Samvel Ginovyan - biography, personal life, photo, news, comedian, "instagram", standap, "open microphone", wife 2021



Standap-comers smoothly moved with TNT and TNT4 to other Russian TV channels. Even before the STS started "Standap underground", "Evening Urgant" on the first channel took to the practice of inviting talented humorists with performances to himself, allocating a special heading for this. On June 10, 2021, the mission to mix the audience and all those present fell out Samvel Ginovyan. To him, Arthur Chaparyan, Idrak Mirzalizalide, Kirill Selevi, Artem Andreev and others have already managed to do the same.

Childhood and youth

On July 4, 1990, the junior heir of Samvel was born in Yerevan in Yerevan. After 7 years, the couple together with her sons moved from the capital of Armenia to Turkmenbashi - the city in the west of Turkmenistan, which is part of the Balkan velayat. After 2 years, the move happened again - this time the way was lying in St. Petersburg.

Since childhood, the boy was engaged in sports: from 8 to 18 years old - a free struggle, and at the age of 16 tried strength and football. As for higher education, on the personal page in Vkontakte, Samvel has pointed out the place of study St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy. However, in other publications, the media met information that the student acquired a specialty "Engineer of Aerospace Devices and Systems".

Before starting to make money on a comedy, he worked about 10 years old in a family restaurant, where his father was on the post of Director General, the mother was the main in the kitchen, and the elder brother was responsible for the bar. The comedian himself served as a bartender-waiter. In the years in 2018, the institution, in recent years, which has existed for loans and triggered long debts, had to be sold.

"The pros of such work was. For example, what we often see each other. But it's hard to work, while maintaining a hierarchy. Everyone went to each other for concessions, which hurt a lot. We tried to make a cozy, warm, delicious institution, where no one was deceived by visitors, but it turned out that it was not necessary for anyone, "the celebrity recalled in the interview in the 2020s.

To the additional reasons to closure to the closure, the man took the fact that the head of the family was too soft in relation to children. He brought an example with an uncle, characterized by the rigidity of the character, which still owns two catering enterprises together with close relatives.

Personal life

On December 11, 2011, happy change was happened in the personal life of Samvel. The young man married his beloved Girl Xenia Ivanova, which appeared on November 9, 1990. The solemn event, which was preceded by the mystery of the wedding, took place in the St. Petersburg Palace of Marriage No. 1.

Next year, a young wife released from SPbGet "LETI" named after Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin). On October 30, 2012, the spouses took congratulations on the birth of Leon's firstborn, and on February 24, 2018, he was welcomed by the younger son Arthur, whose photos can be found in instagram accounts of parents. The chief of comedians first worked in the Dandy gastrobar, opened on June 1, 2017 on Pestel Street, and then launched his own brand of the lower female lingerie of Handmade Cobra Intimates.

The humorist, touching a loving family, often makes her main theme of his stand-speeches. Gininovyan, for example, mentioned that the wife prepares very tasty, but only for himself. If she takes over the omelet for him, then there will be only eggs with milk in a pan, and otherwise they add and shrimp, and other "pathos" ingredients.

Once the Master of the Quality Comedy called the elder brother by the inventor of the radio, because he decided to save money and repair the "iPhone" independently. But in the end it turned out that on the smartphone it was possible only to speak and at the same time not hear that the interlocutor was answered.

Humor and creativity

Ginovyan began to engage in humor in 2013, when I tried to break into the "Comedy Battle. Without borders "and debuted at Comedy Place, and to receive money for it - only after 4 years.

The guy honed the skill at the "open microphones" in St. Petersburg establishments, later becoming the finalist of the project of the same name on TNT, and on numerous festivals, often located on prizes.

He repeatedly became the best on Gong Show in Stand Up Club # 1 in Moscow, and in 2017 won the King Gong Show at Puchlayna, where Sasha Malaya, Vasily Medvedev, Garik Oganisyan and others distinguished themselves.

In 2016, a comedian, together with a colleague and like-minded person, Konstantin Shirokov launched his own standap show "Fanny Staff". Since October of the same year, the issues have become available on a separate Youtyub-Channel, where there were speeches of different comedians. In June 2018, friends pleased the fans of the "Evening Rio", where they spoke with guests about everything in the world, and July - Podcast "Chkg".

Without the participation of Samvel, the "22 comic" on TNT4 did not cost, "How did it all end?", "Let's Note", "Accelerations", Roast Battle, "Women's Look", "The Smart Commerm" and other programs on YouTube.

Samvel Ginovyan now

Now the forces of Ginovyan are enough for the upbringing of two sons, and on the development of their own creativity. The winner of the 2nd International Festival in Kazan continues to promote Fanny Staff with CHKG and perform with concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg sites.

As a guest, the celebrity willingly attend various projects. For example, in the spring of 2021, in the framework of the Youtyub-show Segozavtra, a humorist talked to the theme of "Fresh Cosmos" with scientist-Astrophysician Yuri Kovalev. Anthropology there was also discussed with a specialist in this area by Stanislav Drobyshevsky, comics - with the artist and screenwriter Vitaly Terletsky, philosophy - with the thinker Alexander Segalom.

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