Ani Lorak - biography, personal life, news, photos, songs, clips, "instagram", husband, age 2021



Ani Lorak - Singer, composer and author of texts, who conquered millions of hearts with heartfelt texts and an incredible voice. Her lyrical compositions with pleasure listen to both in Russia, and abroad, and the most loyal fans notice, as affect the creativity of the idol change in personal life. The biography of the performer is really full of unexpected turns and bright emotions - both happy and not very.

Childhood and youth

Ani Lorak's biography originates in the provincial town then another Ukrainian SSR. Carolina Kuke (real surname and the name of the artist) was born on September 27, 1978 in Kitzman, which in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. The difficult childhood of the future star of television screens, podiums and concert sites was predetermined before her birth: the mother broke up with his father when she was pregnant. As a result, the girl's born overtook full poverty.

Carolina received the surname of the Father, from which I had to give up in the light of Sofita. The family lived poorly: Carolina was not the only child. At the age of 6, the mother decided to give daughter to the Sadigorsk boarding school number 4 (Chernivtsi, Ukraine). Together with Brother Carolina lived there until the 7th grade: the parent was not able to feed the children, although he worked around the clock.

In childhood, the girl wanted to become a popular singer, but the conditions in which she was born, dictated his rules to fate. Once in the boarding school, Lorak did not refuse dreams - took music lessons, participated in local competitions. One of them turned out to be a happy ticket for a girl in the first rows of Ukrainian show business.


The happy ticket for Ani Lorak was a victory in the Froshvet's singing contest in 1992. At the Chernivtsi Festival, she met the producer Yuri Fallesoy, who saw a talent and a promising singer in the girl. Victory provided young artist's first professional contract. For several years, Carolina under the sensitive leadership Fooli has suffered an Aza show business, it lasted until 1995.

Initially, the young singer spent under the real name of Carolina Kupe, but on the threshold of a large show business she had to abandon him and take a pseudonym. This was insisted by producer Yuri Faloles: in the competition, to the victory in which Ani Lorak claimed, was already a participant from the Russian Federation, which was called Carolina. The girl quickly had to look for a way out of the situation, then the producer read her name on the contrary. For the first time, the pseudonym Ani Lorak was represented by the general public in March 1995.

In the same year, the producer "attached" the singer to the popular TV program "The Morning Star", where Lorak received the first fame of the scale of the country. Then she was called the discovery of the year - the girl received the first creative award of the Golden Fire Bird in Tavria Games. 1995 was a real breakthrough: Career and Ani fees waved up, the artist earned the interest of journalists and the faithful love of fans, the number of which increased with each public speech.

In 1995, Lorak finished work on the recording of the first studio album "I want to fly", which was released in a 6-thousand copy, but I did not get to Ukraine from the English company Holy Music. In 1996, she became the winner of the New York Competition Big Apple Music 1996 Competition - it is obvious that Fools chose the most faithful path for Carolina. The right to place in the Ukrainian show business, a girl from year to year proved victories in the creative contests of the whole world and tours, which were held with the unchanging manschlage.

Competitions in which the artist participated under the leadership of Fools was a lot. Each of them brought popularity and folk recognition - everything that the girl dreamed of, she already had. Ani engaged in her loved business and worked a lot, later the work done was appreciated by the public - the first career tops of Lorak also felt in the late 90s.

In 1999, the vocalist was awarded the title of the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine, and in 2004 he became the Ambassador of the UN Good Will.

Ani Lorak went to Eurovision 2008 from Ukraine, from where the 2nd place brought to the country. At the music competition, the performer presented the Sady Lady song, which was released by a separate single. Europe appreciated the Ukrainian singer in dignity. And it is not surprising, because the range of celebrity votes is 4.5 octaves. Diligence and perseverance helped her to conquer the status of the star show business.

The celebrity became the owner of gold and platinum disks on the basis of sales and rotations on radio and television channels. Golden were the albums "there de є ..." ("Where you are ...", 2001), "Mriy about me" ("Dream about me", 2003), "Ani Lorak" (2000) , "Retacks" ("Tell", 2006), smile (2005).

