Anna Snatkina - biography, personal life, news, movies, photos, actress, TV series, husband 2021



Anna Snatkina - Russian actress of theater and cinema. Outside the screen, it looks like her characters: the same kind, honey, with a flawless reputation. However, the artist admits that he always wanted to try himself in a new role.

Childhood and youth

Anna was born on July 13, 1983 in Moscow in the family of constructor of space aircraft Alexey Vladimirovich Snatkin. Elena Mikhailovna's mother also graduated from the Aviation Institute and the birth of his daughter already taught in MAI. The girl was born under the sign of the zodiac cancer, according to nationality, Russian.

At 3 years of age, the parents gave Any to the Sport Gymnastics section. Soon the girl began to engage in aerobics. Sport Snatkin gave 13 years of life, having achieved essential results over the years: she has the first adult gymnastics discharge. Mother and father were confident that after school, the daughter will continue a sports career and will become a coach. However, parents and Ani plans diverged: the girl decided to become an actress. As it turned out, she dreamed about it in childhood.

In the adolescence, Snatkin saw the film "Bodyguard" with Whitney Houston. The impression was so strong that for myself the young athlete made a choice in favor of the movie. The schoolgirl studied the history of the theater in the library, read the biographies of popular actors with pleasure.

In the 10th grade, Anna Snatkina was recorded for courses at the Schukinsky school, and later in VGIK. At the end of the school in 2001, the girl immediately filed documents in three institutes: Gitis, VGIK and MCAT. He passed in everything, but the choice made in favor of Vgika, deciding that the cinema is closer to her than the theater.

During his studies in Vgika Anna studied fencing. Once in training, she fainted from a sharp back pain. Doctors discovered the girl with a hernia of the spine and offered an operation, but the result could be a wheelchair. Endless exercises and overcoming pain helped to defeat the disease and return to the profession. This story once again confirms the power of the character of the Snatkina, it is not surprising that she managed to achieve such heights.

Personal life

In his youth, the actress was constantly surrounded by fans, but in the personal life of the projectile novels was a bit. Anna to men demanding and conservative. She does not like fleeting ties and keep away the light of sophods, if it concerns personal.

And yet the press learned about celebrity novel with Andrei Chernyshov. The couple met on the set of the series "General therapy". Anna for the sake of Andrei even broke up with the bride and businessman, with whom she met more than five years. And Chernyshov for the sake of Snatkina threw his beloved Elena Krikimov. The couple rested together on the Seychelles, but the novel does not convey anything more, remaining the memory.

Anna attributed relations with Cyril Safonov, who played her beloved in the TV series "Tatiana Day". Their bright screen paper forced fans to hope for a novel and in real life. But the actors did not comment on it, and most likely their love story is the fiction of the fans of the series.

But the relationship with the St. Petersburg Showman and humorist Viktor Vasilyev led the Snatkin to the crown. Anya met him on the humorous show Yesterday Live, where was invited by the producers of the first channel. Before that, the artists did not know anything about each other.

On October 12, 2012, Snatkin and Vasilyev became secretly married. The wedding passed in conditions of complete secrecy in the summer palace in St. Petersburg, only close relatives and friends were present on it. Host is due to the fact that Anna was already pregnant at the time of marriage.

In April 2013, the pair had a daughter of Veronika. Husband and daughter often appear in "Instagram" actresses, which is not afraid to share their happiness with fans. And recently the press spoke that the star couple again thought about children. Vasilyev and Snatkin dream of a son.

Regularly the network appears rumors that the actress is pregnant for the second time. But so far there are no official confirmations of this information. Yes, and, judging by the last photo, the figure of the celebrity does not reflect an interesting position.

In 2017, fans even worried about her health. In their opinion, the actress was too thin, someone even spoke that she was close to anorexia. But Anna itself reported that it was completely satisfied with what it looks like.

Artist - adherent of a healthy lifestyle. She said that the secret of her beauty is a properly built nutrition system. Few meat eats, prefers vegetables and fish, minimizes sweet and flour, drinking a lot of water, is engaged in fitness and yoga.

In 2008, the photo of a naked actress appeared on the pages of the popular magazine "Caravan's stories", where the girl starred in a Victorian photo session. And in 2011, Anna Snatkina became one of the 100 sexiest women in Russia, entered into a list drawn up by the magazine for Maxim men.

The actress is not shy to appear in the frank scenes on the movie screen ("In the summer I prefer a wedding", "Tatiana Day", "forty-third number", "save or destroy"), if the script requires. Yes, and in "Instagram" she often lays out a photo in a swimsuit, although many has a stereotype about it - Turgenev girl.

And the Snatkin is a big opponent of plastics, never resorted to such operations and in the near future is not going to do this.


