. It turns out that Kim Chen Yun and Angela Merkel are GRU agents working as directed by the Kavainen Double Putin Dmitry Gracheva. In the improvisation of "Gas Negotiations in Bulgaria", Kharlamov clarified the position of the Russian delegation far from a diplomatic language. However, a confused American opponent heard a consonant decent speech. With Grachev, humorist beat the situation with the election of Vladimir Zelensky by the President of Ukraine.

In some releases, Garik goes to the scene not under the real name, but under the pseudonym Eduard stern. So, it seems to share two images - a leading show and unbalanced bard. In the second role of Harlamov's song "Well, I don't know" Roman Konstantina Bogomolov and Ksenia Sobchak ridiculously ridiculously.

The secular lioness in debt remained and the words from the same song commented on the scandalous bed scene of Christina Asmus in the film "Text". Interestingly, the combination of social networks did not destroy the friendly relations of celebrities.

Separate attention of Caribidis, Kharlamova and Martirosyan were awarded casting for Eurovision and other musical contests - "New Wave" and "Voice". Every year, Trinity performs the rooms on behalf of the participants of the specified reviews.


In addition to the main TV project, Kharlamov is a frequent guest on central channels. The Comedy Club resident participated in the TV show "Two Stars". In the project, the humorist made a duet with Nastya Kamensky. For his repertoire, artists picked up the songs of "Goluby", "Goodbye" and other horses of the past.

None of the projects of the TNT channel did without the participation of Harlamov. The humorist appeared in the programs "Improvisation", "Studio Union", "Where is the logic?". In 2012, together with friends and colleagues, the club was played by the situation of his participation in the "Battle". In the issue of Garik Martirosyan, the representative of the jury, insisted on how to refuse Bulldog completely from the canal.

Together with Batrutdinov, he came up with the program "HB", due to the urgency and ambiguity of humor, received an age limit of 18+, with Artak Gasparyan - the Bulldog Show project for NTV. However, the transmission did not fit into the channel format. Soon the acting talent of Garik went beyond the framework of Stand-Up.


In the 2000s, Kharlamov entered the life of Harlamov, first in the episode of the series "Sasha + Masha", then with Svetlana Svetikova in the lead role in the musical tape "Give me happiness." In Sitkom, "my beautiful nanny", who made the star Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, he appeared in the image of a yellow newspaper that tasks delicate questions.

Then the filmography of Garik replenished the tricky youth picture "Treated", the story of four independent women "Big Girls", in which he got the role of TV presenter. In the "adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin" the artist flashed on the second plan on horseback.

"The best film", in which Harlamov performed three roles at once, mostly scolded, despite the decent cash registers. The humorist and himself recognized the flaws of the paintings, but more than once entered the same river: he was delighted and played in the 2nd and 3rd parts of Sitkom.

On the shooting of the almanac "Happy New Year, Mom!" The Garik had a different team of partners - from Paul Will to Alena Delon. The continuation called "Mom-3", unlike the first parts, got dried criticism: there is no festive mood, the creators simply "wanted to cut down the dough", and even the presence of a Comedy Club resident did not make a ribbon funny.

Polar feedback from the melodrama "30 dates". Some viewers consider a picture of light and good, others - banal and boring, and comedians and at all called "indestructible vulgar".

At the Comedy Festival in Monaco in 2014, the premiere of the film "Light on Miscer" took place. Here Kharlamov reincarnated in an unclean to the hand of the realtor, in front of which they set the task to acquire an old mansion. In the picture, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Alexander Samoilenko, starred.

The film "Zomboyashik" is a product Comedy Club Production, a company created by the same people who came up with the "Comedy Club". Therefore, in the acting ensemble, the colleagues in the humorous show.

Garik confessed that he feels his cramped framework of a humorous program, dreams of playing a dramatic role, but so far it turns out for the most part to mix. This was released another kinogery of Harlamov from the pseudocumental tape "Eduard stern. Brighton tears. The Channel TNT presented a film for 2 days before 2020. And the character humorist came up with a couple with Garick Martirosyan just for Comedy.

10 years have passed between the appearance of Eduard and the outlet of the painting. And all this time Garik thought about how to bring the singer to the screens. The idea to reconnect over the Soviet past came when he met with the format of mokumentari.

