Leonid Yarmolnik - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife, Children, Daughter 2021



Leonid Yarmolnik is a popular film actor, producer and TV presenter. Charismatic artist conquered the Soviet spectator with comedy miniatures, which became the hits popular in the 70s of the program "around laughter." Later, he managed to reveal and dramatic talent.

Childhood and youth

Leonid was born in the Far East, in the provincial town of Grodekovo Primorsky Krai. By nationality, Leonid - Jew, which never hid, like his parents. But the family of the future artist was not religious, he was far from the Jewish faith, no language, nor rites, from which he also does not suffer. Isaac Father Yesac served as an officer of the motorized rifle battalion of the Soviet Army, and Faina's mother worked as a laboratory doctor.

When the boy studied in primary grades, the older jolly was transferred to the other end of the country, in Lviv. In Western Ukraine and passed the school years of the future artist. Lenya grew up a talented boy, studies gave him easily, but the classes did not cause much enthusiasm. But outside the school program, the Yarmolnik started a lot of hobbies: he went to the pool, learned to play on the accordion, loved to read, and also at one moment he was very interested in the theater.

The desire to play on the scene was so great that Leonid was signed up in the theater studio at the folk theater. Leninsky Komsomol. Already then, he was distinguished by the desire for originality: he was growing long hair and wore round glasses, for which the teachers often scolded him, and school friends awarded the nicknamed Lennon because of the similarity with the famous Bitle.

After graduating from school, Leonid decided to choose the acting road and filed documents to the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema. But it was not possible to do there, and the young man had to wait a year to try again. At this time, the Yarmolnik decided not to risk and chose the capital Schukinsky theater school, where he was enrolled.

Student life leaks saturated. Thanks to the open character, Leonid, who lived in a student hostel, quickly acquired new friends, the closest of which was the future sex character of the Soviet and Russian cinema Alexander Abdulov.

Theater and films

After the completion of studies in "Pike" in 1976, Leonid Isaakovich on the distribution hit the famous theater on Taganka. The start of the career was successful: thanks to the chief director of the theater, Yuri Lyubimov, the Yarmolnik immediately received one of the main roles in the "Master and Margarita" formulation.

At that time, Vladimir Vysotsky was playing on the scene. The actors served side by side 4 years, at this time the role of Vysotsky (for example, Kerensky) were with his consent transferred to the young artist.

The creative biography of Leonid Isaakovich in the cinema began in 1974 by role in the comedy "Your rights?". Before national fame, there was another 5 years. In the late 70s, Alexander Abdulov recommended the artist to the role in the movie "That Munchhausen". The character of the Son of the famous Baron, played by the Yarmolnik, was remembered by the general public. The actor distinguished himself by the ability for a few seconds of a mosquito to convey to the audience a bright character character. Such a hero turned out to be a gangster on nicknamed Gnus from a television film of 1979 "Detech".

In 1984, the theater in Taganka changed the main director. Anatoly Efros came to the place of Yuri Lyubimov, and change significantly affected the cast. Since, according to the memories of the artist, the new leadership, he was not interesting, the Yarmolnik, among the first, left the theater after 8 years of service. Left without work, Leonid Isaakovich was engaged in concerts and holidays. In the late 80s, the artist joined his friend Andrei Makarevich in his musical tour in the USA.

For a long time, Leonid Isaakovich resumes theatrical activity and today playing the scene of the Sovremennik theater, in particular in the play "Happy!" Directed by Rodion Ovchinnikova.

Yarmolnik is known and as an actor voice acting. Participated in the dubbing cartoons "Elephant fell ill", "Happy Grigory", "Three Frogs". The voice of the famous artist also says the main character of the animation tape "Calusing Dragon".

In the 80s, the Yarmolnik most often played negative characters. The filmography of this period was replenished with such works as "The Mystery of the Snow Queen", "Mikhail Lomonosov", "Man with Capuchin Boulevard".

Leonid Yarmolnik and Yuri Shevchuk

No matter how paradoxically, such a specific role created difficulties in real life: despite the fact that the creative biography of the Yarmolnik has numbered more than 100 films, he did not want to take into an union of cinematographers for a long time.

In 1995, the romantic kinocartine "Moscow holidays" came to wide screens. This film was largely for the actor to the sign: first, here he first played a major role, and secondly, in the Moscow Vacation, the Yarmolnik made his debut as a producer.

