Maxim Galkin - biography, personal life, photo, news, age, Alla Pugacheva, "Instagram" 2021



A popular humorist, a talented parodist, a stedap comedian, a bright TV presenter, an actor and singer - and all this about one person, Maxim Galkina. Artist's life is an example of a rapid climb to the top of the Russian show business. Now showman's speeches collect full concert halls, and Galkin's participation in TV projects guarantees high ratings.

Childhood and youth

Maxim was born on June 18, 1976 in the Naro-Fominsk of the Moscow region in the intelligent family of Alexander Alexandrovich and Natalia Grigorievna Galkini. Father - Colonel-General Armored Troops, headed the main auto-drift department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 2nd convocation. Mom - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher, worked at the Institute for the Theory of Forecasting Earthquakes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

By nationality Galkin - Russian, but some sources claim that Jewish roots from the artist. Frequent moving for parents and their son were familiar. When Maxim turned 3 years, the family moved to Germany. Then Galkins moved to Odessa, Mom's homeland, where the boy graduated from grade 3 of the secondary school. I managed to visit the family in Transbaikal, but the young man ends in Moscow.

The artistic talent in Maksima woke up in childhood. His first speech took place at 4 years at the improvised scene of the kindergarten. The artist debuted in the role of chicken and even earned the first applause. Already in school, the guy got more serious roles: dogs, old alcoholic, Osta Bender, King Solomon, Count Nulin and Don Carlos.

At the 13th age, the teenager discovered the ability of a parody. His example of Gennady Khazanov with a parody of Mikhail Gorbachev was inspired. Young artist himself tried to portray a prominent politician, which he managed wonderful.

The boy grew creative and versatile. Parents strongly encouraged and supported all his hobbies: suddenly in some of them the Son will reach skill. Max attended the children's izostudia, in parallel he was fond of zoology until he saw a pigeon in the case of biology.

After graduation, Galkin entered the Faculty of Linguistics of the Russian State Humanitarian University. Showman owns French, English, Spanish, Czech and German. In 1998, Maxim Galkin graduated from the university and, having received a higher education, entered the graduate school, wrote a candidate thesis "The ratio of stylistic systems of original and translation texts." But in 2009, Galkin left graduate school.

Creativity and TV projects

The creative biography of Maxim started on the scene of the MSU Student Theater, where he debuted with his own parodies. The performance was called "love fountains to the neighbor." It happened in April 1994.

In the same year, the Artist participated in the program "Debuts, Debuts, Debuts" in the pop theater. In the performance of Galkina, the audience then saw very successful parodies on the most famous politicians. The artist noted the head of the Moscow State Status Theater Boris Brunov and invited to himself.

2001 was amazingly generous for the artist. In January, Galkin received a grant of the triumph award, in February, a popular showman became the leading intellectual TV game "Who wants to become a millionaire?", Which previously called "Oh, lucky!" Dmitry Dibrov led. And again the reward: in April, he was awarded the Gold Ostap award in St. Petersburg.

And in July 2001, the first solo concert of Maxim at the festival "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk" took place. From this point on, the performance of the artist was regular - not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Probably the highest award for the young parodist was the recognition of the Mother of the Humorous Genre, Satirik Mikhail Zadornov. Mikhail Nikolayevich called Galkina with his successor, they even toured together. Parodist appeared on television, he is a frequent guest in the "mixpanite" and "manshlag". At the same time, the artist had no producer, he never paid for one ether and never used someone with protection to get to the program.

In his youth, Maxim Galkin became famous for his brilliant and surprisingly accurate parodies on politicians and stars, including Boris Yeltsin, Valery Novodvorskaya, Lev Leshchenko, Renata Litvinova, Elena Malysheva. The scratchful monologues of the artist were broadcast on the main TV channels of the country, his career was developing rapidly. Soon Maxim stood up with the popular humorists by Evgeny Petrosyan, Yuri Galtsev, Vladimir Vinokur.

When the glory of the humorist reached his peak, he tried himself in a new role - he began to sing. His first vocal experiences were songs "be or not be" and "this love" performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. Subsequently, Galkin appeared with the primordial in the transfer of "New Year's Eve on the First Channel" and in the "Christmas Meetings".

While working on the TV channel "Russia-1", Maxim managed to "light up" as a lead in such programs as "dancing with the stars" in a pair with Darya Zlatopolskaya, "New Year's parade" with Nikolai Baskov, Philip Kirkorov and Vladimir Zelensky alternately. In addition, Galkin led the program "Ten Million", "Stylagi Show", "Good evening with Maxim." Also, since 2010, an intellectual and entertainment transmission "Who wants to become Maxim Galkin" came out on the screens.

In the Star Ice show, media persons tried out the roles of skaters. The humorist was assisted by the Olympic champion Evgeny Plushenko and a sports commentator Dmitry Guberniev. In addition to celebrities unsure of skating, the project was remembered by conflicts of TV presenters with members of the jury.

