Eddie Redmein - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News 2021



Eddie Redmein - a native Briton, who took place in acting and model business.

Eddie Redmein and his

The creative biography of Eddie Redmonin is filled with a large number of awards and premiums, among which the most important and important is "Oscar" for the role of a scientist in the film "Universe Stephen Hawking".

Childhood and youth

The biography of Eddie Redmonne begins his countdown on January 6, 1982. Father is a financier, and the mother maintains business in the field of freight. Eddie is the middle son among three children of Patricia and Richard Redreinov.

The head of the family sent his sons to Yaton to receive a decent education. Eddie was lucky to learn with Prince William. The elder brother Eddie studied together with the future prime minister of Britain, and the younger was classmate Prince Harry.

Eddie Redmein with family

Love for the theater originated in the heart of the young man after watching inspired placement on the play of Shakespeare "Sleeping in the Summer Night." The inspiration managed to implement in the theater club in High-Vakombe, where he expressed a desire to walk a novice actor.

His study in IION The guy combined with additional lessons of music, art, choral singing. During the years of study, the creative biography of Eddie Redrein took place the first experience of changing the female vestments. After ITon, the future actor continued his studies in Trinity College at Cambridge, where he chose the specialization of the "Art History". The subject provided for an in-depth study of art history of France and England from the XIX to the XX century.

Eddie Redmein worked as a model

In the youth, Redrein began to earn up the model that brought money to pocket expenses. Theatrical debut took place in 2002. Casting-director from Ion College requested the Cambridge colleague to find a talented student for the role of Viola in the Twelfth Night on Shakespeare. Dormandi advised him to try the role of Redmonain.

The guy was listening, after which it was embodied into the role of the agent. The leadership of the Cambridge College freed Redrein from visiting lectures for half a year, but he ordered him to keep up and challenge knowledge in his free time. After the semester, Eddie returned to his studies, prepared the graduate work and absorbed the necessary knowledge - the final exams were expected ahead.

Eddie Redmein in youth

Features of the student (does not distinguish red and green colors) did not interfere with the successfully prepare the graduate work on Ivu Clain and its blue color. Redrein graduated from Trinity College with honors and replenished the number of the best graduates of the course. With the receipt of a diploma, Eddie has already been determined with subsequent activities, but left a year to meditation, in order to make sure the correctness of his decision.


Theatrical career Eddie Redmene outside the college did not immediately notice a success. As later, the actor told in an interview, the father with the rationality of the financier introduced it to the figures with the statistics of the actors implemented in the practice. They were a minority. Redmein, too, the first months could not find the use of acting talent and even managed to work as a waiter and bartender. But soon luck smiled at the young man.

For the best debut and the role of a second plan in theatrical production "Goat, or who is Sylvia?" The actor received a premium on Critics' Circle Theater Awards and was nominated for the award to them. Lawrence Olivier for the role of Edward Alby.

Eddie Redmein in the theater

In 2005, Eddie Redmene filmography launched with Serisabeth I. multi-sieuled movie corrugation. On the same working platform, the young grade was able to work in the company of the screen of the screen Helen Mirren and Jeremy Irons, which was impressed by Eddie. Acting talent managed to implement in subsequent telecoms, films and TV shows. Since 2008, the artist is represented as the Burberry luxury brand model. Photo Eddie Redmene appeared in the print edition of the Vanity Fair, in the column of the most stylish men.

Shooting in the cinema laid the path to work together with Hollywood stars. For example, Kate Blanchett became the Kate Blanchett, in the "Golden Age" of the Redmene counterpart, in the "false temptation", the actor starred with Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie.

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The main role of the artist receives in the drama "wild grace", where he plays with Julian Moore. Already then, Eddie had to face reincarnation into an extraordinary person - a difficult teenager who ultimately kills his own mother. Being in Hollywood, Redrein passes Casting to the drama "Oxide", where it gets the opportunity to realize the main character of the Kverti, the owner of the funeral bureau.

Soon Eddi was lucky enough to get into the brilliant cast of the costume Drama "Another Bolein", where the key characters on the screen were embodied Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Eric Bana, Christine Scott Thomas. A series of historical projects with the participation of Redmene also got the screening of "Tess from the family d'Erberville".