It should be noted that with both tasks the artist managed successfully: the film had a great success in the audience, and the warm reviews of critics brought Leonid Isaakovich Kinonagrad "Golden Aries" in the nomination "Producer of the Year".

Leonid Yarmolnik is a surprisingly diverse actor. As a dramatic artist, he revealed in the series "Enchanted Plot", where he played the role of a psychotherapist so convincingly that his character is still recommended for studying in some psychological universities. And for the image of the disabled photographer in the drama "Barak", the artist received a state award in the field of cinema from the hands of the President of the Russian Federation. For the same role was awarded the prestigious film "Nika".

In 2013, the expected "long-term" German-older expected "is difficult to be God", the shooting of which was going on for 13 years. In the film, Leonid Yarmolnik appears in front of the audience in the image of a noble Don Rumat Estorian. For this role, the actor received his second nickname.

Leonid Isaakovich continues to go on the theatrical scene. One of the performances with the participation of the actor - "And again with the coming!", Where he plays a couple with Nikolai Fomenko. The hero of the Yarmolnik in front of the winter holidays learns about what has lost his family. The new year he decides to meet alone, on the staircase. Suddenly a guest appears - a former classmate in Santa Claus costume.

In 2018, it became known that Leonid Isaakovich began working on the project "Odessa", in which he performed the leader and the leading role. The news appeared in the personal account of the actor in "Instagram". In the photo, the Yarmolnik appeared surrounded by other project actors - Evgenia Tsyganov, Irina Rozanova, Ksenia Rappoport and Evgenia Bric. Valery Todorovsky took the film. To preserve retroslights, shooting was carried out using a film. The premiere of drama took place in early September 2019.

TV project

In 1979, the Yarmolnik appeared in the humorous TV shows "around laughter" with the miniature "Chicken Tobacco", which had a great success in the audience. In the same place, the artist presented the number "Including Torsher", "Iron", "Monologue about the grandfather." The average set of the artist (with a height of 175 cm, the weight of Leonid Isaakovich did not exceed 73 kg) with an unusual appearance caused a laugh in the hall, barely appeared on stage.

Humor of the Yarmolnik liked the audience, which has not helped him to achieve career growth. In the 90s, he became a famous media personality. In addition to the acting career, Leonid Isaakovich managed to be implemented as a TV presenter. The artist led the transfer of Fort Boyard, Hotel, "L-Club", "Golden Fever" and "Garage".

Until 2012, the actor was a permanent member of the jury in the club of merry and resourceful, however, due to disagreements with the head of KVN, Alexander Maslyakov left the transmission. Until 2016, he was a member of the jury of the popular show-in-point reincarnation show.

In 2017, an actor with his wife Oksana visited the release of the Smak program. In the process of cooking homemade Bolet, the Yarmolnik shared with TV presenter joyful news - the coming replenishment in the family. Alexander's daughter was waiting for the birth of the second kid, who had already invented the name - Paul. The artist even joked that soon their home will turn into a "branch of the Petropavlovsk Fortress". The public came to know the new family member later - in the program "When all houses" Timur Kizyakov.

Personal life

In a young age, the actor born under the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, heard Lovelace and the favorite of women. In the last year of the theater university, he married Elena Koneeva, granddaughter of the famous Marshal Ivan Konev. At that time, the girl studied at the Medical Institute. Student marriage lasted only a month, after which the artist divorced his chosen.

The new love of the actor was his colleague on the theater on Taganka, the actress Zoya Dustnova, while the spouse of Vladimir Ilina. Uncertain relationships launched 7 years, but the artists did not decide for serious changes in personal life and the birth of common children.

The marriage of Leonid Yarmolnik with Elena Valka was fictitious: the actor concluded him to get a Moscow residence. Later he married the theater artist and designer Oksana Afanasyeva. In his youth, she met Vladimir Vysotsky and became the last love of Barda. Survive hard loss helped her character, love for profession and new relationships.

The bride itself of the Yarmolnik was from the creative dynasty. The great-grandfather sheed all the actresses of Mkat, he had his own atelier in the chamber of the chamber. One grandfather worked together with Fedor Shalyapin, the other - with Isador Duncan.

In 1983, the spouses had a daughter Sasha, who went in the footsteps of the mother and made a career in visual arts. Alexandra chose an unusual profession - a glass artist. Her stained-glass windows are considered one of the best, she cooperates with recognized Venetian masters.

The wife and daughter could not keep the artist from "love stupidity." As journalists found out, the new year 2014, the Yarmolnik met not with his family, but with the actress Victoria Romanenko at the resort in Courchevel. They held hands and provided each other's attention signs.