After returning in 2015 to the first channel, parodist became a member of the rating show "Extremely". Especially bright in the performance of Maxim were the numbers where he portrayed Tille Lindemanna, Rammstein Solist, Opera Diva Maria Callas, French Chance Charles Aznavour and others. It is not surprising that the artist went to the final and divided the victory with Evgeny Dyatlov, and also awarded the prize of audience sympathies.

A talented TV presenter could not not like directories, therefore in 2001 he took part in the filming of the popular "Elash". Then there was a participation in the painting "Bless Woman" with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Alexander Buliyev in high roles.

In the New Year's musical "For two hares," Galkin got the main role he was divided with Alla Pugacheva. It is noteworthy that the on-screen wedding turned into a real several years later.

In May 2016, Maxim became the leading new entertainment show "Maximmaxim". In the new project of the artist, as the audience expected, humor was present in abundance. Each new edition of the transfer that came out on the first channel is thematic. The artist was shared by the recipes to fight the autumn Handrea, he decided to talk about cinema or art of improvisation.

But every time this meeting with star guests, with whom Galkin talked and joked on a given topic, showed new videos of performers. Visiting the fun owner visited Vlad Topalov, Timur Rodriguez, Egor Creed, Valeria and many others.

Under the 2016 finale, Maxim presented the audience a new children's show "Best of all", in which it appeared as a lead. In the studio, children from 3 to 12 years old demonstrate the ability to foreign languages ​​and dances, drawing and acrobatics, mental arithmetic and music, literature and cooking. Compete on stage with small talents in the artistic environment is considered a difficult occupation. However, Galkin easily found a common language with boys and girls, played out the guys, fond of them.

On January 20, 2017, the audience gladly looked at the First Channel Anniversary Concert of Artist "25 years on stage", in which Maxim Galkin gathered sparkling parodies, rooms, their best songs and famous guests. In the autumn of the same year, the first channel introduced new projects with TV presenter Galkin.

The first is the "older!" Program. In the studio of the spectators surprised participants - pensioners not younger than 55 years. In the second, the adaptation of the French show "Stars under hypnosis", the Hynotizer of Isa Bagirov, the son of the "Battle of Psychic" Galina Bagirova became the adaptation of Maxim.

Then the humorist joined Julia Little on the Saturday program "Tonight." The crews were invited to talk about the life and creativity of celebrities of recent years and already adaptable idols of the past, friends and close stars that are not alive.

In November 2018, Maxim became a guest of Youtube-channel Raper Basta called Gazlife. The showman told the musician of the story from his own creativity and personal life. In addition, explained why it is not invited to one of the most fun gears - KVN. It turned out that Galkin and Alexander Maslyak-Sr. was divided into assessments of participating teams. Maxim somehow set for an unsuccessful number of only 3 points, and so in the project it was not accepted, for which he received the drain.

Then in another program "Podkolt" Maslyakov-Jr., whom, by the way, considered a weak TV presenter and a person, "who did not do anything in his life - besides the fact that he inherited the surname of the Father." Parents were offended to the depth to the son of the Son, although Galkin "Senior did not touch."

Personal life

Now the main role in the personal life of Galkina is played by MegazVan Russian estrad Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. Each step pair under the closer attention of the press. Primadonna himself admitted that it was married to Maxim in 2001, being married to Philip Kirkorov.

However, in the biography of humorist there were women to Pugacheva. Journalists managed to trace the artist's love, starting with school bench. The first, who conquered the heart of the young man, became classmate Galkina and his neighbor in the desk, Julia Bead. Young people met in high school, but they did not receive these relationships.

In 2000, Maxim became acquainted with the popular TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina. The meeting occurred in the Kremlin Palace, where a miniature brunette and humorist was invited to hold an event. Journalists have already prepared to "marry" young people, but in an interview the Nastya recognized that Maxim - "Hero is not her novel." After a year, the pair again turned out to be together at the Tafe awards ceremony, and after that he broke up.

After a gap with the Black History in the personal life of the artist, a new page was opened - Primaudonna, to which he had long made romantic feelings, answered by the Contractor with reciprocity. Since 2005, when Alla and Philip formally divorced, parodist and singer began to live together. And the legitimate spouse of Alla Pugacheva Galkin began on December 23, 2011. After the marriage of the couple with such a huge difference at the age of skeptics doubted that the union of two stars lies love, and not PR.

Doubts also expressed their colleagues from show business, including Stanislav Sadalsky. The actor in the manner inherent in his manner said that the wedding of Galkin and Pugacheva is nothing more than the distraction of people from political career Alla Borisovna. And if in marriage Pugacheva with Philip Kirkorov really was love, then there is nothing like this.

Soon it really turned out that the honeymoon pair spent separately: Alla Pugacheva - in the capital, and Maxim went skiing - according to some media, along with the old friend Sergey Drobotenko. It rooted earlier rumors about the non-standard orientation of the humorist. Later, Galkin dispelled these species, told in an interview, from where the legs "grow" from this bike. To the 10th anniversary of the Star Couple Relations of the NTV channel prepared the films "Alla + Maxim. Confession of love "and" Alla and Maxim. Everything continues! ".