Eddie Redmein and Scarlett Johansson in the film

The actor is not afraid of experiments, therefore agrees to shoot in the Japanese picture "Yellow handkerchief of happiness", in the drama of the British playwright Stephen Polyakova "1939". He appears in the Gloomy German Thriller "Black Death", telling about the period of European Middle Ages, the celebration of plague and inquisition. With the participation of Eddie, a fantastic adventure film of the producer Ridley Scott "Pillars of the Earth" comes on the screens.

Eddie Redmein and Michelle Williams in the film 7 Days and Nights with Marilyn

Interesting work for Redrein became the main role in the film "7 days and nights with Marilyn", where the actor reincarnated in a novice assistant director who managed to find an approach to the star Hollywood and help her cope with depression. Michel Williams became partner of Eddi.

In 2011, Redrein appears in the Comedy "Provincial" about the life of a girl who escaped in Vegas from Parents-drunken. The main role in the film was performed by Chloe Malts.

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In December 2012, the premiere of the dramatic musical "rejected" on the famous Novel of Viktor Hugo called the famous novel. In the classic story about a chain convict Eddie Redmein played the role of Marius. The main images also presented Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Ann Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Helena Bonm Carter and Sasha Baron Cohen.

The actors independently performed the vocal parties in the musical, the directors did not invite professional vocalists for the dubbing to preserve the holistic atmosphere and acting game. This move received approving reviews of film critics and spectators.

In 2014, a fateful premiere of the film "The Universe Stephen Hawking" took place, or, as it is also called, the "theory of everything", where Redmein fulfilled the role of famous physics. The picture brought fame to the director James Marsh and team composition as a whole. Melodramatic history tells about the scientist and in love with a student Jane Wilde.

The role of Stephen Hawking brought Redrein the expected Oscar, which followed the Golden Globe Prize, and he also noted and awarded BAFTA.

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Following the Oscarial role to the artist, an offer was to act in the lead role in the film "Girl from Denmark". Drama scenario is based on the same name of David Ebershoff novel. This is a story about a man, the first solved on the shift of the sex a surgical path.

The main character of the picture is the husband of the artist. A woman asked the spouse to posing in a female image for a new painting. Canvas became popular in the creative community, and the artist continued to portray her own husband in feminine form in a series of paintings. This affected the worldview of the simulator: a man realized that at the moments of positiveness in female form it becomes happier and freer.

Static (EDDI's growth is 181 cm, and the weight of 76 kg) actor reproduced the image of a feminine man. In addition, during the shooting Redmein lost 7 kg.

It is worth saying that the actor played brilliantly, once again proveing ​​his talent and professionalism. In order to accomplish into the image, Eddie spent two months in the transgender community. For Redrein, it was the discovery that gender and sexual orientation are not connected with each other, the actor with his own eyes saw the lives of people suffering from gender dysphoria.

Also in 2015, the actor appeared in the fantastic blockbuster Sisters Vachovski "Climb Jupiter." The film was completed another year before the premiere, but due to work with special effects and the desire to hold a memorable advertising campaign the first picture of the picture was postponed.

Eddie Redmein played the role of the main villain of the film - Abrasaksa Balema, the first heir to the house of Abrasax, the land owner. Family Abrasaks Rules on the planet over generations, then a girl with an ideal DNA code appears on Earth, the reincarnation of the mother of the ballea and the legitimate heiress of the Earth. The role of the Criminal Government of the Planet performed Mila Kunis. The main goal of the Abrasaks family becomes forcing the girl to abandon the rights of reincarnation or kill the heiress.

In 2016, the film "Fantastic creatures and where they live", in which Eddie appeared in one of the main roles together with Catherine Waterston, Alison Cerbit and others.

The film was shot on the novel of Joan Katlin Rowling, the author of the famous books about Harry Potter. "Fantastic creatures and where they live" - ​​Spin-off Sagi about the adventures of the boy who survived. " The events of the film, which is scheduled as the beginning of the new franchise, are developing in 65 years before the plot of the main books of this artistic universe.

In the center of the new series of films there is a young magician, a specialist in the magical animal of the Nut, Salamander (in other translations of Salamander), whose role and played Eddie Redmein. When the magic zoologist arrived in the United States of America, dangerous animals escaped from the magic suitcase of Newta. After that, the law enforcement service under the leadership of the Magic Congress of Management in North America (Makusa) is beginning to hunt a young magician.