The affiliates themselves did not confirm and subsequently were noticed together. Later, the Yarmolnik denied this information on its official website. In addition, an event happened in the life of the artist, which was distracted by the possible intrigue for a long time.

At the end of 2014, Alexander became the wife of Businessman Andrei Maltsev, and a little later, a grandson appeared at the Yarmolnik, who was called Peter. The artist became a grandfather at the age of 60 and honestly confessed in an interview that before that he had greatly envied his colleagues who were presented with grandchildren. Leonid Isaakovich is delighted with the boy, he joyfully told about how the young heir crawls and how many teeth he had.

It is known that the parents of the artist, as well as his sister Lyudmila since the beginning of the 90s live in New York. The actor himself since the end of the 80s settled in the village of Podushkino near Moscow, next to Rublevsky highway. According to the performer, he has long been due to life in a metropolis and does not exchange a country house for apartments in the center of the capital.

The star of the screen is known for its sharp statements and scandals with manual application. In 1980, he broke the camera of the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent, in 2007 she snatched the phone and struck the photo reporter Marat Saichenko.

In 2010, dogs belonged to the artist, being unattended, bitten a 2-year-old neighbor girl. Two years later, during the rally of animal defenders, the actor said he was ready to kill doghanthers.

On April 22, 2015, during the debate on the TV show "Direct Ether", the representative of the movement of Doghanthers Gennady Osovitsky said something quietly said to the Yarmolnik, invited as a star. The artist announced the whole studio that Osovitsky advised him to leave the promised land. Subsequently, Leonid Yarmolnik accused the leadership of Russia-1 in anti-Semitism, since, according to the actor's statement, the BBC service, the channel must be responsible for people who released on the air. Press service VGTRK refused to comment on this incident.

In 2016, Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko performed on the Latvian radio. Transfer turned out to be ambiguous. Guests accused Russian youth in ignorance of the one who is Lenin and where the Crimea is, called Makarevich's hypocrisers at the same time, and the condemned fans. Replicas of artists quickly divided the Internet and caused completely opposite reactions.

In the same year, the actor and producer got into an accident, hanged into the Mercedes Benz car owned by FSO. The department of departments suffered greatly, therefore it was decided in court to recover from the Yarmolnik part of compensation for repairs. The amount amounted to 432 thousand rubles, with which Leonid Isaakovich did not agree.

The edge of that participating in the elections to the Moscow City Duma from the Civil Platform Party in 2014, Leonid Isaakovich was accused of the Vice-Speaker of the State Duma from the Fair Russia party Nikolai Levichev in Double Citizenship. Earlier, the Yarmolnik himself stated that in order to acquire a house in Latvia, he received a residence permit. Later, the actor and producer denied the species of Eser.

In the fall of 2020, the spouse of Leonid Isaakovich was hospitalized with suspicion of coronavirus. For a few days Oksana Pavlovna conducted under the supervision of doctors, who managed to stop the disease at the initial stage. Now the state of health of the wife's wife has stabilized.

Leonid Yarmolnik now

On the eve of 2021, Soyuzmultfilm presented a festive series of a popular project on the Tale of Edward Uspensky. The main characters of the animation tape "Cheburashka. The secret of the holiday "voiced Angelica Varum and Leonid Yarmolnik. News Artists reported on the air of the Evening Urgant program. In addition, there was information that the full-length version of the cartoon is preparing for exit in 2022. In it, the character of the crocodile genes his voice will give a popular singer Dima Bilan.

In addition, the Yarmolnik took part in the shooting of the MTS advertising video. Other Russian celebrities also appeared in the video: Dmitry Nagiyev, Ingeborg Dapkin, Maria Gorban and others.

February 14, 2021 on the first channel started a new season of the popular show "Diffex". Estimated the speeches once again entrusted Leonid Yarmolnik.


  • 1979 - "Detective"
  • 1979 - "That Munchhausen"
  • 1982 - "Look for a woman"
  • 1983 - "Lose Inspector"
  • 1986 - Mikhail Lomonosov
  • 1987 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • 1995 - "Moscow holidays"
  • 1999 - "Barak"
  • 2006 - "Enchanted Plot"
  • 2008 - "Stirsters"
  • 2011 - "My crazy family"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2013 - "It's hard to be God"
  • 2016 - "Night Guards"
  • 2017 - "Love and Sax"
  • 2019 - "Odessa"
  • 2020 - "What a quiet gerd knows"

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