In September 2013, the spouses became parents of Gemini - Elizabeth and Harry. Children of the star couple endowed a surrogate mother whose name was held secret. The kids were born in the branch of the Network Clinic Network Mark Kurzer "Mother and Child", located in the village of Lapino village. This news has become a sensation that has been reported in many media. Many were doubted that the singer, who at that time was 64 years old, - the biological mother of twins.

Spouses with children settled in a built galkin castle in the village of dirt. The house, according to the artist, turned into a point of sightseeing routes along the way to Zvenigorod. Buses approach the castle periodically, people are photographed against the background of buildings, and the owner waves to visitors from the window.

From time to time, the audience noted changes in the appearance of the artist, although Maxim did not really change the style of clothing and hairstyle. The humorist did not miss the case to boast the physical form (the weight of Galkina - 75 kg, height is 178 cm), laying up the footage of the beach from the beach.

The state of the Russian showman estimated the American Forbes magazine. The artist, according to the publication, is among the top five of the highest paid stars. For example, for the construction of a house Maxim, according to some estimates, I spent € 10 million, and the castle was taken to the decoration of 3, and even 4 times more. For the year, the humorist earns, presumably, from $ 5 million to $ 7 million.

On the 5th birthday of children, a generous father in the fall of 2018 rolled up a grand celebration. As the media wrote, Galkin allocated 3.5 million rubles only for entertainment and animation, another 1.5 million restaurant rental, 50 thousand rubles. Gone to video and photography of birthdays and guests. Sergei Lazarev, Svetlana Loboda, Jasmine, Philip Kirkorov, were among the latter. Starhit Tabloid said that the Estrad's Estradi Agency responded to the organization of the holiday.

In an interview, Maxim noted that after his wife had gone into the family, he became the main miner. Gastroor-chart Galkina is posted on the official website. In family relations, Galkin considers himself a repeater, but Alla "is smart enough" to turn the situation in such a way when the spouse thinks that he is the main one.

About divorce, contrary to speculation, and speech does not go. The basis for doubt in the fortress of marriage two stars served rumors about the novel of Maxim and TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya. A number of sites noticed that the former civilian wife Andrei Arshavin necessarily accompanies Pugacheva and Galkin in public outputs.

Hays in contact with Yulia Parodist did not even honor the comments and demonstrated a family idyll at the birthday of the daughter of Yulia Proskuryakova and Igor Nikolaev. Baranovskaya broke out an angry Tiraja to the "sick people", which should not be indulge, otherwise they will still have to answer every nonsense published on the Internet.

Maxim Galkin now

In 2020 Galkin continued creative activities. During a quarantine caused by a coronavirus infection pandemic, a humorist along with his family spent his free time in the castle. But self-insulation did not prevent Max to create new regular parodies. Themes of humorous rollers suggested by the artist, the situation with the Pandemic COVID-19 and the restrictions entered in the country associated with it.

Vladimir Putin and Sergei Sobyanin became the heroes of one of the rollers in the image of Galkina. Another video, which also highly appreciated the Comician Folloviers, demonstrated the negotiations of the President of the Russian Federation with Alexander Lukashenko. In addition, a number of mini-parodies appeared on pop stars and show business (Renata Litvinova, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Vladimir Vinokur), in which the topic "Crown" was also affected.

In addition, Maxim continued to release a new series of the "Musicti" show, which started at the end of 2019. The guests of the program became famous artists and young alternative performers. The humorist continued to lay out in "Instagram" and rollers with children. Fans did not cease to admire the musical talent of Lisa Galkina, and Harry Galkin impressed the public to the ability to deal with the issues of technology.

The actor continued to act in advertising. So, video with Max's participation appeared in the campaign from the Aliexspress site dedicated to November 11 - "Black Friday". In the video, the humorist was reincarnated in the role of different characters and performed a song with a line "Sale on Ali Spress" on the melody of Hit Dragostea Din Tei Group Ozon.

In early December, the public made a news published in Tiktok. According to her, the parodist fell into an accident and died after the accident. However, Galkin hurried to reassure subscribers, inform them that alive. The TV host posted several posts in his own instagram account.

In February 2021, Galkin became one of the members of the Jury Show "exactly" on the first channel.


  • 2002 - "Smile, Lord!"
  • 2002 - "This is love!"
  • 2002 - "I am 26"
  • 2003 - "Non-Fiction Hero"
  • 2005 - "Who wants to become a millionaire?"
  • 2006 - "Maxim Galkin. Classic humor »
  • 2007 - "Maxim Galkin. The best"


  • 2001 - "Elash"
  • 2003 - "Bless Woman"
  • 2003 - "For two hares"
  • 2004 - "Clara and Dora. Fearless grandmas »
  • 2004 - "Elash"
  • 2007 - "First House"
  • 2010 - "Markovna. Reboot"
  • 2015 - "Everyone can kings"

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