Oksana Akinshina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Oksana Akinshina - Russian film actress, which rapidly broke into the screens, being a teenager, and won the recognition of the Russian public, thanks to a bright role in the film Sergei Bodrov - the younger "sister". Without possessing a special acting, she continued climbing the top of the cinematic Olympus, removing exclusively in the main roles of rating projects.

Childhood and youth

On April 19, 1987, a girl who gave the name of Oksana in Leningrad in the Soviet family of Akinshin. From the very childhood, the girl was accustomed to independence, showing persistent character, and his mother was treated as a friend, the opinion of which though he treated, but the word "no" became the main thing in her lexicon.

Parents did not have any attitude towards art: the mother worked as an accountant, and the father was an autoslemer. The future star of the movie attended the dance circle. In childhood, I dreamed of becoming a valiant guard of order, then the veterinarian. Nature awarded the girl angelic appearance. She had blonde hair, but at the same time the brown eyes and clearly defined dark eyebrows.

Already in adolescence, the girl born under the sign of the zodiac Aries possessed model parameters. It is not wonderful that young beauties enjoyed high attention guys. In one of the numerous interviews, Oksana Akinshina admitted that she began with the opposite sex at 12 years. At the same age she made a tattoo on the shoulder, and 13 knew the taste of alcohol and smoked. The success of the parents' daughter's success pleased, but learned to earn: the model agency paid her first money.

Oksana decided that the school was for nothing, and almost abandoned her studies. End time to graduate and get a secondary education. Girl was able to only in 2008. Later she entered one of the universities of St. Petersburg by choosing a specialty art historian.

Personal life

Oksana Akinshina's personal life is just as stormy and rapid, like a career in the cinema. The girl under 15 years old met with actor Alexei Chado. And at 15, she for the first time fell in love with a truly scandalous rock musician Sergey Shnurov, who was half twice. The artist was exactly the type of men to which Akinshina always pulled. The love story developed rapidly. The cord recorded the soundtrack to the film "Games of Motalka", when I got acquainted with the actress playing the role of Zeyki. The couple instantly found a common language and a few weeks began to live together.

Journalists of the Uniga grabbed the sensation, and the highly powerful public came in shock: at the time of the Roman Sergey and Oksana, she was still a minor. But, despite the image of the scoundrel, it was the efforts and efforts of the Shnurus Oksana graduated from school.

However, these achievements of Mercley amid permanent drunken parties, alcohol libations and incessant pair scandals. For example, lovers could easily fight or hit each other with humans. Together, Akinshina and the cords lived 5 years, and then on one day their novel ended.

They say, due to the separation of Oksana plunged into a protracted depression and scored 20 kg of excess weight. In social networks and yellow editions they spoke about the fused figure of the actress. But the girl coped with emotions. To do this, she had to undergo treatment from alcoholism. After she managed to take himself in hand and quickly dropped 10 kg. An ideal weight for its growth in 172 cm Artist considers 56 kg.

In 2008, Akinshina met the future husband, director of Planet Inform, Dmitry Litvinov. After a couple of months, Dmitry made Oksana offer, and in September the couple played a wedding. After a year it became clear that the actress was not ready for marriage. Being a pregnant woman, she moved to another apartment and gave birth to the first-mention of Philip. Officially, a celebrity divorced her husband in 2010.

In the youth of Oksana, did not cease to amaze to surprise the public with shocking actions. So, in the year, the divorce Akinshin was captured with his long-standing familiar Agnia Ditkovskite on provocative photos. At the party on the occasion of awarding award "People of the Year", actresses embraced, not paying attention to the cameras, held hands and smiled mysteriously.

The following chief of Akinshina became the singer Alexey Vorobyev. Giving the Son to the care of parents, the artist continued to climb the career staircase and plunged into a new novel with his head. Their joint photos often published tabloids. Couple together arrived at the Festival "Kinotavr" in Sochi. There Akinshina and Vorobyva Paparazzi captured on the beach, where the lovers sunbathed. After a year, the relationship stopped.

In 2011, Oksana became acquainted with the film crewer Archil Gelovani at the filming of the film "Love with the accent" of Oksana. For a long time, the couple hid a civil marriage from journalists. In 2012, the spouses first appeared together at the Moscow Film Festival. By the time Akinshina was pregnant, and on January 15, 2013, the family was replenished with a boy, which was called Constantine.

