Mons Zelmerlev - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Mons Zelmerlev is a popular singer in the Euro-Pop genre, the Eurovision-2015 participant from Sweden and the winner of this contest. Actively engaged in charity.

Mons was born in the Swedish city of Lund in the family of doctors. Father Sven-Olaf Zelemerv worked as a surgeon, and the mother Bridget Salen is a professor in the field of speech pathologies. The boy grew up on the music of Michael Jackson and Elton John. At first, Mons studied to play the piano, but this tool he soon bored, and he changed him on the guitar.

Already in adolescence, the music tightly joined the life of the future artist, becoming part of the personality of the young man: at School Mons Zelemelev, for some time was an outsider, but everything changed, as soon as the music and the guy's vocals won the hearts of the public.

In 2002, MONS participated in the shooting of the Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat musical, where he got a small role of one of the eleven Joseph brothers.

Mons Zelmerlev

The next step was to enter a music college, however, the young man discovered that everything was as expected: about two hundred people were learned on the course, as he himself. Zelemerlev was doubted that such a way would succeed in a musical career.

At the nineteen years, the young man had no clear idea of ​​what he would do in the future. At that time, a friend of Mons persuaded the guy to go to Stockholm and pass the casting to the IDOL talent show, and, to his surprise, Mons Zelemelev passed the qualifying round by performing the song Enrique Iglesias. It was the first time the guy visited the capital of Sweden. To win this contest, however, it failed him, but now the artist had an idea of ​​the internal structure of show business.

After that, the MONSA several times came to participate in the dance show "Let`s Dance". At first, the artist responded with refusal, but later agreed. Zeleverlev made the right choice: together with his partner Maria Carlsson, he won the competition and became a popular artist: the musician was invited to the main role in the Broccoline musical, and subsequently the record company signed a contract with the singer.


Solo Career Mons Zelmerlev began in 2007 at the Melodifestivalen Music Festival. The debut single singer called "Cara Mia" quickly headed the Swedish charts. Then the first album Zelmerlev "Stand By For ..." was released. The singer gives a large tour of the country and in 2009, after a short break, publishes the second plate, which is called by its initials - "MZW".

At the same time, Mons Zelmerlev tried his strength on television, and in 2014 he went to Spain to record the Barselona Sessions album, which he conceived as a peculiar dedication to the favorite musicians - the Coldplay group and Brian Adams. Such a rethinking of creativity, of course, was risky, as the significant audience was the usual of the old style of Zelemerlev. However, at the same time, now the work of the singer attracted older listeners.

The next artist's dream was a large European tour with his team. To implement it, Mons Zelmerlev took part in the Eurovision-2015 qualifying round and successfully passed on. Zelemerlev presented to Sweden on the largest music contest of Europe. True, only the third attempt was crowned with success, before that the musician did not pass the casting twice, for the last time in 2009. At Eurovision 2015, Mons Zelmerlev made the song "Neroes". The clip was removed on this composition.

On May 23, in the final of the contest Mons Zelmerlev won the cherished crystal microphone. As a result, the guy scored 365 points and became the winner of Eurovision in Vienna. The second place was taken by Polina Gagarin, and the Thy of the Winners of the Italians was closed - the group "Ile Volo".

The victory of Mons was connected with the scandal. The artist accused of plagiarism, because the number is similar to Beyonce's performances. The young man did not deny that when creating a room was inspired by the work of the American star. After the competition, a press conference was held, during which the singer reported that the composition was inspired by bullying schools. With this song, the artist wanted to pick up adolescents who go from hooligans at school.

In addition to the musical career, Mons participated in the sounding of cartoons. So, the voice of the popular singer was spoke of Lem from the "Planet 51" and Flining Rider from the Cartoon Fairy Tale "Rapunzel: Tangled History".

Later, Zelemelev took up charity and made a co-founder of the Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation, the purpose of which is a comprehensive assistance to those in need of children in Africa.

In the fall of 2015, the singer presented to the court of the audience the composition "Should've Gone Home" with a clip. The four-minute roller has more than several million views.

In 2016, Zelemelove spoke to Eurovision 2016 in a pair with Petro Honey. At the beginning of the tournament, the artist went to the stage in naked form, parodying the participant from Belarus Ivan than caused shock from the Swedes.

In the same year, the artist released the seventh studio album called "Fire In The Rain".

Personal life

Despite the fact that Mons Zelmerlev is the owner of the title of the sexiest man according to the Swedish journal of the qx homosexual orientation, the singer himself prefers not to discuss personal life and orientation in an interview.

In 2008, the musician had an affair with Marie Sernecholt, a popular Swedish model and a colleague on a musical workshop. A couple appeared everywhere together, they were seen at concerts and parties. However, after three years of relations, the musicians broke up.

Marie Sernecholt and Mons Zelmerlev

Zelemerlev is known for sharp statements to the LGBT community. During a culinary television show, with the participation of Stars of Show Business Mons, opposed the homosexual families to have the opportunity to bring up children, specifying that for heterosexual steam it is much more natural. The statement of the musician received a public resonance and discussed in Swedish media. Subsequently, Zelemerly brought apologized for the rampant statement.

Mons Zelmerlev - active user of the social network "Instagram". Artist's fans are watching a lot of photos on the personal page of Mons. In the pictures, we can conclude that the singer is fond of tennis, loves pizza and beer. And judging by the sports figure of Zelmerhev, the young man spends in the gym not one hour in the gym (with an increase in 174 cm mons weight is 70 kg). Another song performer is the owner of Labrador named Messi.

Singer Mons Zelmerlev

Already being famous, the young man entered the Faculty of Economics of one of the institutions of the native country. Just it helped the Mons create a charity foundation.

In 2004, Zelemerlev and his family survived the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, when he rested in the resort of Kao Lac.

For a long time, the singer's biography is associated with the actress Siyara Yanon. The couple consists in a serious relationship since 2016, lives together and raises the son of the artist from the past relations, whose name is Archie. Beloved are often published in "Instagram" joint pictures.

Mons Zelmerlev

On May 25, 2018, Mons Zelmerlev first became the Father. The girl presented his beloved son. As far as is known, the formal relationship of the pair has not yet drawn up, but shortly before the pregnancy statement, the Siairs have fallen bolds.

Mons Zelmerlev now

In 2017, Mons Zelmerlev commentator "Eurovision 2017" at the Swedish TV channel SVT1.

In the summer of the same year, the festival of Limes Vaikule called "Randevu" took place. Swedish singer became a guest of the evening.

In February 2018, Mons introduced the song "Happyland" and the official clip on this composition. On Youtube video collected more than a million views.


2007 - "Stand By For ..."

2009 - "MZW"

2010 - "Christmas with Friends"

2011 - "Kära Vinter"

2014 - "Barcelona Sessions"

2015 - "Perfectly Damaged"

2016 - "Fire In The Rain"

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