Roman Kurtsyn - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, TV series, main roles, Anna Nazarova 2021



Roman Kursyn is considered a sex symbol of Russian cinema. Such a loud status actor presented not only a variety of filmography. His snapshots in the "Instagram" with naked torso and the desired "cubes" of the press cause languid sighs from girls and envy in guys. Kursyn himself says that social networks uses to generate exceptionally positive emotions, and negative to the public should not be taken out.

Childhood and youth

Roman comes from Kostroma, from a simple family: the father served in the police, and the mother worked by the secretary in the School of Chemical Protection and was engaged in raising children - Roman and his younger brother Alexei.

The work of the future artist inspired the famous filmmaker of the "Three Musketeers" with Mikhail Boyarsky in the lead role. Until the 10th grade of study, he was not interested, for the permanent absenteeism Kurysna wanted to exclude from school. Then Mom put a tough condition: if she sees her son's certificate at least one trip, the theater university he does not see. The graduation young man made a curriculum to enter the Yaroslavl State Theater Institute.

In the university, the novel also got into the lists of candidates for the deduction and still grateful to the head of the course Alexander Kuzin for patience.


At the 4th year of study, the student went to the casting of the historical and patriotic TV series "Path to Mangazei", which subsequently changed the name on "silver". Initially, the novel was tried to the role of the second plan, but received one of the main. During the filming, he mastered the Cascader tricks, which was contributed to physical training.

The director of the series "Sword" believed that the novel was not suitable for their desired role, and the actor accounted for 9 times to come to the casting in order to achieve his own - to play Sniper Konstantin Orlov.

Another image of the Military Kurcen embodied on the tape site "Shooting Mountains". He was so possible that the representatives of the real special forces who participated in the shooting were offered to join the division if the actor decides to quit a profession. Despite the fact that the actor brilliantly manage to play heroes in the form, the romance did not serve in the army.

The first full-length film of Kurssyn was the psychological drama "Thirst", which was celebrated at the "Kinotavra" diploma for the best male ensemble of young artists. The actor himself received the role of the role of Genets in this film at the Festivals "Amur Autumn", "Provincial Russia" and "won together", and was also noted on international filmmotre in onfler.

In the future, the series in the cinematic biography of the novel began to occupy the main place. One of the notable works of the artist was the role in the adventure tape "ship", where his beloved played Irina Antonenko. The amazing atmosphere of the series was presented by the Greek Islands of Kos and Corfu, on which nature was removed.

After participating in the drama, Alexey Pimanov "Crimea", the guy hit the black list of the Ukrainian site "Peacemaker" - entry into the territory of this country it is prohibited.

The comedy of Cyril Plenev "Seven dinners" with Polina Maximova gave Kurysna experience filming in the "nidget", and one of the most difficult artists called the role of an orphanage from "steppe children". Guy, fan of sport, had to reset 7 kg. Fortunately, for Sitkom "Fitness" such victims did not need - the transformation was due to plastic makeup.

In 2019, KurChin appeared as an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the adventure tape "five minutes of silence. Return". The team of brave rescuers, together with him, amounted to Igor Lifanov, Arthur Waha and Yevgeny Dmitriev. For this work, the artist was awarded the medal "for promoting the rescue case" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The military drama "Balkan frontier", based on the real events that occurred in the mid-90s in Yugoslavia, brought Roman's role to the role of a special forces who defended the airport. The former head of Ingushetia of Yunus-Beck Eucurov was performed by the prototype of the commander of his detachment.

On the set of the adventure tape "Pain threshold" about representatives of the Golden Youth, who fell into an extreme situation, Kurssyn in habit came to rush independently perform tricks. But the directors shook the artists - the work went in the mountains of Altai, and the situation was dangerous even for professionals.

Sportsman, the opponent Alexander Revva, the actor played in the Sitkom Musice Weisberg "Grandma of Light Behavior. The elderly Avengers. " In the film, the novel got into the partner singer Glycose and first stood on skates, because in the plot of his hero - the former NHL star.

The actor confessed in an interview that the comedy is the most difficult genre for him. Make the viewer to laugh, smile is not so easy. It is necessary that he goes into the state and circumstances of the hero, and the performer cannot be replayed, it is necessary to remain organic. "I want to believe that I get it," the novel concluded.

A project that demanded from the artist of maximum physical and emotional investments, became the film "Fire", which started in 2020. Konstantin Khabensky and Ivan Yankovsky were divided with the novel. Artists had to experience extreme conditions under which real firefighters work. The temperature on the site sometimes reached up to 300 degrees.


The novel played in several modern theatrical productions: "Passions under Knia" of the American playwright Yujina O'Neill, "Carousel in Mr. Freuda" Arthur Schnitzler, Lyric Comedy Mary Lado "Very Simple History".

Kurssyn became the organizer and co-founder of the Kastadersky Theater "Yarfrem", in the repertoire of which over 500 bright stage performances that have become part of movies, indicative shows with swords and torches, automotive and firearms, pyrotechnics and other attributes that attach dynamism and entertainment.