At the end of January 2017, Oksana Akinshina gave birth to her husband Archil Gelovani daughter Emmy. The joyful event was the first to recognize the subscribers of the page in the "Instagram", which the actress leads. Comments to the pictures were short messages "This girl!" And "at home".

It is known: the celebrity does not suffer from complexes and does not hide what they are trying to hide her colleagues. For example, it came to one of the world's important cinema events in the open white dress, while her did not confuse her huge scar on his hand. Journalists did not want to answer the question about His origin.

Recently, in social networks, they spoke about noticeable changes in the appearance of the artist, but it does not matter which plastic operations. Simply to marriage from Gelovani, a relaxed star allowed himself bright and often provocative outfits, and after gaining a new status, it began to look much more modest. Often, the actress appears in the pictures without makeup.

They say, she did not want to provoke a jealous husband, although previously provocative photos of famous beauties often appeared in glossy magazines and male tabloids. For a photo session of the FHM edition, the artist starred in a blue bathing suit.

In an interview with Akinshina repeatedly stated that it does not seek to spend on the set on the set every day. For her, communication with close people - husband and children. The spouse's residence was chosen by Mountain Switzerland, where Konstantin became a student of a prestigious educational institution. Senior Son Philip One time lived with the mother of Oksana, as the actress reported, due to health problems. Later, the celebrity took him.

In August 2018, Akinshina was once again surprised by fans, told from the page in "Instagram" about divorce from Gelovani. Follovers suggest that the family boat actresses and producer gave flowing in the spring of the same year. On the Oksana page, sentimental pictures with Sergey Shornov, who also announced parting with his wife Matilda, became increasingly.

After the divorce Oksana went with the younger children to the resort in Greece, leaving the unequivocal comment under the snapshot of the cord: "Well, yours." Later it became known that Archil was accompanied during his rest of his elected and children. Already soon there is information about the reunification of the pair.

In 2018, Oksana visited the show of Pavel Pavlikovsky "Cold War" at the framework of the Strelka Film Festival film festival. There was also another popular actress Svetlana Ustinov. The public noted the amazing exterior similarity of celebrities, they even called their sisters in the media.

In the fall of 2020, the media shocked the news of the novel Oksana and Danille Kozlovsky. According to rumors, the couple came close to six months before the filming of the series "Chernobyl". From relations with the fatal beauty of the actor and the director did not stop the presence of a newborn daughter of ODD-Valentine and the second pregnancy of Olga Zueva. Choosing a screen of the screen today lives in New York.

Danila, according to unofficial data, flew to rest along with Akinshina to Turkey. The artists did not comment on the rumors that came that Kozlovsky left the family for the sake of a new beloved.


In 2000, together with other young models, at the insistence of the head of the Agency Oksana Akinshina fell on samples of the painting "Sisters". At that time, the next interest in cinema did not show the future star of the cinema. She was absolutely not interested in the director Sergey Bodrovu - the younger.

Later, Bodrov admitted that he was looking for an actress with such a "rash" character for the role of light. The instrumentation of the director completely changed the opinion of Oksana about the film and the actor profession. For the sake of filming, the girl threw school.

For work in the dramatic militant "Sisters" in 2001, Oksana Akinshina and Ekaterina Gorina were awarded the "Best Acting Duet" awards.

Soon she received an offer from Swedish director Lucas Mudisson. He saw Akinshina in the film Bodrov and was struck by her game. Mudisson invited Oksana to a major role in his gloomy drama "Lilya forever". The shooting lasted 40 days in Tallinn and several cities of Sweden. The film, like all its participants, received international glory. The role of Lily brought the girl the prize of the 13th International Film Festival in Stockholm and the prestigious Prize of the Swedish Film Academy "Golden Beetle".

In the same Triumphal 2002, the 15-year-old Akinshina starred in the domestic film "In Motion" directed by Philip Yankovsky. Despite the work with the Stars of Cinema by Konstantin Khabensky and Fedor Bondarchuk, the actress quite critically responded about the picture.

2003 brought the artist work in three new rating projects. The most successful turned out to be the film Andrei Pescin "Games of Motalka". Oksana played one of the main roles in the company Alexei Chadov and Sergey Shnurov. And she appeared in one of the serials of the 3rd season of the Kamenskaya series and in the Dutch project "South", to work in which she had to learn to speak fluid in the Dutch language.