In 2013, the artist recorded a duet song with Stas Mikhailov. The romantic composition was called "Cold". The following joint work, the song "Wrap", was made in conjunction with Polina Gagarina.

The status of platinum disks got the albums "15" and "Sun". In 2016, the artist presented the studio disk "Did you love".

In addition to vocal data, they noticed Harizmu in Ani - she became a model from leading clothes designers. In Ukraine, Lorak is the official advertisement of the Oriflame cosmetic brand, the company Schwarzkopf & Henkel and the tourist company TURTESS TRAVEL. In Kiev, in 2006, Restaurant Ani Lorak Angel Lounge opened.

The problems in their homeland began in 2009, when the singer took part in the round "With Ukraine in the heart" in support of Yulia Tymoshenko. Ukrainians remembered the "misses" of the singer, but the last straw in their patience was the tour activities of Ani Lorak in Russia, when the war began in the Donbass.

Ukrainian nationalists disappeared concerts, and the media appeared scandalous statements in the address of the popular singer. They were against the position that Lorak demonstrates performances in the Russian Federation. In addition, the actress did not hide friendship with the Russian pop king Philip Kirkorov, creative cooperation with the stars of pop Timur Rodrigse, Valery Meladze, Egor Crem and Gregory Leps. With the latter, she recorded the composition "Mirror", which became a real hit.

Some Ukrainian artists stood up for the singer, noting that "the injury is not clear." The political party "Freedom" arranged Ani Lorak "Pozore Corridor" in front of the Palace "Ukraine", in which the celebrity tried to get to the concert. Arsen Avakov stated on social networks that the singer "actively provokes society."

At one moment, the pride of the country, the brightest star of the Ukrainian scene Ani Lorak turned from the hero in Zagoya. Not paying attention to criticism in his address, the performer continued to tour with concert programs in Russia, the Baltic States. Art remains for the singer above political views and ambitions. But in Ukraine, it still refrains from touring activities for safety.

In February 2018, Ani Lorak showed the show "Diva" world-class, the director of whom Oleg Bodnarchuk acted. The premiere took place on February 16 in Minsk, on February 25 in St. Petersburg, and on March 3, a show with anchlage was held in the Moscow SC "Olympic", where Furior produced.

Dier Ani is still on Eurovision called her friend and mentor Philip Kirkorov. The concert program of the singer corresponds to the status of the stars of the scene in the level of vocals, performing, stage effects. Lorak devoted this show to all women, each of which, in her opinion, is worthy of such a high rank. Among the arts used by the performer on the scene - Virgin Mary, Mata Hari, Coco Chanel, Jeanne d'Ark, Mother Teresa.

For Ani Shaw, it became a real test. The singer is present every minute on the stage for three hours, performing complex equilibristian tricks during vocal numbers. For the show "Diva", a moving platform-robot was used, 500 kinetic suspensions to create tricks in the air, 19 elevators creating the illusion of the moving gender, 240 stage costumes.

Among the bright works of Ani Lorak - hits performed in duets with popular singers. It and the songs "I can not say", "say goodbye", recorded with Emine, and hit the "soprano", which artist performed with Motom. At the end of the spring of 2018, the premiere of the clip "Crazy" took place, whose video was gathered for Youtube 7 million views.

In May 2020, the premiere of the song "Your" took place. She was dedicated to the new relationship of the artist. And in August, the singer presented to the public a short film "Your beloved", in which six short romantic stories told. In one of them, her 9-year-old daughter Sofia was performed in one of them. For the girl it was an acting debut.

As Lorak told, Sofia grows artistic and curious. She herself showed a desire to play in the clip. The celebrity daughter was well born in the romantic image suggested to her and made friends with the screen beloved. The singer suggests that in the future her heiress will choose an actress career.

Personal life

Personal life Ani Lorak is not hidden by the haze of unknown, as preferred to do some artists. From 1996 to 2004, she lived with the producer Yuri Falyssoy, but the marriage was not officially imprisoned.

In 2009, Ani was officially married to the co-owner of TURTESS TRAVEL Murat Taljioglu. They met in Turkey in 2005. Lorak's husband is a Turkish subject, but a year after acquaintance with the singer moved to live in Kiev.