Particular attention in his life paid a sport. Successes on this field made a considerable contribution to the formation of his personality. Already at the age of 17, carried away by arm wrestling and devoting all the time training, the novel became the champion of Russia in this sport.

The novel tried himself in the fight and gymnastics, without stopping at what was achieved, became interested in karate. The artist dedicated to martial arts for many years. His efforts brought noticeable results: the artist became the owner of the black belt, the 2nd Dana on Karate.

Together with co-founder and friend, Kurtsyn opened a karate school in Yaroslavl called "Cobra Throw", whose pupils became champions not only of the city, but also Russia. The son of the artist is also engaged in.

Personal life

The personal life of Roman Kurysna has been filled with love adventures. At the Institute, the actor fell in love with Côtecens Anna Nazarov. At that time he was in a relationship, and the girl, having learned about the secret feelings of the beloved, kicked him out of the house. Kurssyn settled in Nazarova and soon married her. In 2012, the wife gave the actor of the Son. Later, the pair was born daughter.

About how the actor career is promoted, fans will learn from the Ego "Instagram". Roman publishes photos of traditional plates broken before starting shooting, frames from new projects, comic selfie in makeup.

With an increase in 178 cm, the weight of the celebrity varies within 78-80 kg, and on the relief of musculature, Kurssyn can compete with professional bodybuilders.

In the spring of 2021, the social networks stunned the overall photo of the artist with a colleague Agata Minky, but the actress did not give any ridiculous rumors. The post that was accompanied by the picture was dedicated to the birthday of Kurcin, where the girl congratulated him and added for curious users, which is not consisting of a romantic relationship.

Roman Kurtsyn now

Roman's popularity is at the peak. Every year with his participation comes from 5 to 10 paintings. Now he remains in demand by the artist and the favorite of the public. Kurysna manage to combine a profession with sports, without which he does not think of life.

In the spring of 2021, the TV series "Le.gen.da" started on the TNT channel, in which the actor got the role of a fighter of mixed martial arts. The premiere held in Fudmoll "Depot" on May 27, visited Mma Mm Magomed Ismailov. Athlete, collecting material for his show on Youtyub-Channel, talked to Kuryyn's diet and physical form, and he, in turn, invited Ismailov to play in the continuation of the picture.


  • 2008 - "Champion"
  • 2009 - "Sword"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2010 - "Yaroslav. Thousand years ago "
  • 2012 - "Poor relatives"
  • 2013 - "Thirst"
  • 2013 - "Women's Day"
  • 2014-2015 - "Ship"
  • 2015 - "Leningrad 46"
  • 2016 - "Eleon Hotel"
  • 2018 - "Yellow Eye Tiger"
  • 2019 - "Balkan Rubb"
  • 2020 - "Fire"
  • 2020 - "Five minutes of silence"
  • 2020 - "New Year's New Year!"
  • 2020-2021 - "Fitness"
  • 2021 - "Gulia, Vasya! Date to Bali "
  • 2021 - "Ip Pirogova-4"
  • 2021 - "le.gen."

Achievements and awards

  • 2010 - champion of Russia in arm wrestling
  • 2013 - a special jury diploma "For Energy and Charm" at the XXIV Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr" Male acting ensemble of the film "Thirst" (director Dmitry Tyurin)
  • 2013 - Prize "For the Best Male Role" at the Amur Autumn Film Festival in Blagoveshchensk (together with Mikhail Rough) - for the role of Genetka in the film "Thirst" Director Dmitry Tyurina
  • 2013 - Prize "For the Best Male Role" at the XXI Festival of Russian Cinema in Ondoflera (together with Mikhail Rough) - For the role of Genets in the film "Thirst" Director Dmitry Tyurina
  • 2014 - a diploma "For the creation of bright images in game films" "Thirst" and "Shame" at the X International Film Festival "won together" in Sevastopol.
  • 2014 - Prize "Best Acting Work" at the II Festival "Provincial Russia" in Yeisk - For the role of Genets in the film "Thirst" Director Dmitry Tyurina
  • 2017 - Special Prize of the Chairman of the Jury of the People's Artist of Russia Sergey Nikonenko at the XXIV International Festival of Catalyst Actors "Constellation" in Yaroslavl - for the execution of the main role of Sani in the Dramatic Art Film of Director Alexei Pimanov "Crimea"
  • 2018 - The Insta Cinema Awards 2018 winner in the "Insta Best Male Role" nomination - for the role of Zhenya in the film "I'm losing" directed by Alexey
  • 2018 - Winner of the Russian version of the magazine The Hollywood Reporter "Advance" as the most talented Russian young actor - for the performance of major roles in several high-profile projects of the season
  • 2019 - Karate black belt owner.
  • 2019 - CROCUS FITNESS Awards winner in the art category in the nomination "Fitness Actor of the Year"

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