Eddie Redmein as Newt Salamantera

Separately, the film raises the topic of social inequality through the plot of the persecution of wizards. In the film, the radical organization is engaged in this - the philanthropic society "New Salem". The sexeligious organization called on to destroy the wizards who were forced to stay underground and hide their own abilities.

A year later, Eddie Redmein starred in the continuation of the painting. In the second "fantastic creatures", the action unfolds a year after the scene of the first film. Newt and the characters of the first film are beginning to withstand the evil wizard Grindevald (Johnny Depp), whose personality revealed in the finals of the first picture of the franchise. The team of the main characters will join the young albus Dumbledore, whose role is performed by Jude Low.

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This is a character who is already in the form of an old wizard and director of the Magic School Hogwarts and books, and films about Harry Potter. The premiere of the film "Fantastic creatures and where they live 2" is scheduled for November 16, 2018.

Joan Rowling, the author of the franchise, stated in his own Twitter, that in total in the film "Fantastic Creatures and where they live" five films will be released.

Personal life

In the personal life of Eddie Redmein happy. He has a favorite wife of Hannah Bagsho. Envious British Bridegroom met the future spouse in 2012. About the engagement of Eddie Redrene and Hannah Bagsho became known in June 2014. On December 15, the wedding ceremony was held in County Somerset, and the celebration surrounded by the closest and most relatives of the couple celebrated at the Babington House, where the bride arrived at the steamer.

Eddie Redmein and his wife Khanna Bagsho

Redmein and his wife Hannah Bagsho marched to guests on a stressed candlewood. As an actor confessed later, the whole process of preparing for the wedding placed on his fragile shoulders of Hannah, and he did not have to experience the nervous tension, because the future spouse did well with everything.

Otherwise, the actor rarely advertises family life. Unlike colleagues, Redmein does not lead an official account in "Instagram", so the personal photos of Eddie and the actor's families infrequently appear on the Internet. A close friend of Redmene for many years is Jamie Dornan, the leading role in the film "Fifty shades of gray". Together, the artists filmed housing while working in Los Angeles.

Eddie Redmein and Jamie Dornan

Now the actor and his spouse raise two children. In June 2016, the daughter of Eddie and Hannah Ayris Mary appeared. Two years later, a replenishment was replenished in the actor family, the Song of Richard's son gave birth to the Son of Luke Richard.

Eddie Redmein now

In 2018, Eddie Redmein played a major role in the Thriller "Recent Night Days" according to the Graham Moore scenario. Also, the actor voiced the character named Dag in the British-French multiplication comedy Nick Park "First Man" ("Wild Ancestors").

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Now the adventure triller "Aeronauts" is being prepared for the exit, based on real events from the history of the pool of the beginning of the XIX century. Eddie Redmein Together with Feliciti Jones will play a couple of researchers, which for the first time in the balloon managed to visit the upper layers of the atmosphere. According to the producer of the project, with the actors managed to agree on the independent execution of all tricks.

The plans for Eddie - work on a key maniac in the triller "Good Meshbrat" and in the historical film "Recent Days of Nights".

Interesting Facts

  • Eddie Redmein received one famous Kinonagra. Actor - Oscar premium owner (2015, for the film "Theory of Total"), Golden Globe (2015, for the film "Theory of Total"), BAFTA (2015, for the film "Theory of Total") and "Golden Raspberry" ( 2016, for the film "Climb Jupiter").
Actor Eddie Redmeign
  • The actor accounts for a nephew of the Personal librarian Queen of England.
  • Redmein - Daltonic. Wife helps the wardrobe for secular events. This does not prevent Eddie to get into the lists of the most stylish men.
  • In Karaoke, the favorite song of the actor - Meat Loaf "Bat Out Of Hell".


  • 1998 - "Animal Ark"
  • 2005 - "Elizabeth I"
  • 2006 - "False Temptation"
  • 2007 - "Golden Age"
  • 2008 - "Even one of the kind of pain"
  • 2008 - "Tess of the family d'Erberville"
  • 2010 - "Black Death"
  • 2011 - "7 days and nights with Marilyn"
  • 2012 - "Rejected"
  • 2014 - "Universe Stephen Hawking"
  • 2015 - "Climbing Jupiter"
  • 2015 - "Girl from Denmark"
  • 2016 - "Fantastic creatures and where they live"
  • 2018 - "Fantastic Creatures: Green De Wald Crimes"

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