Sevara (Sevara Nazarkhan) - biography, personal life, photos, songs, clips, show "Voice" and the latest news 2021



Sevara - Uzbek singer, composer, in the repertoire of which many folk and pop musical compositions.

Uzbek singer and composer Sevara

She gained popularity in Russia after participating in the television show "Voice", "exactly", "Tishka". Honored Artist of Uzbekistan and Transnistria.

Childhood and youth

Sevara Nazarkhan was born in December 1976 in Uzbekistan, in the provincial town of Asaka. The girl grew in a creative family, Uzbeks by nationality. Father sang and played on an old folk instrument - Dutar, and Mom taught vocals in a music school. The first lessons of singing daughter gave mother.

Uzbek singer Sevara Nazarkhan

In 1998, Sevara submits documents to the Tashkent Conservatory, where he successfully examines the exams and is studying until 2003. It is here that the girl becomes a professional singer. Thanks to the relationship that she gained while studying, the career of the performer develops rapid pace. Soon, Sevara performs on a large scene.


Like many novice singers, the creative biography of Sevara Nazarkhan began with performances on not too prestigious platforms of bars and restaurants. Here, in Tashkent, the performer was recognized and fell in love with jazz compositions. She sang the famous Hits Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong.

Soon Sevar received an invitation to play in the musical "Mysar - Superstar" from the famous Uzbek producers, in which she performed the main party. This work becomes a start for the further musical career of Sevara Nazarkhan.


The girl was invited to the female group "Sideris", which was produced by the People's Artist of Uzbekistan Mansur Tashmatov. And although the team existed for long, yet for Sevara, it was invaluable experience of speeches, which was useful for the further construction of a solo career.

In 2000, Sevara Nazarkhan presented his debut album "Bahtimdan". His compositions immediately won popularity in native Uzbekistan. To the new, already the global level, the performer has emerged thanks to the participation in the Ethno-festival "Womad", where he met Peter Gabriel - a famous musician from England. Together they recorded a new album in London called "Yol Bolsin" ("Happy Way"). Produced the work Hector Zazza.

Singer and Peter Gabriel

Success turned out to be incredible. The European audience has discovered a new star from the East. Sevara made his first touring tour. She performed at prestigious venues in Western Europe, America and Canada. Later, the performer went on tour to Russia and China.

2006 and 2007 Sevara Nazarkhan marked two more albums - "BU SEVGI" and "SEN". Compositions recorded on these disks is folk music in pop design. I must say that not all critics of Uzbekistan liked it. But the fans of the Talent of Sevara, critical comments were not worried: Sevara becomes a real star. She has millions of fans.

Honored Artist of Uzbekistan

In 2010, Nazarkhan makes his fans a new gift: it turns out the album called "so easy." It consists of Russian-speaking songs. After the release of the disk, Sevar is more and more recognized in Russia, where she is now often toured.

In 2011, a new album called "Tortadur" was published. Unlike the previous, Russian-speaking, the album of this year was a collection of Uzbek songs, and specially classic. The popularity of Sevara made it possible to attract a number of instrumental professionals to work on the music part, and the recording itself produce in the studio of the Uzbek Goseradio. The album was already in London, on Abbey Road Studios.

Sevara on stage

An important role in the popularity of Sevara in Russia and the near abroad was played by 2013. The singer gave large solo concerts during the tour of more than 30 cities of Russia and the CIS countries. In the same year, the record-company Misteria Records reprinted the collection of Russian-speaking souls Sevara "so easy." The second edition entered the Bonus track - the song "There is no me". Music wrote Igor Nikolaev to this composition. On the same song, after a year, Sevara shot a clip with the same name.

At the end of the year, on November 30, the singer gave two concerts at the Moscow International House of Music, which were held with the fellow. During these events, Sevar presented the "Letters" album, which again contained Russian-speaking compositions.

Work on the collection was mostly conducted in English Studios. Initially, the disc itself was planned as an English-speaking, and as the basis for him, Sevara used developments for a pending album focused on the European audience.

Matters of the musical world, such as Oliver M. Smith (Oliver M. Smith) and Paul Corkett (Paul Corkett), which is known for its work with religious groups and musicians, such as The Cure and Placebo, took part in the record of the musical part of the compositions. Vyacheslav Butusov played a special role in creating an album. He joined the author's team of Russian-speaking texts. In addition, Sevara and Budouse Duet performed the title song of the album "Letters".

Uzbek singer is known for his love to sing a duet with rockers. As she herself admits, she likes to work with people with character, charisma and bright personality. Sevara was already sang with Boris Greeschikov and dreams of a joint record with Garick Sukachev.