In 2011, Lorak and Taljioglu had a daughter Sofia, which traditionally received the surname of the Father. In the spring of 2012, she was baptized in Kiev, Philip Kirkorov became the godfather of daughter Ani. In an interview with Artist noted that the Russian pop singer is in her soul on the niche, which Sergey's elder brother was held in his childhood. The young man defeated the younger sister, and when Carolina was 9 years old, he died in Afghanistan.

The celebrity regularly highlights the time for training to support the figure. She began to pay attention after pregnancy, during which he recovered by 15 kg. An ideal weight for its growth in 162 cm singer considers 48 kg. Now she is in great shape, what a photo in a swimsuit is talking about.

The network does not smell rumors about plastic Ani Lorak. The public comments on the photo of the artist from "Instagram", on which her lips look more plump than in youth. But experts assure that such a form is a premise of makeup, and not "pricks of beauty." The singer itself does not comment on rumors about plastic operations. Ani is confident in its beauty and is not afraid to appear in photographs without makeup. She also pleases fans of a frequent shift of the image and new hairstyles.

In July 2018, Ani Lorak's husband was seen in the company of Ukrainian business lady Jan Belyaeva. The man provided it to the unequivocal signs of attention until his spouse performed at the festival in Baku. For a long time, the pair did not comment on the epistle of marriage, but in January 2019, Lorak and Taldjioglu still divorced.

Artist in the process of divorce deprived the ex-spouse of half of the business. She reailed their overall company "Ani Lorak Production", registered in Russia, in its name.

The celebrity for a short time alone remained alone. Immediately after the rupture, she began to attribute a novel with the Russian singer Sergey Lazarev, but they are just friends.

In June, Ani began to meet with a 26-year-old Sound producer of the Black Star label Egor Gleb. The couple tried not to advertise relations, but occasionally laid out joint photos in "Instagram". There were even rumors in the network that the singer was pregnant with a second child, but they were false.

It is worth noting the fact that Egor was also married. His former spouse Tatiana Reshetnyak, with which he lived in marriage for 3 years, called the cause of the divorce - the young man cheated her and even raised her hand during the quarrel.

However, Ani was happy in new relationships. She told about this TV channel "MUZ-TV". The singer confessed that he was in love with madly and after the filming hurries home, where her beloved man awaits her. In the pandemic period, the fans understood: this union was also collapsed, which was confirmed by the words of the singer on the new Roman.

In 2021, the actress surprised even the most devoted fans, carefully tracking changes in her personal life. In dinner, Philip Kirkorov, who invited a secular bond on the day of his daughter Alla Victoria, Lorak fell into the lens of the chambers along with the ex-spouse.

The small roller of the Parents of Sofia's parents is unequivocally demonstrated: Ani and Murat reconciled. Newsbags instantly made video viral, and the public decided that this event foreshadows the reunification of former spouses.

Ani Lorak now

At the beginning of 2021, the actress presented a new clip "half". The lyrical song about the love triangle, according to the performer, is very close to her. In his instagram account, Ani wrote that this song about a "strong, volitional personality", which was able to come out with dignity from a difficult situation.

Continuing to conquer the hearts of fans, Lorak never ceases to receive new awards. In April of the same year, she boasted a statuette, having received a premium "Best - 2021" award.

On April 2, the celebrity came to the studio of the "Fate of Man" program to Boris Korchevnikov. Professional relations with Konstantin Meladze were raised among the many topics. Lorak told that it was allegedly received from the producer a personal proposal that did not accept. According to Ani, it would help to go to her career up, and after the refusal of Meladze stopped responding to calls.

Interviews made hype among representatives of show business. Olga Polyakova supported the singer and shared: allegedly, she did not bypass the sacrament from Konstantin Kotryovich.


  • 1996 - "Want to fly"
  • 1998 - "I'll be back"
  • 2001 - "There, de Ty ..."
  • 2004 - "Ani Lorak"
  • 2006 - "Retacks"
  • 2007 - "15"
  • 2009 - "Sun"
  • 2013 - "Light Heart"
  • 2016 - "Did you love ..."
  • 2019 - "For the Dream"

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