Nargiz Zakirova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Nargiz Zakirova is the Uzbek and Russian singer, a representative of the musical dynasty, the finalist of the 2nd season of the TV show "Voice". There were no such as the stage, but now no one will risk repeating her musical style, nor the more image. Volnaya and many who did see, as said about Nargiz, Dima Bilan, for the love of her shocking, it was also called Uzbek Madonna in his youth. In the life of the artist there were ups and downs, great love and disappointment in family life.

Childhood and youth

Biography Nargiz began under the sign of the zodiac scales on October 6, 1970 in Tashkent. The family was directly related to art. Grandfather Karim Zakirov - Opera singer, People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR, Grandmother of Sheoist Saidova - soloist of the musical theater of drama and comedy. One uncle Batyr Zakirov is a composer, the second Farruh Zakirov - the most famous singer and head of the popular "Yalla" ensemble. Mom Louise in the 60s spent on stage. The father of Mordukhaev Pulat, probably, less than the rest is associated with singing - he was a drummer in the Batyr ensemble.

At the age of 15, Nargiz participates in the talent contest "Jurmala-86", where with the song "Remember me" on the music of Farrum Zakirov and the words of Ilya Reznika received a prime sympathy.

In the secondary school, Zakirov went reluctantly, because after the tour you needed to sit at the desk, learning uninteresting items. Favorite was singing, although the Nargiz received bad estimates for him, because she did not remember the texts. In the music school she did not like to learn notes. When the peers went to the institutes, the girl performed on stage with the Orchestra Anatoly Bathin. At the same time, it was also credited to the Circus School at the Faculty of Vocal.


I didn't like to sing in the traditional format, she tried different approaches and styles - appeared in the public in short shorts, painted her hair, took men to dangling, performed rock music. During the Soviet Union, such things were unacceptable. In 1995, the singer with his daughter immigrates to the United States. At first, Nargiz worked in the video rental and tattoo salon, then began to perform in a restaurant in New York.

In 2001, the artist recorded a solo album in the genre of an ethno "Golden Cell", which largely seized in the United States. Followed by Alone. Zakirova thought about returning to Russia, but this step was not solved due to the lack of necessary dating. A happy occasion was the show "Voice".

The first season of the singer missed the death of his father, who later dedicated the song "Unloved daughter." Before the start of the second, the selection was selected on the American "X-factor". Nargiz chose Russia and did not lose. How she performed on the "blind auditions" hit the SCORPONS group "Still Loving You", did not leave any of the members of the jury. Zakirova chose Leonid Agutin to the mentors, but at the end of the project, the contract was signed with the production center of Maxim Fadeev.

In 2016, the Nargiz discussed the "studio" "the sound of the heart," where the tracks "I'm not yours" entered, "you are my tenderness," "I do not believe you!", "Run". For the collection, together with Max, a duet "together" is recorded. Clips were released for all hits, and the streets of Russian, and not only, the cities were sent by the announcements of the performances of the new star. In the summer of 2019, the media distributed the words of an unnamed former member of the artist team that the concert activity brought her from 2 to 10 million rubles. per month.

Personal life

Nargiz tried three times to arrange a personal life. In marriage with Ruslana Sharipov, daughter Sabina was born. In the US, the artist went with the second husband Ernur Kanaibekov, being a pregnant son Awell. In 1997, the spouse died in a car accident.

A stranger, two children, the lack of permanent work - during this period, the singer began a protracted depression. Then the musician, Italian Philip Balzano appeared in the life of Nargiz. From time to time, the spouses performed with joint concerts, went on tour. The third husband of Zakirova presented daughter Leila.

In 2016, after 20 years of marriage, she filed for a divorce. As it turned out, Philip is zealously referred to the glory of his wife, which is why scandals constantly arose in the family. According to the singer, the husband forced to pay his debts. When the children came to the mother, Balzano began to threaten them with violence. The US police even forbade stepmake to approach Awell.

Nargiz has exotic appearance: a bright tattoo, reaching back and turning into a drawing on his hand, is punished. In the first photos, the top of Zakirova decorate a long tail collected from the dreadlocks. Even in the youth, the singer was fascinated by Break Dance, one time taught in the choreographic studio and became the organizer of the city-wide festival dedicated to street style. Thanks to this passion, a woman manages to maintain an excellent sport form - with a height of 167 cm its weight does not exceed 56 kg.

Also a fascinating occupation for myself Zakirov calls soap collecting. Wherever she traveled, collects fragrant colored lumps.

Nargiz Zakirova now

Nargiz is experiencing a difficult creative period. Tours in America, as the singer wrote in "Instagram", broke through the fault of the producer center of Malfa. In July 2019, she received a notice from Fadeev about the intention to break the contract and prohibit the execution of songs, the rights to which belong to him. The specific reasons for the conflict between the performer and the producer did not communicate.

However, the media with reference to the promoter Sergei Lavrov wrote about the abuse of zakirova alcohol. Allegedly for this reason, "the actress who went into the roar did not go to the connection," and Maxim this state of affairs was tired. Malfa canceled the concerts of the ward in a number of cities, but announced that this singer refused to come.

Representatives Nargiz will have to settle questions about compensation for damages to the organizers who have already managed to sell tickets. The artist herself believes that real injury with the use of prohibited receptions unfolded. Zakirova appealed to the producer for clarifying the situation, but the questions remained unanswered. Fans supported the favorite singer, simply noticing that the company Fadeeva, from which Yulia Savicheva was left, Habib, Elena Temnikov, "finally undermined his reputation."


  • 2006 - The Golden Cage
  • 2011 - Alone
  • 2014 - "I'm not yours" (Single)
  • 2016 - "Heart Noise"
  • 2016 - "From Loves Do not part" (Single)
  • 2018 - "Nelyubov" (single)
  • 2019 - "Unloved Daughter" (Single)

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