In 2004, Oksana was invited to the role of Esphyri Litvinova into the screening of the popular novel Boris Akunin "Stat Counselor", but the girl simply did not come to shoot, and then in her place approved Emily Spivak. In the same year, the actress was silent in Hollywood on the shooting of the militant "Born Superiority". At first, Hollywood producers refused to her, but then gave a second chance to which the actress took advantage of the fullest. The experience with the star Matt Damon was unforgettable.

In 2005-2006, Oksana Akinshina was filmed in the Russian film in the genre of fantasy "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces." The director and screenwriter Nikolay Lebedev intended to make a "Russian answer" to the cash film "The Lord of the Rings", but, according to film critics, failed in this desire.

In 2008, the "Styles" film "Styles" with the participation of Akinshina comes to large screens. Initially, Ekaterina Vilkov claimed the main role, but in the end she got a heroine of the second plan. Director Valery Todorovsky invited Oksana to play a girl from the world of styleag Polina (favor).

Initially, he planned to give the role of the benefit of the actress of Polish cinema, but her candidacy was rejected after acquaintance with Akinshina. In the film, it appeared in a new image of feminine and spectacular beauty with long blond curls. This work brought Oksana a reward for the best kiss on MTV Russia Movie Awards.

In 2011, the premiere of the biographical film "Vysotsky was held in the country's cinemas. Thank you for living "Peter Buslova. In it, Akinshina appeared in the image of Tatiana Ivleva, a friend of Vladimir Vysotsky. The drama received four prestigious awards, and Akinshina was nominated for the Nika and Georges Prize. She was lucky to play with the stars of the Russian cinema Sergey Bezrukov, Andrei Smolyakov, Ivan Urgant and Andrei Panin.

In 2012, Oksana, in the acting ensemble with Vladimir Zelensky and Denis Nikiforov, starred in the Ukrainian comedy "8 ​​first dates", as well as in the continuation of "8 new dates", published on the screens in 2015.

The cinematic biography of Oksana Akinshina continues to develop on the ascending. In March 2016, the premiere of the Comedy of Dmitry Dyachenko "Superbobrov" took place. The celebrity starred here in Tandem with Paul Derevoy.

In the same year, the fans of the artist saw it in another project - the Sports Dram "Molot" Nurbek Egen, on the set of which Oksana met Alexey Chadov again. The premiere took place in November 2016.

In addition, the artist starred in the advertisement "MegaFon" together with the famous colleague by Danil Kozlovsky. The actress is a barnier's Ambassador brand.

Among the follow-up in the filmography of the performer, the horror movie "Dawn" stands out. In the film, we were talking about the heroine that agreed on the experiment on the study of sleep.

Oksana Akinshina now

In the cinema, Akinshina does not seek to be exchanged for undergoing serials, and selects only winning projects from all the proposed scenarios. In 2020, a loud premiere of the fantastic thriller "Satellite" took place, in which Oksana performed the main female role. Events film replete viewers at the beginning of the 80s. In the body of the Soviet cosmonaut, who returned from the flight, finds an aliens.

The "satellite" of Egor Abramenko headed the American top 5 iTunes. The ribbon has become debut for the director. In addition to Akinshina, Peter Fedorov and Fyodor Bondarchuk shone in the main acting.

In the fall, the showing of the satirical series "Unprincipled" based on the stories of Alexander Tsapkin's stories. The heroes of the film are the usual residents of the center of Moscow, who in life there are piquant situations. Starring - Pavel Derevyanko, Oksana Akinshina, Nikolai Fomenko, Agrata Tarasova and others.

Another significant premiere of the year is the drama "Chernobyl" directed by Danilis Kozlovsky, in which Oksana has the role of the beloved of the main character. In addition, along with Nikita Efremov, Mikhail Efremov, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Pavlom Tobakov actress starred in the "Flight" drama, the director of whom Peter Todorovsky became the junior. The premiere took place at the beginning of the 2021th.


  • 2001 - "Sisters"
  • 2002 - "Lilya forever"
  • 2003 - "Motalka Games"
  • 2003 - "South"
  • 2006 - "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces"
  • 2008 - "Stirsters"
  • 2011 - "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive"
  • 2012 - "8 first dates"
  • 2015 - "8 new dates"
  • 2016 - "Hammer"
  • 2016 - "Superbobrov"
  • 2018 - "Superbobrov. Folk Avengers »
  • 2019 - "Our Children"
  • 2019 - "Dawn"
  • 2020 - "Satellite"
  • 2020 - "Unprincipled"

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