In 2013, the discography of the artist was replenished with another work - the album Maria Magdalena. Soon in the repertoire of the singer appeared the Georgian Song "Grape Bone", which was performed by Bulat Okudzhava. This musical composition of Sevara presented at the festive concert to the Day of Employee security agencies of the Russian Federation.

February 2014 became the next significant point in the career of the singer. Her song "Victory (SOCHI 2014)" fell into the official collection of musical compositions of the Olympics "Hits of the Olympic Games of Sochi 2014 II".

Talent Sevara is recognized both at home and abroad. Immediately after the release of the debut album, in September 2000, the singer received the prestigious State Prize "Ntyol". After 2 years, August 26, 2002, became a well-deserved artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Little later, her work noted the world public. In 2004, the singer ranked first in the "Best Artist Asian" category of the world-famous music award BBC World Music Award. Also Sevara several times was recognized as the "Taron" of the best singer of the year.

Show "Voice"

A new wave of popularity and recognition, but now not only in native Uzbekistan, but also in Russia, comes to the eastern singer after her participation in two Russian show programs - "voice" and "tower". They come out in 2012 and 2013.

On listening in the "Voice" of Sevara performed the hit "Je t`aime". Not turned to the singer only Alexander Gradsky, because he knew who sang on stage. All other jury members wanted to take a singer under their custody. Bilan, Pelagia and Agutin were ready to "fight" for her, but Sevara preferred Leonid Agutin.

Especially fought for a new participant of Pelagia, expressing the admiration of the skill of the singer. Sevar himself refused this proposal, considering that it would be dishonest and such an attitude towards her work would not leave her opportunities for real musical competition. But the desire of Pelagiai was singing a duet turned out to be mutual - about it, Sevar was repeatedly spoken in an interview, and a little later Sevara and Pelagia sang a few songs in Uzbek.

Sevara won in the second round of the show, which was called "Duel". Leonid Agutin gave preference to her, and not the second participant - Sofary Avazashvili. In the third stage, perhaps the most controversial moment for all seasons of the popular show. Sevara performed the song "There is no me." This composition of the singer conquered the hearts of the audience and members of the jury. Even most opponents recognized that this performance was "unreal" and one of the strongest.

Alexander Gradsky admiringly admitted that Soverera's voice is something beyond his understanding. But here he thundered the thunder among the clear sky: Leonid Agutin preferences to the young contestant Artem Kacharyan.

This decision of Agutina has shocked the whole country. He did not understand even those who were sick for other participants. The superiority of Sevara Nazarkhan was obvious.

The singer painfully perceived an unfair verdict, but did not break. Nazarchan touring schedule today can envy the brightest stars of the domestic show business. According to Agutin, he himself, without knowing, hung on the chest Sevara medal called "Folk Love". But the performer itself, it seems, did not forgive Leonid to the former injustice, which he admitted to Julia's transfer to Julia.

The vocal skill of the artist demonstrated at the TV show "Extremely". On the stage of Sevara presented the songs of Shade, Bjork, Linda, Audrey Hepburn, Alla Pugacheva, Rihanna, Natasha Queen, Farruha Zakirova from the Yalla group.

A year later, the singer became a member of the project "Dancing with the Stars", where he went to the platform along with Alexander Nabiullin.

Personal life

Personal life Sevara is arranged. The singer has a happy marriage with Bakhram Pyrimkulov. The wedding took place in 2006. What does husband do, Sevara does not speak. Also does not tell anything about his personal life, nothing about something else that does not concern her creativity. But family photos often appear in the personal "instagram" singers.

Sevara does not discuss personal life with the press

It is known that Sevara and Bakhrama will grow up two children - the son of Dengiz and daughter Iman. Daughter Artist gave birth in 2016, by this time the older child has already been 7 years old. It has long been rumored that the family of the singer lives in London. But she himself refutes the information, claiming that he lives in his native Uzbekistan, the patriot of which is.

Sevar with her husband and children

Figure of Sevara supports simple methods. The artist tries to use less meat, but more fruits and vegetables. The singer is fond of yoga, walks into the pool and for massage.

Sevara now

Now, in addition to the recording of a new album, which Sevara plans to release in the near future, the actress participated in the creation of a documentary tape "Ulugbek. The man who revealed the secrets of the Universe ", dedicated to the legendary compatriot Mirzo Ulugbek. Nazarchan recorded the soundtrack for the film.

In October 2018, the artist had a concert in Moscow, in the backstage restaurant.


  • 2000 - "Bahtimdan"
  • 2003 - "YO'L BO'LSIN"
  • 2006 - "BU SEVGI"
  • 2007 - "SEN"
  • 2010 - "So easy"
  • 2011 - "Tortadur"
  • 2013 - "Maria Magdalena"
  • 2013 - "Letters"

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