In the project, Russian pop stars are involved as Kameo. In the frame of singers, poets and composers tell about the talent of a never existing performer with such inspiration and sincerity, as if he knows him for many years.

The image of a brave lieutenant Life Guard Garik followed in the series "Hussar", telling about the adventures of a person from the XIX century in the century of XXI. In the future, Merchal Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov falls by mistake made by young scientists in experiments from a time machine. According to Harlamov, the project took away his strength and time from him: for the first time a showman had to play one character for a long time.

One of the Prime Ministers of 2020 was the show of the series "Comfort Zone", in which Harlamov fulfilled the main role. His hero Yaroslav Kostov is trying to solve problems for work and in the family, being in prison in Norway. Critics were again partitioned: Some found the original work of the screenwriters, others noted the weakness of the dialogues.

Advertising and business

Another side of Garik's creativity is advertising. The comedian was filmed in the casters of the Old Spice brand, a commercial bank, brand producing chips and chocolate. Journalists found out that in the 2019th famous poker club made Harlamov his official. And it's not by chance: in 2015, in the tournament in the Baltic States, he won € 317 thousand.

Earns a showman and on the holding of solemn and entertainment events. According to rumors, the organizers for his work in this capacity had to be discharged in the amount of $ 20 thousand to $ 40 thousand.

In questionable glory, overtaking Harlamov after the release of the film "Text", there is another side. According to rumors, the humorist "rose in price" - to invite it to the corporate party now costs € 50 thousand. In addition, the demand for clothes sold in the online store Garik Bulldog Moda.

At first, the store wondered as a children. Over time, the range has expanded, and it became clear that for t-shirts with inscriptions like "X ... knows" and images of drunk physiognomy requires a separate platform.

The high demand for the actor and impressive earnings allowed him to get into the rating of Forbes "40 most successful Russian stars up to 40 years old." With an income of $ 2.9 million per year, he took the 20th place of this list.

Personal life

The first love Garik calls the actress Svetlana Svetikov. At the time of dating, the girl was the star of the musical "Notre Dame de Paris". In the rupture of relationship, the role was played by EE parents who considered that Harlamov - an unsuitable party for her daughter. Although showman said that the work was to blame, which always ranks first.

The first official wife, Julia Leshchenko, worked as an administrator of the nightclub, where the meeting occurred. In 2013, the spouses divorced. The reason is the novel of humorist with the actress of Christina Asmus.

At the fans of the couple, this news caused a resonance: women stood up to the side of Yulia, and Asmus watered mud. Clears the situation of Garik himself. The man was tired of attacks on her beloved, and he openly reported that it was divorced, but he lives on a removable apartment.

From the first time to part with Yulia failed. Kharlamov received cherished papers, but Leshchenko filed a lawsuit on cancellation, which the court satisfied. Oils in the fire poured the news that the showman managed to legitimize the relationship with Christina. And after the decision of the court, it turned out that it became two-man and marriage with Asmus is invalid.

Finally, the situation was allowed when the actress was in the last months of pregnancy. In January 2014, Garik and Christina became parents of Anastasia's daughter. With EE, the advent of the comedian has changed, no longer wants to be started, as before, in all grave. Mom Nastya jokes that the child should find out how to find out where the father works.

Leshchenko has been sued for a long time with a former husband, trying to win a part of the property assessed by 23 million rubles. The woman argued that this money belongs to her rightly as compensation for a ruined marriage. As a result, Yule got 6 million rubles., Half of the value of furniture from a shared apartment and a car. True, since the car of Harlamov bought on credit, the ex-spouse paid most of the debt.

The details of the personal life Garik and Christina did not apply. It is not known even when accurate couple went to the registry office behind the stamp in passports. The spouses did not wear wedding rings, explaining that without them more convenient. Asmus has also lost its own, and Harlamov is allergic to metals. It is hardly the main reason why the media periodically "diluted" in love.

"We are already accustomed. If I post a photo with Batrutdinov in "Instagram", rumors immediately appear that we secretly hit in Germany, and Christina and daughter are a way to cover our long-term "friendship" with Timur, "said Garik in an interview with the glossy publication.