What would not be love for cinema, at 26, Anna came out on theatrical layouts. She made his debut in the entrepreneurial stage of Renat Sodiriadi "Bat Mouse", playing the main female role. The actress then admitted that until this point in the theater did not pull it, although the invitations came regularly. But when it felt the taste of the game and the energy of the auditorium, the theater decided not to discharge.

Soon she played in the comedies of "8 women and ..." of the director of Sergei village and "Big Zebra" directed by Pavel Ursula. After 2 years, the actress tried himself in a classic repertoire, performing one of the main roles in the play of the German playwright Friedrich Schiller "Deceit and Love" in the formulation of Nina Chusovoy.

And in September 2017, the premiere of the play "Adventures of Fandorin" took place in the Moscow Provincial Theater (artistic director - Sergey Bezrukov). The main male role got Anton Sokolov and Alexander Sokolovsky, familiar TV viewers on TV series "Molodechka" and "Sklifosovsky". But the role of Renata Cleber performed Zoya Berber and Anna Snatkin.


Anna's creative biography in cinema began in student years. Students Vgika was allowed to film even during study. Moreover, Vitaly Solomin, who led the course of Snatkina, believed that the present education could be obtained only on the set. On the 2nd course, the girl made the first sentence - they invited Gradovaya trees in the series "Moscow Saga". At the same time, she starred in another popular series "Plot".

When Snatkin graduated from Vgik, she was already a popular actress with a name and an impressive filmography. Of several TV shows, in which the girl starred in student years, one of the best became "doomed to become a star", where the actress played Zhenka Azarin. She had to seriously compete for his role, because over 200 actresses came to the casting. But just this image made a student famous. The song The songs of the Dolnikova "on the fragments of Starstel" sounded in the film, and Anna starred in the clip on her.

Adoptedly worked the artist and in other serials of this period. "Challenge", "Airport", "Fighter", "I will not come back" - in all the tapes, Snatkin starred in the lead roles. It is the most difficult, she considers the role of Masha in the television series "I will not return." According to the plot of the main heroine, a severe form of epilepsy. To better enter the role, Anna had to specially ride the hospital and watch the patients with epilepsy.

During the years of study in Vgik, Snatkin starred in 10 tapes. She had so tight schedule that Masha's sister, gathered to go in the footsteps of Ani and become an actress, changed his mind. And Snatkin even managed to combine acting with the career of the singer and in 2005 recorded two songs - the soundtracks for the series "I will not come back." Later, she was so fascinated by the music that he recorded more than a dozen songs, including the famous composition "Different birds".

In 2005, the girl starred in the role of Great Princess Tatiana in the biographical series Igor Zaitseva "Yesenin", telling about the life and work of the great Russian poet. The recent graduate of Vgika managed to work on one set with the stars of Russian cinema Sergey Svezrukov, Oleg Tobacco, Konstantin Khabensky, Gauche Kutsenko, Ksenia Rappoport and Marina Zudina.

Anna Snatkina's creative biography has a bright page that she is rightly proud of. This is the role of Natalia Goncharova in the film "Pushkin. Last Duel "directed by Natalia Bondarchuk. The artist believes that the subconsciously prepared for this role since childhood.

Anna Snatkina and Natalia Rudova

The fact is that the Moscow Aviation Institute belongs to the former estate of potters in the village of Yaropolets. Mother often drove a little any on excursions to a house where Natalia Goncharov lived, so that the girl could better absorb the spirit of Russian history and literature. Anna knows everything about the life of the beloved and the main woman in the life of Alexander Pushkin.

She more than once caught himself thinking that she would like to play the role of the poet's wife in the cinema. For this image, Snatkina had to lose weight by 10 kg and grow hair. After filming, the actress has become optimal for growth (167 cm) weight of 51 kg. Work on the film was dragged for several years. The screens the picture came out in 2006 and received positive feedback from critics and spectators. The role of Pushkin in the film was played by Sergey Bezrukov.

In 2007, Anna received a major role in the TV series "Tatiana Day". The multi-meter melodrama gained popularity. And the audience, and the directors were set up for the 2nd season, but Snatkin and the performer of the other major role Natalia Rudova categorically refused to shoot in the continuation.

In 2010, the celebrity starred in the film's shielding of the Dina Rubina's novel "on the sunny side of the street." The heroine of Snatkaya Katya Shcheglova, having survived the horrors of the blockade, falls into a relatively calm Tashkent, where it is amenable to the influence of the criminal world. The girl is predetermined by an amazing fate to become the mother of the famous artist of Faith Schieglova. In the main heroes of 14-serial saga, Julia Mavrin, Sergey Makovetsky, Alexander Domogarov and Ivan Stebunov were also reincarnated.

