Angela Merkel - biography, personal life, photo, news, leaves with post, German Chancellor, age 2021



Angela Merkel is the famous German politician. As Chancellor of Germany, she repeatedly turned out to be headed by the rating of the most influential women in the world according to Forbes magazine, and her photos appeared on the covers of the main editions of the planet. Journalists call the celebrity "New Iron Lady" or "Teutonic Margaret Thatcher".

Childhood and youth

The biography of Angela Merkel originates in Hamburg, there she was born on July 17, 1954 in the family of teacher of foreign languages ​​and pastor of the Lutheran Church of Berlin - Brandenburg. Soon they had another daughter Irena and Son Marcus.

The future celebrity from an early age was diligent and was distinguished by brilliant academic performance. Especially she was given mathematics and Russian. Another sitting at the school desk, Angela decided to continue his education at the University of Leipzig named after Karl Marx, where in 1973 he acted as a physical faculty. In his youth, the girl actively engaged in scientific activities.

Defending the diploma to excellent, Merkel was adopted at the Institute at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR. At first she worked in the department of theoretical chemistry, and then, defending his doctoral thesis, began to study analytical ones. Already then the celebrity was interested in politics, she consisted in the district Committee SSNM, where he was engaged in educational work.

Career and politics

Career Merkel began long before she headed the political pedestal of Germany and the EU, and her way to the top was long. In 1989, the celebrity replenished the series "Democratic breakthrough". At first she was a computer administrator, then engaged in the development of party leaflets, and later served as a press secretary.

In a year, a merger with the Eastern Hermann Christian-Democratic Union (XDS) occurred. For some time, the celebrity replaced the press secretary in the freely elected Government of the GDR, but soon the question of the unification of Germany was acute. The position held allowed the angel to attend negotiations on the conclusion of the state agreement concerning the social, economic and currency union.

Shortly before the unification of the country, a merger was merged with the West German XDS, after which Merkel was taken by the post of advisor in the department of information and printing of the Federal Republic of Germany. In December 1990, a deputy mandate of the Bundestag was received as a result of elections.

In the future, the angel confidently moved through the career ladder. She won the location of the chancellor Helmut Kohl, because of which it even began to be called "the girl Kolya". Thanks to his favor, Merkel became the minister for young people and women. Later, she headed the Ministry of Environmental Protection, which made it a more significant figure on the political arena.

But after the knee was involved in the scandal, Angela publicly spoke against the former mentor. It only brought it into power. In April 2000, the celebrity was headed by a Christian-Democratic Union. Already then she was going to become a chancellor, but due to a lack of support, even before the elections refused the intentions in favor of the opponent.

In subsequent years, Merkel won the confidence of the population. She made a rejection of nuclear energy, promoted rapprochement from the United States and supported the decision of the American authorities to introduce troops to Iraq. Also politician opposed Turkey's accession to the EU, which expressed public opinion.

Federal Chancellor

In November 2005, Angela Merkel was elected by Chancellor of Germany, becoming the first woman in this post. In power, the statesman stayed for almost 16 years, re-elected four times. During this time, she managed to conquer the fame of a calm and judicial political leader.

In 2018, after her party scored a record low percentage of votes compared to the past years, the politician stated that he would leave the Chairman of the CDC and no longer would be running into the place of the Chancellor. At the same time, she decided to remain in this status until the end of the term, in which the majority of German residents were supported.

Being in power, Merkel demonstrated a course on the settlement of military conflicts, international experts noted that she is a politician of the world, not the war. This is a confirmation of this that the celebrity has been repeatedly accused of insufficient financing of the Bundeswehr - the German army. She once promised to fix it, but the amount of deductions was still less than that of other NATO countries.

Another difficult issue was the migration crisis that broke out in Europe in 2015. Mass immigration to the region came out due to control. All actions that have taken a politician to resolve the problem led to collapse. Later at the EU Summit in Brussels, the states of the states tried to agree with representatives of Turkey, making a plan for the adoption of refugees by this country. It made the effect, and the flow of migrants soon decreased significantly.

We were worried about the chancellor and issues of relationship with Russia. She criticized Vladimir Putin's policies against Crimea and Donbass, advocating the imposition of sanctions. But at the same time, the head of the German Government always called on other EU members to dialogue with the Russian president.

During the period of the coronavirus pandemic, the celebrity took actions to combat the disease, imposing restrictions on social interactions. Chancellor on a personal example showed citizens as important to comply with calm and distance in difficult times. Journalists managed to shoot, as Merkel on a par with everyone buys goods in the store. True, many criticized her for the lack of mask.

Personal life

During his studies at the university, Angela met Ulrich Merkel, who became her first husband. His surname she wears and now. They lived together for 5 years, but submitted for a divorce. There were no children in the family. Later, the Chancellor admitted that he would consider this union a mistake - she got married, because at that time it was so accepted.

2 years after the divorce of Angel, he met the second husband - Joachim Sauer, but this time the woman decided not to rush with the wedding. The couple officially legalized marriage only after 10 years of relationship, in 1998.

Celebrity's spouse is distinguished by a closure, he did not even come to the inauguration of his wife. But in the personal life of Chancellor reigns harmony: the couple always breakfasts together, and on the weekend they love to get out in Opera.

Angela Merkel now

In 2021, the term of office of Merkel as the Chancellor expired. But, using the time remaining before the elections, she sent all the forces to resolve conflicts with China and Russia. At the end of June, politician once again applied to members of the EU, calling for a meeting with Vladimir Putin. Her idea was not supported.

Later, the celebrity visited the UK, where he met with Queen Elizabeth II.

Awards and titles

  • 1996 - Big Honor Cross (Commander) Order "For Services to the Federal Republic of Germany"
  • 2006 - Big Cross of the Order "For Merit to the Italian Republic"
  • 2007 - Great Officer of the Officer of Abdel-Aziza Ibn Saud
  • 2007 - Big Cross Order Merit
  • 2007 - Prize named after Leo Buck of the Central Council of Jews in Germany
  • 2008 - Karl Great Prize for Merit in the Development of the European Union
  • 2008 - Big Cross 1st degree of Order "For Merit to the Federal Republic of Germany"
  • 2008 - Big Cross of the Orena Peru
  • 2009 - Big Cross of the Order of Infanta Don Enriki
  • 2010 - Order "Stara Planina" with ribbon
  • 2010 - Order of Zaid
  • 2011 - Presidential Medal of Freedom
  • 2014 - Presidential Medal
  • 2015 - Big Golden Honorary Sign "For Services in front of the Austrian Republic" on the ribbon
  • 2016 - Order of the Republic
  • 2017 - Order "Kurmanzhan Datka"
  • 2017 - Big Cross of the Order of Vitautas Great
  • 2019 - Big Cross of the Orden of Double White Cross
  • 2019 - the Order of the Three Stars of the 2nd degree
  • 2021 - Order of the Cross of Maria Maria 1st degree

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