The sense of humor in Harlamov and Asmus, apparently coincided. So it is possible to interpret the fact that in the 2019th wife as a birthday gift presented to the showman participation in the transfer of the "Frozhar", in which residents do not miss the case to make fun of each other.

Unfortunately, in the summer of 2020, it became known that Garik and Christina decided to divorce. On the page of Harlamov and Asmus in "Instagram" at the same time, statements about the collapse of the pair appeared. The former spouses stressed that the cause of separation was not self-insulation, introduced due to a coronavirus pandemic, and not a scandal that elapsed earlier due to the frank scene with the participation of Asmus in the film "Text".

Fans and the press have already managed to post the next star marriage, but soon Showman Vladimir Marconi said that posts in social networks were made by spouses in the framework of participation in the comedy show Comment Out. Garik and Christina hurried to disprove this information, asking the press and famous persons not to piano at the expense of their family drama.

The official divorce of the couple received in late October. It is known that Nastya, daughter Garik and Christina, remained to live with mom. The partition of the property of the couple did not arrange, but retained friendly relations for the baby. The reason for the divorce of Harlamov called fastened feelings.

According to rumors, the Comedy Club resident did not worry for a long time because of a gap with a former companion. The actress Ekaterina Kovalchuk became the new chief of the showman, his partner on the serial "Hussar".

At first, despite the fact that the couple appeared together on vacation, Kharlamov denied the proposals of the public. The artist emphasized that in the media he constantly attribute new novels. But in May 2021, the same photos from the spa complex, which is located in Sochi on Red Polyana appeared on the Garika and Catherine pages.

The artist was not easy to be in the resort: here he passed the recovery course after the operation was transferred at the beginning of the year. This is not the first surgical intervention, which was subjected to a humorist. In the studio of Azamat Musagaliyeva, he "I know", he said that in his youth, she underwent circumcision at the insistence of his father, and in more adulthood, because of a low-propelled lifestyle, hemorrhoids earned himself, because of which he was forced to seek medical help.

Celebrity growth 186 cm, weight 93 kg.

Garik Harlamov now

Garik uses his talent in life. The network came to the network of a team of humorist with a fraudster, whom Kharlamov brought to the state of extreme irritation and forced to get off.

New numbers appear in the main artist project. So, in the spring, the "Comedy Club" presented the Scene "Casting to Eurovision" ", in which his partner was the leader of the Little Big group Ilya Prusikin. Together with Marina Kravets and Alexander Revvar, he reincarnated in the members of the jury show "Mask", which decided to swell the participant in the image of Peacock - Philip Kirkorov.

Now Showman continues to appear on the big screen. In 2021, the premiere of the film "The Last Bogatyr: Evil Root", which was created using modern computer technologies.

The main part of the film processing took place in the scenery of Belogorier's fabulous city of the fairy-tale city. For other scenes, the locations of the Urals and the Caucasus were chosen. Garica Kharlamov in the film got the role of a kolobka. The image was edited on the graphic studio.


  • 2004-2005 - "Three Monkeys", "Natural Exchange"
  • 2005 - "On Saturday in the evening"
  • 2005-2019 - Comedy Club
  • 2008 - "Two Stars"
  • 2010 - "Bulldog Show"
  • 2013 - "HB"


  • 2007 - "Shakespeare and did not dream"
  • 2008 - "The Best Film"
  • 2009 - "The Best Movie - 2"
  • 2011 - "The best movie 3-DE"
  • 2012 - "Happy New Year, Moms!"
  • 2014 - "Moms-3"
  • 2014 - "Lung on Misin"
  • 2016 - "30 dates"
  • 2017 - "Ghost Opera"
  • 2018 - "Zomboyel"
  • 2019 - "Eduard stern. Brighton tears
  • 2020 - "Hussar"
  • 2020 - "Comfort Zone"
  • 2021 - "The Last Bogatyr: Evil Root"


  • 2007 - Punishment
  • 2008 - Kosovo
  • 2008 - The Two
  • 2009 - "Komar Evgeny"
  • 2009 - "Madly wondrous three letters"
  • 2009 - Russia Yesterday
  • 2011 - "My grandmother smokes the phone"
  • 2019 - "And therefore everything happened ..."

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