Anna Snatkina and Andrey Chernyshov

In 2013, the first channel was the premiere of the family drama "Process", in which Anna performed a major role along with Pavel Barshak, Igor Vernik and Emily Spivak. In the same year, she reincarnated in Sergeant Anna Lavrov in a military film "Save or destroy", telling about the special operation in the rear of the enemy.

In 2015, three films came out with the participation of Snatkina: the detective series "Police station", a military adventure film "Sniper: Hero of Resistance" and a fabulous film "The Mystery of the Snow Queen".

In 2017, the premiere of the series "disappeared", in which the actresses got two main roles at once. She played Katya Savelyev and Lydia Pashkov. The first heroine is a modest housekeeper, which in the near future is going to marry a simple guy. The second is the spoiled and evil wife of the oligarch. The fate of these women is intertwined in the most unexpected way. It turned out a bright detective story with the lyrical component.

In 2018, Anna starred immediately in several projects. The premiere of the detective series "Bars" - the Russian adaptation of the American detective "Castle" took place. The actress in it plays Maria Queen. Together with it, the main roles were performed by Alexey Chumakov and Larisa Udovichenko.

And in June, the audience was assessed by the work of the actress in the dramatic TV series "Watching Iva". The multi-story story about women's fate, love and hatred, which is rooted in a turning point for Russia, the era of the beginning of the 20th century, the viewer fell to taste. Also at the end of 2018, a detective comedy of Radda Novikova "Cop" was published.

In 2019, Anna Snatkina, together with Irina Pegova, starred in high roles in the film "Galka and Gamayun". The picture telling about women's friendship was successful. Therefore, the actresses were invited to the show "Evening Urgant", where they told about the shooting process.

The next job is the film "Desperate", which also involved Anna Banskishov. According to the plot in the whirlpool of events, Rita and Olga are involved. They become witnesses of murder, and then with involuntary criminals. They do not have anything, how to run. On the trail of the runoffs "let dogs" and the police, and criminal groups. Carefully opposed to the nature of the woman learn to trust each other and be friends.

Tele Show

In 2007, the artist accepted the proposal to participate in the TV show "Dancing with the Stars", where in a pair with Evgenia Grigorov took 1st place.

In 2015, Anna, together with his spouse, became a guest of the program of Julia, Lossaya "alone with everyone," where he said that work and fame is only a curtain, which is hidden by real life. Also in an interview with the couple shared their family vision and made a desire to start several children.

In 2016, the actress was invited to shoot a television program "Wife. Love story". On the air, she frankly told about his personal life.

A year later, together with Viktor, the artist starred in "ideal repairs". Spouses asked to help them with the arrangement of the local area. The project was incredible: designers made a summer cinema in the garden.


In 2016, the actress decided to try himself in politics to, as Snatkin claims, to get the opportunity to deal with justice.

Anna passed the election in the State Duma VII convocation as a candidate from the United Russia party. The decision to become a deputy for it is not accidental: long before the elections, the celebrity watched a lot for the work of the State Duma, communicated with the current politicians and found out how the process of writing and approving laws is happening. She wants to help veterans of cinema and theater, as they saw this problem personally.

Anna Snatkina now

2020 was very fruitful. The actress participated in the filming of several paintings at once: "Mountain Mountain", "New Life of Masha Solenova", "Reverse ticket", "Walkiriya" operation. "

The series "Mountain Mountain" has a very fascinating plot. In antiquity, Princess Tumanova hid the casket with emeralds and cursed everyone who wore them. Events unfold in modern time in the village of Stone. All of its inhabitants know the mystical history about the mistress of the mountain, but do not cease to look for the treasure.

Fans happily met and film "New Life Masher Solenova". He talks about a 42-year-old exemplary housewife. Once in her life, the black strip comes - the husband is fired from work. A woman decides to start earning, but can not get anywhere because of his age. Everything decides one case - an error in the date of birth is made in the new passport, and now she is 32 years old.


  • 2003 - "Plot"
  • 2004 - "Fighter"
  • 2005 - "Yesenin"
  • 2006 - "Pushkin. Last Duel »
  • 2007 - "Tatiana Day"
  • 2008 - "General therapy"
  • 2010 - "On the sunny side of the street"
  • 2013 - "Process"
  • 2013 - "save or destroy"
  • 2013 - "The Secret of the Snow Queen"
  • 2015 - "Police Plot"
  • 2015 - "Sniper: Resistance Hero"
  • 2017 - "Bars"
  • 2017 - "Disappeared"
  • 2018 - "Watching Iva"
  • 2018 - "Cop"
  • 2019 - "Galka and Gamayun"
  • 2019 - "Desperate"
  • 2020 - "New Life of Masha Solenova"


  • 2007 - "Dancing with the stars"
  • 2015 - "Alone with all"
  • 2016 - "Wife. Love story"
  • 2017 - "Perfect Repair"

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